John Milton: Poet, Priest and Prophet

©   John Spencer Hill


At the end of this page there are hypertext links out to other parts of the book, as well as back to John Spencer Hill's Home Page.



 CV    A Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton.  Merritt
       Y. Hughes, general editor.  Projected in 5 vols (New York and
       London, 1970-*).

 CW    The Works of John Milton.  F. A. Patterson, general editor.
       18 vols, plus 2 vols Index (New York, 1931-8).

 DB    Dictionary of the Bible.  James Hastings, editor.  Revised
       edition (New York, 1963).

 DDC   Milton, De Doctrina Christiana.

 ELH   A Journal of English Literary History.

 ES    English Studies.

 JEGP  Journal of English and Germanic Philology.

 LM    David Masson.  The Life of John Milton.  6 vols, plus Index
       (first published, 1880; reprinted, New York, 1965).

 MB    William Riley Parker.  Milton: A Biography.  2 Vols  (Oxford,

 MLN   Modern Language Notes.

 MLQ   Modern Language Quarterly.

 MLR   Modern Language Review.

 MQ    Milton Quarterly.

 ODCC  The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.  F. L. Cross
       and E. A. Livingstone, editors.  Second edition (London, New
       York and Toronto, 1974).

 OED   Oxford English Dictionary.

 PL    Milton, Paradise Lost.

 PM    The Poems of John Milton.  John Carey and Alastair
       Fowler, editors (London and Harlow, 1968).

 PMLA  Publications of the Modern Language Association.

 PQ    Philological Quarterly.

 PR    Milton, Paradise Regained.

 RES   Review of English Studies.

 SA    Milton, Samson Agonistes.

 SEL   Studies in English Literature.


 SM    The Student's Milton.  F. A. Patterson, editor.  Revised
       edition (New York, 1957).

 SOED  The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.  Third edition, 
       revised (Oxford, 1975).

 SP    Studies in Philology.

 TLS   The Times Literary Supplement.

 UTQ   University of Toronto Quarterly.

 YP    Complete Prose Works of John Milton.  Don M. Wolfe,
       general editor.  Projected in 8 vols (New Haven and
       London, 1953-*).

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