Submission Guide
Submission criteriaDAOL is an international journal published in the English language and with a broad remit to seek papers from all areas of discourse work. Possible research areas include, but are not exclusively, the following:
The review panel has been constituted to have expertise in this wide range of topics. Papers published in DAOL will adhere to the aims and scope of the journal. They should demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics:
All articles will, wherever possible, use the technologies of the World Wide Web to present and represent discourse work and data in novel and innovative ways. What to submitA submission typically has two components:
The articlePapers can be submitted in three formats: as an HTML file; as a Microsoft Word file; or as a Rich Text File (RTF) from other word processors. From the submitted file we produce both HTML (Web Page) and PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) versions of submissions, preprints and final articles. The HTML version forms the on-line version of the article. The PDF version is for readers to download and print. We can convert both ways between HTML and Word/RTF. Providing us with both HTML and Word/RTF versions of papers is best. Word versions of papers ensure that figures in the article remain at the highest resolution in the PDF version. HTML: A single HTML file (plus files for figures)The HTML file will be automatically converted into the DAOL format for discussion. Numeric and author/date citations will be automatically linked to their targets by our publishing toolkit. Authors, as the subject matter experts, should insert relevant links to guide readers between sections or to external resources. We will then convert this into the DAOL 'look and feel'. We wish to encourage authors to exploit relevant multimedia possibilities to the fullest - the linear article is not the only possible structure for communicating ideas. Consider complementing it with an alternative presentation of your material, e.g. a hypertext tour of data or your analysis, or audio/visual examples of data. Word/RTFIf you have high resolution versions of figures for printing, a Microsoft Word document will help readers as we can then ensure high resolution figures in the PDF version of your paper. A Word document can be Windows or MacOS. You can also "Save As RTF" format from other wordprocessors, which Word will then convert. The Styleguide Templates will assist you in formatting your Word document and the HTML version. The main requirements are to have numbered section headings, and to follow the author-date citation format. As a minimum we require that authors submit a single HTML file plus figures, or a single Word/RTF file. Submitting both an HTML and a Word/RTF version is best. Supplementary materialDAOL authors can bring their submissions to life through the provision of multimedia content - such as audio, video or multi-modal materials relating to the discourse being analysed. For example, authors could include audio segments linked to the transcript. With careful indexing and linkage to the article this technology offers a rigorous and innovative method for the presentation of discourse research and the peer appraisal of analysis. Some possibilities using current technologies are:
For archival purposes, we prefer to store local copies of multimedia supplementary material on the journal's server, but if this is not possible, then links to your own server are acceptable. Submission mediaThe simplest way to submit is by email attachment. Alternative routes include:
Styleguide templatesThe formatting of your Word document and the HTML version should follow the DAOL styleguide. The styleguide is available in HTML and RTF formats. The templates describe the submission style for DAOL articles as well as being useable as templates for your HTML, Word or RTF file. HTML TemplateThe HTML Template illustrates the web version of this guide.
You should then save the template by clicking on "Save As..." on your browser's File menu. You can then use this file as the template for your article. The HTML guidelines are primarily to minimise problems when we automatically mark up your article with our toolkit. RTF TemplateThe RTF Template (Rich Text Format) can be imported into Word or other word processors.
First save the file to your own computer and then open it using your word processor. When you open the file in Word it may ask you to confirm that the file is in RTF format. If you are using Word you can then save the file as a Word file by clicking on "Save As ..." in the File menu and selecting the Word file format. You can then use this file as the template for your article. Where to submitSubmissions by email to daol@shu.ac.uk or by post to the address below. |
DAOL Team, |