2.3 Questioning the notion
of a `woman's language'
Wave feminists assumed that all women were more deferent, polite, more concerned
with the welfare of others and more co-operative. Third wave feminist linguistics
suggests that this type of speech style is perhaps only available to a very
small number of white middle class women, and even then only within very specific
contexts. Holmes (1995) and Coates (1998)also call for a re-evaluation ofco-operative speech styles and question whether
they necessarily denote powerlessness; both argue that concern for others
in speech should be valued and Holmes in particular claims
that women's greater use of positive politeness within the work environment
leads to more productive discussions. However, whilst all women are not powerless,
we have to accept that, for many people, powerlessness and deference are stereotypically
associated with women and therefore when women speak assertively, their speech
will be considered aberrant and aggressive because they are judged against
a stereotypical norm of deference.This is why many women, as Crawford has shown,
rather than being assertive, decide to temper their speech by using politeness
strategically: `"unassertive" speech, rather than being a (female)
deficiency in social skills, may reflect a sensitivity to the social impact
of one's behaviour.Tentative and indirect
speech may be a pragmatic choice for women.It is more persuasive, at least when the recipient
is male, less likely to lead to negative attributions about personality traits
and likeability, and less likely to provoke verbal attack' (Crawford, 1996:68)Thus, rather than asserting that women are morepolite or indirect than men, Third Wave feminist linguists argue that
women engage in a complex process whereby they assess others' stereotypical
beliefs about gender and then strategically adopt strategies which will be
most likely to achieve their ends; some of those strategies may be ones stereotypically
associated with feminine language. Third Wave feminists tend to avoid discussing
the notion of stereotype since it is one of those problematic concepts often
drawn on unproblematically by Second Wave feminists in their analysis of the
workings of a global gendered ideology; however, it is clear that a hypothesised
stereotype of gendered behaviour informs interaction.For example, Queen has shown that lesbian speech is often produced
in a parodic,ironic playing with hypothesised
stereotypes of `straight' feminine speech and masculine speech (Queen, 1997)Halberstam, in her analysis of masculine women hastried to prise apart the relation between masculinity and men and has
shown that, rather than stereotypes being fixed and either accepted or rejected
by individuals, they are played with, parodied and used for particular strategic
ends, and in the process of being changed and ironisedby individuals they are inevitably globally changed(Halberstam 1998).
of the change in focus in relation to power, there has been a move away from
the analysis of subordinated women. MaryBucholtz argues that in the past :`much of the scholarship in
language and gender has been what might be called "good-girl research"
- studies of "good" (that is normatively female - white straight
middle class) women being "good" (that is normatively feminine)'.
(Bucholtz, 1999:13)Now rather than
analysing women's indirectness or lack of assertiveness, many linguists focus
on strong women speakers and women's resistance to masculine forms of speech,
such as interruption or aggressiveness (Mills, 1999)Clare Walshhas analysed the language of women working within masculinist or male-dominated
environments, for example, women priests,MPs and environmental campaigners. (Walsh,
2000) She hasfound that women within
institutions are often viewed very negatively and if they use direct, confrontational
language they are often criticised (Walsh,
2001).SylviaShaw (2002) has also analysed the language use of women
MPs and has shown that whilst women are very able to adopt the type of aggressive
formalised Parliamentary debating techniques which have been developed by
male MPs, they may be judged differently to men when they do so. She has also
shown that women MPs tend to adhere to the speaking rules very strictly, observing
Parliamentary forms of address, protocol and etiquette, whereas the male MPs
often manage to achieve certain advantages for themselves by breaking the
rules. Marjorie Harness Goodwin has analysed girls' language in play and has
contested the notion that girls' language is necessarily more co-operative
or nicer than boys', showing that girls use direct and confrontational language
(Goodwin, 1998).In her
most recent work, she argues that it is expertise, for example in play, which
determines who uses assertive language, rather than sex difference.BonnieMcElhinny has analysed the language of women police officers
in Pittsburgh and found that theyfeel obliged to adopt particular masculine ways of speaking simply
to appear to be doing their job in a professional way (McElhinny, 1998).They adopt what she calls `an economy of affect'
because disinterestedness is demanded of police officers by the public, since
it signifies authoritativeness and impartiality.McElhinny argues `that women who move into powerful
and masculine institutions sometimes adopt the interactional behaviour characteristic
of these institutions might disappoint some feminists.But it seems clear that who we think can do
certain jobs changes more rapidly than expectations about how these jobs should
be done. The process by which women enter a masculine workplace necessarily
includes some adoption as well as adaptation of institutional norms.' (McElhinny,
1998: 322) Thus, all of these studies suggest that women, when entering primarily
masculine environments, adopt the language styles prevalent in those institutions,
and those styles themselves are both an indicator of masculinity and also
of professionalism.McElhinny states
that ` masculinity is not referentially (or directly) marked by behaviours
and attitudes but is indexically linked to them (in mediated non-exclusive
probabilistic ways)' (ibid). Alice Freed, in her analysis of the language
styles of intimate conversation,suggests that masculinity and femininity should
be seen as a characteristic of the context or situation, rather than an attribute
of individuals (Freed, 1996) She argues that intimate self-disclosing conversation
is associated with stereotypical femininity and therefore when males engage
in such conversations, they may tend to display the same `feminine' speech
styles as women.[10] Thus, these Third Wave feminist analyses are interested
in analysing the way that masculinity and femininity can be seen to exist
at an institutional level, linked in some ways to particular institutional
contexts rather than simply at the level of the individual and can be associated
stereotypically with attributes such as professionalism and competence.
are certain contexts, however, where women do seem to have brought changes
into the predominantly masculine norms in institutions.Wendy Webster's analysis of Margaret Thatcher's speech styles demonstrates
that rather than simply adopting the speech norms associated with the role
of Prime Minister, Thatcher integrated more feminine elements into her overallstyle, incorporating elements of self-disclosure
and informality with a more public authoritative discourse (Webster,1990)Thus, women's negotiations with the speech norms of the context within
which they find themselves should not be seen as simple capitulation to dominant
forms.However, generally as yet these feminine forms
do not seem to have been adopted by male politicians.[11]Furthermore, we should see women's adoption
of masculine dominant forms as strategic and perhaps argue that women's adoption
of positions of institutional status may result in the use of language styles
which are characterised by a different approach to `doing power'.Thus, as Diamond has argued in her analysis
of group dynamics in a group of psychotherapists, in certain contexts, those
in positions of institutional authority in fact do not use direct commands
and assertiveness, preferring to use indirectness (Diamond, 1996).[12] Third Wave feminist linguistics forces us to reconsider
the way that we think that power is exercised through language, but perhaps
does not enable us to describe adequately the way that rank within an organisation
may influence our localised interactions.