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1603: The Historical and Cultural Consequences of the Accession of James I

A Two-Day International Conference to be held at The Centre for Renaissance Studies, University of Hull

27–28 June 2003

The Centre for Renaissance Studies at the University of Hull will host an international interdisciplinary conference to mark the 400th anniversary of James VI's accession to the English throne as James I. The conference aims to assess the impact of the change of dynasty on England, as well as the impact of the Union of Crowns on Scotland. The conference will take place at the University of Hull, 27-28 June 2003. Scholars working in the fields of history, literature, drama, art history, music history, theology, law, or any relevant subject are invited to submit suggestions for papers that they would like to offer. Papers will be about 30 minutes in length. Offers of papers should be submitted with titles and a brief abstract (200-300 words) by 30 September 2002. It is intended that a selection of the papers will appear in a special number of the Centre's electronic journal, Renaissance Forum, to appear in the Autumn of 2003. Please indicate in offers of papers whether or not you are willing to have your paper considered for publication in this way. Offers may be sent in hard copy or electronically, either as an attachment in PC versions of MS Word or in the body of an email.

Please send all offers of papers or any other inquiries to one of the conference organisers:

Mr Rowlie Wymer
Department of Humanities (English)
University of Hull
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1482 465704

Professor Glenn Burgess,
Department of History,
University of Hull
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1482 465633

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© 2000-, Lisa Hopkins (Editor, EMLS).
(PD 27 May 2001)