Although we will accept submissions in ASCII format, we would prefer submissions to be emailed as zipped word-processing files (either WordPerfect of Microsoft Word). If a submission is made in ASCII format, the following conventions must be used: &ltb&gtbold text</b> is indicated by tags which surround the text that is to appear in bold, likewise with &lti&gtitalicized text</i>, &ltu&gtunderlined text</u>, and &ltsup&gtsuperscript</sup> superscript is used for note numbers in the text, and notes themselves appear at the end of the document. A document outlining the representation of non-ASCII characters is available on-site.

Current Work

All submissions should provide the following information:

If you are including material which is about to be published elsewhere (which will be posted here until the publication date), you should also provide us with:

Proof of acceptance can be faxed to the Editorial Assistant, EMLS at (604) 822-6906, or sent by post to:

Editorial Assistant, EMLS
c/o Department of English
University of British Columbia
397 Buchanan Tower
1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC

Conference Material

Both individual authors and panel moderators are encouraged to submit material to iEMLS and should provide:

All submissions and inquiries can be sent to Joanne Woolway at

iEMLS Home Page

© 1996, R.G. Siemens (Editor, EMLS).

[JM, JW 30 April 1996]