Our mission
Higher Futures will create a higher education network to transform progression pathways and opportunities for vocational and work-based learners.
Aims and objectives
Through effective collaboration, Higher Futures will:
- Enhance the supply of higher education provision and transform institutional cultures, processes and procedures;
- Improve progression opportunities to higher education through vocational routes;
- Increase demand from employers and vocational learners for higher level skills and education;
- Improve access to information, advice and guidance (IAG) and transition support.
This will be achieved by:
- Building on existing areas of excellence and linking with other local partnerships, ensuring the continuation and integration of Higher Futures' effective working practices;
- Developing shared agreements and practices across the network through the implementation of a Vocational Learner Progression Framework - removing barriers, facilitating attitudinal change, supporting and increasing learner progression;
- Actively engaging employers to influence curriculum design, content and accessibility, and to generate increased awareness and take up of higher education by employers, training providers and vocational learners;
- Improving information, advice and guidance, and providing enhanced support, to ensure vocational and work-based learners achieve their potential.
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