1. John Cosin, A Collection of Private Devotions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967 (liii + 371pp. + 3 plates).
2. Henry More, Democritus Platonissans. The Augustan Reprint Society, 130. Los Angeles: University of California, 1968. Reprinted, New York: AMS, 1995 (xii + 62pp.).
3. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 600–1660, vol. 1: "Fisher to Donne"; "Richard Hooker"; "Martin Marprelate"; "The Caroline Divines." Cambridge, 1974. Cols. 1915–2006 (46pp.).
3a. CBEL 3. Vol. 1: "Sermons and Devotional Writings"; "Richard Hooker"; "The Marprelate Controversy." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
4. William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life and The Spirit of Love (an edition, with Austin Warren). New York: Paulist Press, 1978, 1998 (526pp.).
5. Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Books VI, VII, VIII). The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker, vol. 3. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1981 (lxxx + 644pp. + 14 plates).
6. John Donne and the Theology of Language (with Heather Ross Asals). Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1986 (384pp.).
7. Jeremy Taylor, Holy Living and Holy Dying. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. Oxford English Texts. Vol. 1: Holy Living (lxxv + 346pp. + 10 illus.); vol. 2: Holy Dying (xxviii + 284pp. + 4 illus.).
8. Milton, Guided Independent Study (English 375). UBC Access, 1989, rev. 1997.
9. The Sempiternal Season: Studies in Seventeenth-Century Devotional Writing. Seventeenth-Century Texts and Studies, 3. New York: Peter Lang, 1992 (xiii + 185pp. + 2 illus.).
10. Of Poetry and Politics: New Essays on Milton and His World. Binghamton, NY: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1995 (xxi + 333pp. + 5 illus.). Twenty-one original essays from the Fourth International Milton Symposium, edited and with an introduction.
11. Izaak Walton: 1593–1683. Twayne English Authors Series , 548. New York: Twayne, 1998 (xviii + 126pp.).
12. Selected Prose of Christina Rossetti (with David A. Kent). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998 (xii + 404pp. + 10 illus.).
13. Contributing editor, The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, vol. 7, part 1: "The Divine Poems: The Holy Sonnets," general editor, Gary A. Stringer. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.
1. "On the ‘Baroque’ Sensibility," in Teacher and Critic: Essays by and about Austin Warren. Ed. Myron Simon and Harvey Gross. Los Angeles: Plantin Press, 1976. Pp. 146–49.
2. "Christina Rossetti’s Devotional Prose," in The Achievement of Christina Rossetti. Ed. David A. Kent. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, rept. 1989. Pp. 231–47.
3. "On Altering the Present to Fit the Past," in Approaches to Teaching the Metaphysical Poets. Ed. Sidney Gottlieb. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1990. Pp. 75–80. Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 28.
4. "Preface," John Donne: Selections. Ed. John E. Booty. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. Pp. 3–8.
5. "Milton’s Lycidas and Earlier Seventeenth-Century Opera," in Milton in Italy: Contexts, Images, Contradictions. Ed. Mario A. DiCesare. Binghamton, NY: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1991. Pp. 293–303.
6. "A Panel Discussion," in Renaissance Discourses of Desire: Sexuality
in Renaissance Non-Dramatic Literature. Ed. Claude Summers and Ted–Larry Pebworth. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993. Pp. 259–62.7. "Liturgy, Worship, and the Sons of Light," in New Perspectives on the Seventeenth-Century English Religious Lyric. Ed. John R. Roberts. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1994. Pp. 105–23.
8. "Of Prelacy and Polity in Milton and Hooker," in Heirs of Fame: Milton and Writers of the English Renaissance. Ed. Margo Swiss and David A. Kent. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1995. Pp. 66–84.
9. "The Structure of Wit" (with Lee M. Johnson), in The Wit of Seventeenth-Century Poetry. Ed. Claude Summers and Ted–Larry Pebworth. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1995. Pp. 22–41.
10. "Donne’s Earliest Sermons and the Penitential Tradition," in John Donne’s Religious Imagination: Essays in Honor of John T. Shawcross. Ed. Raymond–Jean Frontain and Frances Malpezzi. Conway, AR: University of Central Arkansas Press, 1995. Pp. 66–84.
11. "Donne’s Reinvention of the Fathers: Sacred Truths Suitably Expressed," in Sacred and Profane: Secular and Devotional Interplay in Early Modern British Literature. Ed. Helen Wilcox, Richard Todd, and Alasdair MacDonald. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1995. Pp. 195–201.
12. "Richard Hooker’s Discourse and the Deception of Posterity," in English Renaissance Prose: History, Language, and Politics. Ed. Neil Rhodes. Tempe, AZ: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1997. Pp. 75–90.
13. "Revisiting Joseph Beaumont," in Discovering and Recovering the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric, ed. Eugene Cunnar and Jeffrey Johnson. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2000.
