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for the submission of Papers, Case Studies, Research Résumé,Book Reviews and Individual/Institutional Subscriptions |
ISSN No. 1463-371X
A peer reviewed Journal, with three issues per annual volume, unique in affording an understanding of the current issues facing organisations crossing the Public-Private divide and which are an ever-growing phenomenon in world politics.
Each issue addresses the key policy areas in which Public-Private Partnerships are emerging and flourishing and seeks to discern:
is being done - how it is being done - where it is being done
- when it is being done
- who is doing it - why it is being done
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To serve academics, executives, practitioners, researchers and policy makers
in the national and international fields by providing the professional community
with quality information to support each other in making a positive contribution
to knowledge.
Whilst the contents of this Journal are related to the author's/co-authors' manuscript at the date of going to press, neither the editor, author/co-authors nor the Publisher can accept any responsibility or liability for any error, omissions, or accuracy of information contained in the text or illustration of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor or Publisher.
Luiz Montanheiro, Sheffield Business School, England, UK.
Alex Alexandrou, Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University,
Professor Bob Haigh, Dearne Valley Business School, England;
Luiz Montanheiro, Sheffield Business School, England;
Dr Peter Moran, Bolton Business School, Bolton Institute, England;
Professor David Morris, School of Business and Finance,Sheffield Hallam University,
Dr Cláudia Rosa Acevedo, Senior Lecturer, Fundação Getúlio
Vargas, São Paulo, Brazil;
George H. Almond MBE, County Fire Officer and Chief Executive, Greater Manchester
County Fire Service, England;
Professor Dr Richard Chapman, Emeritus Professor of Politics, Centre for Public
Sector Management Research, Durham Business School, England;
Dr Peter Falconer, Principal Lecturer, Department of Law and Public Administration,
Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland;
Professor David Farnham, Professor of Employment Relations, Portsmouth Business
School, University of Portsmouth, England;
Dr David Faulkner, Tutorial Fellow at Christ Church College-Oxford, Lecturer
in Management Studies, and Deputy Director of the Said Business School, Oxford
University, England;
Dr Wolfgang Gerstlberger, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany;
David Henshaw, Chief Executive, Liverpool City Council, England;
Arthur T. Himmelman, Consultant, Executive Director of Himmelman Consulting,
Minneapolis, USA;
Dr Nevenka Hrovatin, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University
of Ljubljana, Slovenjia;
Professor Peter Jackson, Professor in Strategic Management and Director of
the Leicester Business School, University of Leicester, England;
Dr Alan Lawton, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Strategy and Policy, Open University
Business School, England;
Dr Margaret Linehan, Senior Lecturer, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork,
Professor Krzysztof Marecki, Dean of the Warsaw Business School, Poland;
Dr Sonny A. Nwankwo, Reader in Marketing, University of East London;
Glyn W. Owen, Research and Policy Manager, Yorkshire Water plc, Leeds, England;
Dr Stephen J. Regan, School of Management, Cranfield University, England;
Dr Mohammed Saad, Head of School of Operations Management, Bristol Business
School, University of the West of England, England;
Doug Shepherd, Senior Lecturer in Public Management, Faculty of Business and
Law, Central Queensland University, Australia;
Professor Dr David W. Sink, Professor and Senior Research Specialist, UALR
Institute of Government, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA;
Dr E. O. Tafah-Edokat, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Yaounde
II, Cameroon, West Africa;
Dr Ljiljana Viducic, Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics,
Split, Croatia;
Professor Graham Winch, Professor of Business Analysis, University of Plymouth
Business School, England.
Professor Bob Haigh, Dearne Valley Business School, England
Dr Peter Moran, Bolton Business School, England;
Professor David Morris, School of Business and Finance, England.
Alex Alexandrou, Royal Military College of Science, Cranfield University,
For each Volumes (3 yearly issues) the subscription is:
Institutional Rate £55.00 (sterling); or US$100.00; or Euro 90.00; and
Individual Rate £25.00 (sterling); or US$50.00; or Euro 40.00.
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1998 Sheffield Hallam University Press, printed in Sheffield, England, UK.