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Scoping of Credit rated HE in FE Staff Development Provision in England

On behalf of the Higher Education Academy, staff at ESCalate (Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Education) are currently undertaking an initial scoping of credit rated HE in FE staff development provision in England.

In order to enhance the quality of HE in FE provision, staff delivering teaching and learning within a further education environment need to have access to suitable development opportunities during both the initial and subsequent stages of their professional development. To support the professional development of staff delivering HE within the FE community it is necessary to have an accurate picture of current and intended provision available to both practitioners and their managers. Escalate staff are undertaking an initial scoping and information gathering exercise designed to give an accurate understanding of the current and intended provision of HE in FE modules/programmes of study designed by awarding institutions in England.

Previously, some Cert Ed/PGCE (post-compulsory), Foundation Degrees and Masters programmes offered by HEIs have contained a module or element which has focused on supporting staff who deliver, intend to deliver or manage HE delivered within an FE context. However, the current reforms of post-compulsory teacher education provision in England now require all programmes to contain a core of mandatory modules which are based around nationally determined units of assessment.

This scoping study will add to both ESCalate and Academy York's knowledge of provision in the sector and will support LLUK and other agencies in the Learning and Skills sector to evaluate the capacity of the new developments in teacher education reforms to prepare staff for working in an HE in FE environment.

We invite you to complete the short questionnaire (download below) and return it as an attachment to Completing the questionnaire should take no more than 2 or 3 minutes and all replies will remain confidential.

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