14. "Community and Social Order in the Great Tew Circle," in Literary Circles and Cultural Communities in Renaissance England, ed. Claude Summers and Ted–Larry Pebworth. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2001.
1. "Hooker and Spenser," in Spenser Encyclopedia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
2. "John Cosin" and "John Hales," in Dictionary of Literary Biography: British Prose Writers of the Early Seventeenth Century, vol. 151. Ed. Clayton Lein. Detroit: Gale Research, 1995.
3. "William Law," in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Edward Craig. London: Routledge, 1998.
4. "W. A. Mozart," "Henry Purcell," "Richard Strauss," in The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Ed. Jack Zipes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.
5. "Lancelot Andrewes," in Tudor England: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Arthur F. Kinney. Hamden, CT: Garland, 2001.
6. "Edward Benlowes," "Giles Fletcher," "Phineas Fletcher," in The New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.
1. "The Triumph of the Sea: Three Poems of John Peale Bishop (1892–1944)," Jahrbuch f¸r Amerikastudien 8 (1963): 212–18.
2. "St. Teresa and Joseph Beaumont’s Psyche," Journal of English and Germanic Philology 62 (1963): 533–50.
3. "A Portrait of Stuart Orthodoxy," Church Quarterly Review 165 (1964): 27–39.
4. "John Cosin as Homilist," Anglican Theological Review 47 (1965): 276–89.
5. "Richard Crashaw at Rome," Notes and Queries n.s. 13 (1966): 256–57.
6. "A Donne Discovery," Times Literary Supplement [London], 19 October 1967: 984. Rept. in The Complete Poetry of John Donne, ed. John T. Shawcross (New York: New York University Press, 1967, 1968); in John Donne, Ignatius His Conclave, ed. T. S. Healy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969): 174–75; and in The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, ed. Gary A. Stringer et al. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995), 8:252–53, 467–71.
7. "Cosin’s Correspondence" (with A. I. Doyle), Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 5.1 (1969): 74–78.
8. "Poetry Manuscripts of the Seventeenth Century in the Durham Cathedral Library," Durham University Journal n.s. 31 (1970): 81–90.
9. "Contemporary and Patristic Borrowing in the Caroline Divines," Renaissance Quarterly 23 (1970): 421–29.
10. "‘Essential Joye’ in Donne’s Anniversaries," Texas Studies in Literature and Language 13 (1971): 227–38. Rept. in Essential Articles for the Study of Donne’s Poetry, ed. John R. Roberts. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1975. Pp. 387–96.
11. "Richard Hooker’s Use of Thomas More" (with Laetitia Yeandle), Moreana 35 (1972): 5–16.
12. "The Liveliness of Flesh and Blood: Herbert’s ‘Prayer I’ and ‘Love III,’" Seventeenth-Century News 31 (Summer 1973): 52–53.
13. "An Autograph Manuscript by Richard Hooker" (with Laetitia Yeandle), Manuscripta 18 (1974): 38–42.
14. "Stobaeus and Classical Borrowing in the Renaissance, with special reference to Richard Hooker and Jeremy Taylor," Neophilologus 59 (1975): 141–46.
15. "The Richard Hooker Manuscripts" (on the autograph notes and drafts of Book VIII of the Ecclesiastical Polity, in Trinity College, Dublin), Long Room [Dublin] 2 (1975): 7–10.
16. "Fantasy and Fairy Tale in Twentieth-Century Opera," Mosaic 10.2 (1977): 183–95.
17. "Three Manuscript Sermon Fragments of Richard Hooker" (with Laetitia Yeandle), Manuscripta 21 (1977): 33–37.
18. "John Donne’s Sermon Notes," Review of English Studies 29 (1978): 313–20.
19. "Time and Liturgy in Donne, Crashaw, and T. S. Eliot," Mosaic 12.2 (1979): 91–105.
20. "Seventeenth-Century English Literature and Contemporary Criticism," Anglican Theological Review 62 (1980): 62–73.
21. "Time and Liturgy in Herbert’s Poetry," George Herbert Journal 5 (Fall 1981/Spring–Summer 1982): 19–30.
22. "Affliction and Flight in Herbert’s Poetry: A Note," Early Modern Literary Studies 1.2 (August 1995): 5.1–11. <>
23. "Donne’s Art of Preaching and the Reconstruction of Tertullian," John Donne Journal 15 (1996): 153–69.
