Academic Discussion Groups and Internet News Groups
- Academic Discussion Groups on Topics Related
to the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries -
[A Note on Listservs, EARLYM-L, ExLibris, FICINO, GEMCS-L,
- Related Academic Discussion Lists -
- Related Internet News Groups -
Academic Discussion Groups on Topics Related to the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- This list has been gathered with assistance from a number of sources, most prominently that of the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences compiled by Diane K. Kovacs and others.
- EARLYM-L: A forum for the exchange of news and views about Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music.
- EARLYM-L Listserv Archive: Not yet available.
- EARLYM-L Membership Information: WWW Home Page at <>. Contact Gerhard Gonter,
- ExLibris: ExLibris is a news and discussion group using the listserv technology; it was established in 1990. It provides an environment for discussing matters related to rare book and manuscript librarianship, including special collections and related issues. Memberships open to anyone who wishes to subscribe. There are presently over 1400 subscribers.
- FICINO: Discussion of the Renaissance and Reformation. FICINO is an international electronic seminar and bulletin-board devoted to all aspects of the Renaissance and Reformation. The aim of Ficino is to further lively discussion and rapid exchange of information amongst scholars with an interest in its subject areas. Sponsored by the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS) Victoria University, University of Toronto.
- FICINO Listserv Archive: Private.
- FICINO Membership Information: Contact Prof. William Bowen,
- GEMCS-L: The GEMCS-L list is meant as a forum for the discussion of early modern culture, both western and eastern. (The boundaries of the "early modern" are problematic--they might be, in fact, a fruitful topic of discussion. For now, though, we're defining them as the period between 1492 and 1850). We invite people working in a wide range of disciplines to join us in discussing the way such issues as race, class, gender, the body, sexuality, science, nationalism, and imperialism are being reshaped by recent work in critical and cultural theory. In defining the Early Modern period broadly to include the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and early 19th century of Western civilization, we hope to foster an exchange of ideas across traditional boundaries of historical specialization.
- GEMCS-L Listserv Archive: Contact Moderator.
- GEMCS-L Membership Information: Contact Kevin LaGrandeur and Jody DeRitter,; under "subject," write "informational question."
- HUMANIST: Humanist is an international electronic seminar devoted to all aspects of humanities computing. Members use it to exchange information among themselves, ask questions, make announcements, and volunteer information they think will be useful to others. Its primary goal is to provide a wide-ranging forum for discussion that will help advance our understanding of the field and will foster the development of a community out of the many individuals for whom computing is integral to the humanities.
- Humanist is published by the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH, Princeton and Rutgers). Technical support is provided by Computing and Information Technology (CIT, Princeton), and both CETH and CIT are involved in software development. Its editor is Willard McCarty (Kings College, London).
- How to join: Humanist has a home page on the World Wide Web, at the URL, where information is supplied about how to apply for membership, search the archives, and manage one's subscription. The only requirement for membership is that one complete the subscription form, giving some biographical information as well as addresses and the like. Experience has shown that the "Humanist biographies" furnish a valuable means of building the sense of community and introducing like-minded people to each other.
- JOHN_DEE: a list to discuss John Dee. To subscribe, send email to: with no subject line and the following line as the body of your message: SUBSCRIBE JOHN_DEE (firstname) (lastname). Post to JOHN_DEE at
- LANYER: This list discusses the works of Aemilia Lanyer. To subscribe, send the message:
- SUBSCRIBE Lanyer (firstname) (lastname)
- MARCAV-L: This list discusses Margaret Cavendish. To subscribe, send the message:
- MED-AND-REN-MUSIC: Enables those engaged on research into any aspect of Medieval and Renaissance Music to exchange information. This includes questions of research, conference details and reports, library information and any other useful material.
- MED-AND-REN-MUSIC Listserv Archive: Not yet available.
- MED-AND-REN-MUSIC Membership Information: Contact Dr. Isobel Preece,
- MILTON-L: The John Milton E-conference is for scholars, students, and others interested in the life and work of John Milton. As participation grows Milton-L will also serve as a repository for information on the current state of Milton scholarship.
- REED-L: Records of Early English Drama Discussion.
- REED-L Membership Information: Contact Dr. Abigail Young,
- REED-L website:
- RENAIS-L: RENAIS-L deals with Early Modern History of the Renaissance and is a forum for debate, discussion, and the exchange of information by students and scholars of the history of the Renaissance. RENAIS-L is ready to distribute newsletters from study groups, and to post announcements of meetings and calls for papers, short scholarly pieces, queries, and other items of interest. Sponsored by the University of Louisville.
- RENAIS-L homepage:
- RENAIS-L Membership Information: Contact James A. Cocks,
- RENDANCE: A list for discussion of Renaissance dance. The intended focus of the list is dance reconstruction and related research, but discussion on any relevant topic is welcomed. Discussion of Medieval and Baroque dance is also considered relevant.
- The RENDANCE WWW Page is located at
- RESTORATION CULTURE: a new listserv group for the discussion of Restoration Culture, which can include all aspects of cultural expression in the Restoration period (however that period may be defined). Subscribers need to send the message "SUBSCRIBE RESTORATION [YOUR NAME]" to Because we are a new group we have few participants, so we would appreciate any cross-posting of this message or forwarding to potentially interested parties.
