And with that she went away a good pace, leauing the supplication
with her Maiestie, which very formerly contained this.
Most gracious Soueraigne,
To one whose state is raised over all,
Whose face doth oft, the bravest sort enchant,
Whose mind is such, as wisest minds appall,
Who in one selfe these diuerse gifts can plant;
How dare I wretch seeke there my woes to rest,
Where eares be burnt, eyes dazled, harts opprest?
Your State is great, your greatnesse is our shield,
Your face hurts oft, but still it doth delight,
Your mind is wise, your wisdome makes you mild,
Such planted gifts enrich even beggers sight:
So dare I wretch my bashfull feare subdue,
And feede mine eares, mine eyes, my hart in you.
Her most Excellent Maiestie
one apparrelled like an honest mans wife of the countrey, where crying out
for iustice, and desiring all the Lords and Gentlemen to speake a
good word for her, she was brought to the presence of her
Maiestie to whom vpon her knees she offered
a supplication, and vsed this speech.
The Suitor
Most faire Lady, for as for other your titles of
state statelier persons shall giue you, and thus much mine owne eies
are witnesses of, take here the complaint of me poore wretch, as
deeply plunged in miserie, as I wish you to the highest point of
One onely daughter I have, in whom I had placed all the hop[e]s of
my good hap, so well had she with her good parts recompenced my paine
of bearing her, and care of bringing her vp: but now alas that shee is
come to the time I should reape my full comfort of her, so is shee
troubled with that notable matter, which wee in the countrey call
matrimonie, as I cannot chuse but feare the losse of her wits, at
least of her honesty. Other women thinke they may bee vnhappily
combred with one master husband, my poore daughter is oppressed with
two, both louing her, both equally liked of her, both striuing to
deserue her. But now lastly (as this iealousie forsooth is a vile
matter) each haue brought their pertakers with them, and are at this
present, (without your presence redresse it) in some bloudy
controuersie now sweete Lady helpe, your owne way guides you to the
place where they incomberd her: I dare stay here no longer, for our
men say in the countrey, the sight of you is infectious.