24. "Lives of Devotion: The Correspondence of Isaac Basire and Francis Corbett, 1635–1660," Early Modern Literary Studies 5.1 (May 1999): x.1–19. With illustrations. <>
REVIEWS (selected, principally appearing in learned and professional journals)
1. W. R. Mueller, John Donne: Preacher, in Anglican Theological Review 45 (1963): 428–32.
2. Joan Webber, Contrary Music: The Prose Style of John Donne, in Anglican Theological Review 46 (1964): 123–24.
3. P. A. Welsby, George Abbot, The Unwanted Archbishop, 1562–1633, in Anglican Theological Review 47 (1965): 121–22.
4. Hugh Barbour, The Quakers in Puritan England, in Anglican Theological Review 47 (1965): 313–17.
5. Stanley Stewart, The Enclosed Garden, in Seventeenth-Century News 25 (Summer 1967): 30–31.
6. G. R. Cragg, ed., The Cambridge Platonists, and C. A. Patrides, ed. The Cambridge Platonists, in Seventeenth-Century News 28 (Winter 1970): 64–66.
7. Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici (1642), in Seventeenth-Century News 29 (Summer–Autumn 1971): 49.
8. John Donne, The Prebend Sermons, ed. Janel M. Mueller; W. Speed Hill, Richard Hooker: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Early Editions, 1593–1724, in Renaissance Quarterly 24 (1971): 572–74.
9. The Cavalier Poets, ed. Robin Skelton, in Canadian Literature 52 (Spring 1972): 98–99.
10. Nancy Lee Beaty, The Craft of Dying: The Literary Tradition of the Ars Moriendi in England, in Modern Philology 70 (1973): 260–63.
11. Harold L. Weatherby, Cardinal Newman in His Age: His Place in English Theology and Literature, in Seventeenth-Century News 32 (Spring–Summer 1974): 21.
12. Anthony Raspa, ed., John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, in Seventeenth-Century News 35 (Spring–Summer 1977): 5–6.
13. Peter Milward, Religious Controversies of the Elizabethan Age, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 77 (1978): 270–72.
14. Patrick Cullen, Infernal Triad: The Flesh, the World, and the Devil in Spenser and Milton, in Modern Philology 76 (1978): 74–77.
15. Familiar Colloquy: Essays Presented to Arthur Edward Barker, ed. Patricia Bruckmann, in Canadian Literature 83 (Winter 1979): 196–97.
16. Raymond A. Anselment, ‘Betwixt Jest and Earnest’: Marprelate, Milton, Marvell, Swift and the Decorum of Religious Ridicule, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 80 (1981): 253–55.
17. Kenneth Mason, George Herbert: Priest and Poet, in George Herbert Journal 4 (Spring 1981): 61–62.
18. Camille Wells Slights, The Casuistical Tradition in Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton, in George Herbert Journal 6 (Fall 1982): 42–47.
19. P. S. Sri, T. S. Eliot, Vedanta and Buddhism, in English Studies in Canada 13 (1987): 344–48.
20. Horton Davies, Like Angels from a Cloud: The English Metaphysical Preachers 1588–1645, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 87 (1988): 254–57.
21. Paul R. Sellin, So Doth, So Is Religion: John Donne and Diplomatic Contexts in the Reformed Netherlands, 1619–1620, in Modern Philology 88 (1990): 75–78.
22. John N. Wall, Transformations of the Word: Spenser, Herbert, Vaughan, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 89 (1990): 551–54.
23. Nicholas Lossky, Lancelot Andrewes The Preacher (1555–1626), in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 93 (1994): 255–57.
24. Jean H. Hagstrum, Esteem Enlivened by Desire: The Couple from Homer to Shakespeare, in Early Modern Literary Studies 1.3 (December 1995): 8.1–5 <> , and also in Journal of the American Academy of Religion 64 (1996): 200–202.
25. Kate Frost, Holy Delight: Typology, Numerology, and Autobiography in Donne’s Devotions, in John Donne Journal 13 (1994, for 1996): 181–85.
26. Barbara L. Estrin, Laura: Uncovering Gender and Genre in Wyatt, Donne, and Marvell, in Seventeenth-Century News 54 (1996): 51.
27. Elizabeth Sauer, Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton’s Epics, in University of Toronto Quarterly, "Letters in Canada 1996," (1997): 206–07.
28. Raymond A. Anselment, The Realms of Apollo: Literature and Healing in Seventeenth-Century England, in Seventeenth-Century News 55 (1997): 18–19.
29. "Recovering Donne’s Sermons," on Jeanne Shami (ed.), John Donne’s 1622 Gunpowder Sermon, in John Donne Journal 16 (1998): 229–33.
30. Daniel W. Doerksen, Conforming to the Word: Herbert, Donne, and the English Church before Laud, in English Studies in Canada 25 (June 1999), 207–10.
31. Roman R. Dubinski, English Religious Poetry Printed 1477–1640,
in Early Modern Literary Studies 5.1 (May 1999): 6.1–5 <>32. Peter E. McCullough, Sermons at Court: Politics and Religion in Elizabethan and Jacobean Preaching, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 99 (2000): 137–39.
33. Philip B. Secor, Richard Hooker, Prophet of Anglicanism, in Anglican Journal, March 2000, 14.
© 2001-, R.G. Siemens and
Lisa Hopkins (Editor, EMLS).