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Students understanding of social
and moral responsibility 1:
'From Rome to Athens'

Research on the social development of children has revealed that children's awareness of the social and political world emerges far earlier. Their social and moral sensibilities are far more advanced than we previously thought. So what happens in young adulthood?

This section contains a series of resources that help to outline how teaching and learning strategies have sought to inform the students’ sense of social responsibility. How different pedagogical approaches have impacted on their learning about democratic concepts. The methodology of the evaluation was defined as action research as the process was intended to inform change and improve practice. The evaluation is a single case study, reflecting a particular incidence. The main findings reflect emerging new perspectives on participation and citizenship and different outcomes for young and mature students. The links between pedagogical approach and content for effective learning also emerged, with an emphasis on the benefits of active and interactive learning and multi-media approaches. Transcripts of all audio files- Part, 1,2,3,4,5

From Rome to Athens Part1: The Module content
Janet Kay and Caroline Bath talk about the module: 5.27 mins
From Rome to AthensPart2: Pedagogy and process
Janet Kay and Caroline Bath talk on active learning and its value to students: 2.57 mins

From Rome to AthensPart 3: Assessment and evaluation
Janet Kay and Caroline Bath review the results of the evaluation:7.41mins

From Rome to AthensPart 4: Participatory approaches
Janet Kay and Caroline Bath review participatory approaches: 1.30 mins
From Rome to AthensPart 5: The student voice
A student's perspective on learning about children's rights: 14 mins

From Rome to AthensPart 6: From Rome to Athens: Developing Participatory Concepts of Citizenship for Early Childhood Studies Students
The research undertaken to develop a module and pedagogy on children's rights.



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From Rome to Athens

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