- For more information e-mail the listowner at
- SHAKSPER: The Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference. SHAKSPER is the international electronic conference for Shakespearean researchers, instructors, students, and those who share their academic interests and concerns. It currently involves nearly 1000 SHAKSPEReans (many of whom are prominent scholars), from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. SHAKSPER has been mentioned in Canadian Humanities Computing, REACH, the Shakespeare Bulletin, the Shakespeare Newsletter, the SAA Bulletin, Cahiers Elisabethaines, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, a NCTE volume on teaching Shakespeare, Shakespeare Quarterly, and many more places.
- Like the national and international Shakespeare Association conferences, SHAKSPER offers announcements and bulletins, scholarly papers, and the formal exchange of ideas -- but SHAKSPER also offers ongoing opportunities for spontaneous informal discussion, eavesdropping, peer review, and a fresh sense of worldwide scholarly community. Furthermore, all these benefits are yours without any travel or expense, beyond whatever you or your institution may have to puffier electronic mail itself.
- The SHAKSPER Fileserver offers conference papers and abstracts, an International Directory of Shakespeare Institutes, biographies of conference members, and a variety of announcements and bibliographies. Members of a number of seminars at the upcoming Shakespeare Association of America Conference will find their colleagues ready to share papers, comments, and strategies in advance.
- The daily SHAKSPER digests are organized by subject for the reader's convenience, based on the model of the Bitnet seminar HUMANIST. Conference announcements, Shakespeare Association bulletins, member notes and queries, book and theatre reviews, textual debate, discussion of lecture strategies-- SHAKSPER has already logged all this and much more. (And although computer technology plays an obvious role in the medium of discussion, it does not dominate the actual content of SHAKSPER's discussion.)
- See the website,
- The Sidney-Spenser List is intended to serve as an online discussion of the early English Renaissance, with focus on Edmund Spenser, Sir Philip Sidney, and their contemporaries: Mary Sidney, Fulke Greville, George Gascoigne, and others.
Related Academic Discussion Lists
- ETEXTCTR is a discussion list for E-text centers, Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. The Center was established to catalog humanities e-texts and to advocate use of the TEI guidelines (sgml).
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? Yes.
- Archives: Yes.
- Contact Address: Pamela Cohen
- Submission Address: Contact the Moderator.
- CHAUCER is devoted to Chaucer and Middle English language and culture, 1100-1500, and is sponsored by the New Chaucer Society.
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? No.
- Archives: Private.
- Contact Address: Thomas H. Bestul
- Submission Address:
- CHUG-L: Brown University Computing in the Humanities.
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? Yes.
- Archives: Yes.
- Contact Address: Elli Mylonas, Allen Renear
- Submission Address:
- H-CLC is a discussion of computers and literary study.
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? Yes.
- Archives: Contact the moderator.
- Contact Address: Randolph Pope
- Submission Address:
- H-RHETOR is an international electronic forum for scholars and teachers of the history of rhetoric, writing, and communication. The primary purpose of H-RHETOR is to enable historians to communicate current research and research interests; to discuss new articles, books, papers, approaches, methods and tools of analysis; and to test new ideas and share comments and tips on teaching.
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? Yes.
- Archives: Yes.
- Contact Address: Gary Hatch
- Submission Address:
- IATH-L is the main discussion group for the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia. The Institute was established in 1992 with a grant from IBM and support from the University, with the aim of exploring and demonstrating the applications of computer technology to research, scholarship, and creative activities in the humanities. Fellows at the Institute are scholars in the humanities who receive project-specific technical support from computing professionals; the Institute is also dedicated to developing software and promoting the application of information technology to research and publication in the humanities. The purpose of this list is threefold: to function as a general list for IATH, where local and networked Institute fellows and their associates may communicate, to provide a forum for discussion of the disciplinary and professional aspects of computing in the humanities, and to archive and publish reference materials and excerpted discussions from this and related lists.
- Subscription Address:
- Submission Address:
- MANTOVANO is "an online, ongoing discussion of Virgil and his influence. The ...list exists to discuss the works attributed to Virgilius Maro; commentary on Virgil and his works from late antiquity, from the middle ages, from the Renaissance, and from the Enlightenment to the present; Virgil's influence of subsequent literature (e.g., Lucan, Statius, Dante, Ariosto, Petrarch, Tasso, Spenser, Milton). "
- Home Page:
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? No.
- Archives? No.
- Contact Address: David Wilson-Okamura< /A>.
- Submission Address:
- SIRIS-L is a discussion group carrying out a detailed reading of Berkeley's Siris. Joyce Rappaport is the discussion moderator, but SIRIS-L is set for open, direct exchange. Those interested in 18th-century studies, the history of philosophy, etc. are welcome to join the discussion.
- Subscription Address:
- Moderated? Yes.
- Archives: Yes.
- Contact Address: Joyce Rappaport, Kevin Berland
- Submission Address:
Related Internet News Groups (This section is under development.)
The following are a selection of non-specialist Internet newsgroups which may be of interest to EMLS readers. Note: This section requires that you have a newsreader configured to your WWW browser.
This page is no longer current, and represents a snapshot of the newsgroup resources available to early modern scholars some years ago. Anyone interested in putting together a new version of the page should contact the Editor,
� 2009, Matthew Steggle (Editor, EMLS).