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"Attending to Early Modern Women: Gender, Culture, and Change"

University of Maryland, November 9-11, 2000

The Center for Renaissance and Baroque Studies at the University of Maryland is sponsoring "Attending to Early Modern Women: Gender, Culture, and Change," . This conference is the fourth in a series that explores the lives and work of early modern women from an interdisciplinary perspective. Participants will reflect on the history and future of early modern women's studies, asking what has been learned during the last twenty-five years of research on women and how technology can best be utilized to facilitate research and teaching. In addition to the future of scholarship in the field, the symposium will focus on the complex interaction between "women" and "gender" and asks when a focus on women is appropriate and when it is more fruitful to discuss gender. Several distinguished scholars will present research and lead workshops as they approach conference topics from a variety of disciplines including English and world literatures, art and art history, philosophy, theater, and the history of science. Professors and graduate students will attend lectures and participate in interactive workshops, which are structured around four central themes: stories, goods, faiths, and pedagogy. For registration information, please e-mail crbs@umail.umd.edu, call CRBS at 301-405-6830, or visit the conference website at: http://www.inform.umd.edu/crbs.

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© 2000-, Lisa Hopkins (Editor, EMLS).
(PD 14 March 2000)