Welcome to the CPLA CETL Homepage
The Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy (CPLA) is one of three Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Sheffield Hallam University. The overall purpose of the CPLA is to promote and innovate learning and teaching practices that empower students through innovating ways of enabling them to construct their own knowledge in partnerships with tutors and other students, as well as to acquire responsibility for their own learning. We attempt to do this in a number of ways:
We encourage and support staff at Sheffield Hallam University to think of different ways of actively involving students in their own learning processes (the buzzword that is generally used to describe this is 'learner autonomy');
- We facilitate the implementation of strategic initiative in each of our four faculties;
- We enable a scholarly approach to the learner autonomy agenda; and
- We develop and provide resources in support of out purpose through research, evaluation and capturing the outcomes of supported development projects.
This website will give you a brief overview of CPLA activities, resources on learner autonomy and a variety of teaching and learning practices that can foster a sense of autonomy in learners