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Community Involvement
and Work Based Learning 3:
working in the community


This section continues with an examination of students' experiences of working in the community. The rich media resources on this page examine both the nature of volunteering and the value it has to students who volunteer as unpaid and inexperienced workers. The students featured in the video disuss their experiences. These experiences have helped in the development of skills for future employment. In addition to the creation of real work skills such as communication and time management skills, it also offers students a rewarding social experience.

Promoting volunteering 1: The rationale for teachers
Malcolm Todd, a social science lecturer provides a teacher's perspective on how volunteering is an effective method of introducing students to the context of their studies and the development of personal skills outside the classroom.
Audio 4:46

Promoting volunteering 2: What kind of volunteer?
Malcolm Todd describes the kind of students who are getting involved?
Audio 1:44

Promoting volunteering 3: Questions for tutors
Malcolm Todd raises a number of points about the way to set up a module.
Audio 2:31

Promoting volunteering 4: Introduction to Hallam Volunteering
Audio 0:41

Hallam Volunteering promotional video
10 min video on volunteering.
Video 10:00



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Working in the community

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