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Mirror Site of the:

Last updated 1/08/98.

This page <http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~rbear/> seeks to collect any and all Net materials pertaining to the works and life of Edmund Spenser. It is published by Renascence Editions at the University of Oregon. The editor is Richard Bear. Many of these texts are in very large files and will load slowly, especially if you are on a modem connection; patience will be rewarded. Suggested for viewing: Netscape 2.0 or later, with a serif font such as Palatino or Times at 12 point size. Additions to, corrections of, and comments on this page to: rbear@oregon.uoregon.edu. If you are doing scholarly work, see this important disclaimer.

Poem dedicatory.

Spenser texts from Renascence Editions:

Some other works available from Renascence Editions may be of interest.

Spenser texts from other sites:


Some useful links:

Awards that these pages have received: Awards Page