Sheffield Hallam Corvey | Home Page  The Corvey Project at
Sheffield Hallam University


The Corvey library, near Höxter in Germany, houses one of the largest collections of Romantic-era literature in the world. Thanks to the eccentric buying policy of the original owner, it also contains the best collection of popular fiction in English between 1798 and 1834 to be found anywhere. There are many rare works; several are unique. Novels which were generally treated as ephemera were here preserved virtually untouched for two centuries. It was only in the 1980s that the scholarly importance of Corvey was recognised. In 1987 the publisher Belser Wissenshaftlicher Dienst produced the first section of the Corvey Microfiche Edition, including facsimiles of more than 3,000 works of fiction, drama, and poetry in English.

Sheffield Hallam University was the first institution outside Germany to acquire the English-language belles-lettres section of the Corvey Microfiche Edition. In 1996 the Sheffield Hallam Corvey Project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (formerly the British Academy), began exploring the women's writing in the collection with the aim of disseminating new research by use of digital technology. Work has focused on the creation of a database, Corvey Women Writers on the Web: an Electronic Guide to Literature, 1796-1834. Related Corvey projects have been established at Paderborn, Innsbruck and Cardiff.

The Sheffield Hallam Corvey site is divided into the following sections:

  The Introduction presents the background to the Corvey collection and the history of the Sheffield Hallam University Corvey Website.
  General Articles about the Corvey collection and its significance to the study of Romantic period literature
  Take a guided tour around the Corvey site.
  Corvey Women Writers on the Web uses the best of modern web/database technology to present fully searchable access to peer-reviewed research on the women's belle-lettres writings of the Corvey collection.
  CW3 Journal is a peer-refereed web-publication offering an exciting new forum for research into Romantic-era writing by women.
  The full belles-lettres, general women's writing, and travel writing catalogues.
  A journal of original undergraduate research on Corvey authors. The journal publishes biographies, synopses and critical essays which have been produced by third-year undergraduates participating in the 'Adopt-an-Author' project.

Conferences, events, publications:

  • Chawton House/ Hallam Corvey Project day-conferences
  • New Sheffield Hallam MA English Studies (Romanticism)
  • Forthcoming launch of Corvey Women Writers on the Web refereed e-journal.


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