About the event
This year's programme
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The Programme
The two days provide exciting opportunities to hear about on going work examining a wide variety of topics all concerned with ensuring that design and development is aware and responsive to designer and developer needs. Of particular relevance this is the focus upon practitioner engagement and participation with a view to constructively exploring the links between research and practice.
Provisional programme
Monday 18th | |
Registration and welcome | 10:00 in Furnival 9020a |
Morning session | Theme: Constraints Daley Chetwynd |
(10:40) | Influence on Novices of Class Structure on Program Comprehension by Ahmed Alardawi et. al. |
(10:55) | Learning programming via worked-examples: learning outcome efficiencies by Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman et. al. |
(11:10) | Text: Visual Language for Improvised Acid House Music by Alex Mclean |
(11:25) | Simplified programming languages by Elizabeth Uruchurtu and Charles Boisvert |
(11.40) | Panel: Using constrainings to channel learning |
(12.00) | Lunch |
Afternoon session | Theme: Novice learning Chris Murray |
(13:30) | The impact of dancing robots on novice programmers by Chris Martin |
(13:45) | Exploring Metrics and Methodologies of Flow for Novice Programming by Mark Zarb |
(14:00) | The Development Process for Novice Programmers by Charles Boisvert |
(14:15) | Panel: Meta-approaches to learning |
(14:40) | Coffee break |
(15:10) | Workshops |
(i) Video Prototyping workshop by Lilian Rodriguez (in Furnival 9203) | |
(ii) Coaching - an open space discussion lead by Marc Johnson (in The GIST Lab) | |
(16:40) | Plenary (in The GIST Lab) |
Evening activities | Shh! Makers, meal and music at The GIST Lab |
(18:30) | Shh! Makers, Physical Computing, RepRaps, Arduino and Dancing Robots!? |
Dinner | |
(21:00) | Improvised Acid House Coding |
Tuesday 19th | |
Introduction to the day | 10:00 in Furnival 9020a |
Morning session | Theme: Continuing Learning Constraints Charles Boisvert |
(10:40) | Facework in a Pair-Programming Session by Chris Bates, Kathy Doherty, and Karen Grainger |
(10:55) | Coding Dojos in Action by John Rooksby and Johanna Hunt |
(11:10) | Expert explanations of software by Rebecca Yates |
(11:25) | Learning to Coach While Delivering Software by Marc Johnson |
(11:40) | Panel: Informal and collaborative learning |
(12.00) | Lunch |
Afternoon session | Theme: Solution Design Chris Bates |
(13:30) | Video-prototyping V-P by Liliana Rodriguez |
(13:45) | An Empirical Study Investigating the Effect of OCL on Solution Preferences by Babak Khazaei |
(14:00) | Physical Computing: Computing in Context and in Touch by Chris Martin et. al. |
(14:15) | Iterative Development and User Feedback by Tim Duckett |
(14:30) | Panel: Interaction and solution design |
(14.50) | Coffee break |
(15:10) | Keynote: Alan Blackwell "When PPIG went GUI: How Psychology of Programming Research Pushes the Boundaries of HCI" |
(16:10) | Wrap-up, prizes and what next |
What else ...
This year's PPIG WIP is emphasising the role of practitioners in understanding and contributing to the workshop as a whole and is benefit from support from Innovation Futures and The GIST Foundation. The GIST Foundation is a charitable organisation that encourages and supports community-driven grassroots innovation with a strong digital interest. The GIST Foundation will running a Sheffield BarCamp the weekend before WIP PPIG. Please feel free to make a long weekend of PPIG WIP by spending sometime there to get you warmed up! (N.B. The PPIG WIP innovation panel are currently considering whether specific prizes will be awarded for presentations that draw insights from the Bar Camp.)
And of course ...
... register for PPIG WIP 2011
The workshop registration fee covers: break freshments, lunches and the evening meal on the 18th. Attendees requiring accommodation will need to make their own arrangements. This Sheffield Hallam page might be useful for finding a suitable hotel near the city campus.

About PPIG