Bartholomew Fair/ Saint Giles' Fair

Words by Ben Jonson (1614) cited from Ben Jonson Four Comedies ed. Helen Ostovich (London: Longman, 1997).
Pictures by Matt Steggle and Charlotte Suthrell, St. Giles' Fair, Oxford, England, September 1998.
Feel free to use this as a resource in whatever way - as long as you let me know how it goes.
Now pig, it is a meat, and a meat that is nourishing... It may be eaten, very exceeding well eaten. But in the Fair, and as a Bartholomew-pig, it cannot be eaten, for the very calling it a Bartholomew-pig, and to eat it so, is a spice of idolatry, and you make the Fair no better than one of the high places." (1.6.44-49).

"This's fine, verily: 'Here be the best pigs, and she does roast 'em as well as ever she did', the pig's head says." (3.2.58-59).

"Many are the yearly enormities of the fair, in whose courts of Pie-Powders I have had the honour during the three days sometimes to sit as judge. But this is the special day for the detection of those foresaid enormities." (2.2.35-38).

"Look not toward them, hearken not. The place is Smithfield, or the field of smiths, the grove of hobbyhorses and trinkets: the wares are the wares of devils. And the whole Fair is the shop of Satan!... Therefore you must not look, nor turn toward them - The heathen man could stop his ears with wax against the harlot o'the sea. Do you the like with your fingers against the bells of the Beast." (3.2.34-41)

"Those six horses, friend, I'll have... - and the three Jew's trumps, and half a dozen o'birds, and that drum - I have a drum already - and.. four halberts - and - le' me see - that fine painted great lady..."

"Peace with thy apocryphal wares, thou profane publican: thy bells, thy dragons and thy Toby's dogs. Thy hobbyhorse is an idol, a very idol, a fierce and rank idol. And thou, the Nebuchadnezzar, the proud Nebuchadnezzar of the Fair, that set'st it up for children to fall down to and worship." (3.6.48-52).

"He that had means to travel your head now should meet finer sights than any are i'the Fair, and make a finer voyage on it, to see it all hung with cockle-shells, pebbles, fine wheat-straws, and here and there a chicken's feather and a cobweb." (1.5.81-85)

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