What do mature learners bring to the university? The first answer is 'experience'. But what kind of experience would help other learners? Often, a mature learner would be anxious about starting a degree and he/she would ask questions about whether they were clever enough to be on a course and whether they would be able to keep up with much younger students. Tutors are quite vocal about mature students. They say that on some courses, they tend to work harder, they offer more interesting life experiences and they tend to read in preparation for a seminar. But how do they integrate with the 18 and 19 year olds and how do they gain from the social interactions that most young students take for granted? Often, mature learners would find that their studying time is taken up with household chores and that they have family commitments such as collecting children from school. Listen to the reflective sketch below and see if you can agree with his perspectives. Also, try to consider whether his experiences are typical and what would you do if you were to be involved in strategic planning to bring about improvements to your HE institution. Transcript - Mature student reflective sketches
Mature Students