The Arte of Rhetorique
Thomas Wilson
Introduction | Book
I | Book II | Book III
Note on the e-text: this
Renascence Editions text was transcribed by Judy Boss, Omaha, NE,
1998, from Wilson's Arte of Rhetorique 1560. Ed. G. H.
Clarendon Press, 1909. Content unique to this presentation is copyright
© 1998 The University of Oregon and Judy Boss. For nonprofit and
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¶ The third Booke
¶ Of apt chusing and framing of words and
sentences together, called Elocution.
ND now we are
come to that part of Rhetorique, the
which aboue all other is most beautifull, wherby not
onely words are aptly vsed, but also sentences are in right
order framed. For whereas Inuention helpeth to finde
matter, and Disposition serueth to place arguments: Elocution
getteth words to set forth inuention, and with such
beautie commendeth the matter, that reason semeth to be
clad in Purple, walking afore both bare and naked. Therefore Tullie
saieth well, to finde out reason and aptly to
it, is the part of a wiseman, but to commende it by wordes and
with gorgious talke to tell our conceipt, that is onely proper
to an Oratour. Many are wise, but fewe haue the gift to set
forth their wisedome. Many can tel
their mind in English, but
fewe can vse meete termes and apt order: such as all men
should haue, and wisemen will vse: such as needes must bee
had when matters should be vtterd. Now then what is he at
Eloquent men |
most esteemed. |
whom al men wonder, and stand in a mase at the vewe of
his wit: whose doings are best esteemed? Whom we doe
most reuerence, and compt half a God among men? Euen
such a one assuredly that can plainly, distinctly, plentifully
and aptly, vtter both words and matter, and his talke can vse
such composition, that he may appere to keepe an vniformitie,
and (as I might saie) a nomber in the vttering of his sentence.
Now an eloquent man being smally learned can much more
good in perswading by shift of wordes, and meete placing of
matter: then a great learned clarke shalbe able with great
store of learning, wanting words to set forth his meaning.
Wherefore I much meruaile that so many seke the onely
knowledge of things, without any mind to commend or set
forth their intendement: seing none can knowe either what
thei are, or what they haue without the gift of vtterance.
Yea bring them to speak their minde, and enter in talke with
such as are said to be learned, and you shal finde in them
such lacke of vttrance, that if you iudge them by their tongue,
and expressing of their minde: you must needes say they haue
no learning. Wherin me thinkes they do like some rich
snudges hauing great wealth, goe with their hose out at
heeles, their shoes out at toes, and their coates out at both
Barbarous Clarkes, no |
better then slouens. |
elbowes. For who can tell if such men are woorth a groate,
when their apparell is so homely, and all their behauiour so
base? I can call them by none other name but slouens, that
may haue good geare, and neither can nor yet wil once weare
it clenly. What is a good thing to a man, if he neither
know the vse of it, nor yet (though he knowe it) is able at
all to vse it? If we think it comelinesse and honestie to set
forth the bodie with handsome apparel, and thinke them
worthy to haue money, that both can and will vse it accordingly:
I can not otherwise see but that this part deserueth
praise, which standeth wholy in setting foorth matter, by apt
wordes and sentences together, and beautifeth the tongue
with great chaunge of colours, and varietie of figures.
¶ Fower partes belonging to Elocution.
{i. Plainnesse. |
{ii. Aptnesse. |
{iii. Composition. |
{iiii. Exornation. |
AMong all other lessons this should first be learned, that
wee neuer affect any straunge ynkehorne termes, but to
speake as is commonly receiued: neither seeking to be ouer
fine, nor yet liuing ouer-carelesse vsing our speeche as most
men doe, and ordering our wittes as the fewest haue done.
Some seeke so far for outlandish English, that they forget
altogether their mothers language. And I dare sweare this,
if some of their mothers were aliue, thei were not able to
tell what they say: and yet these fine English clerkes will say,
they speake in their mother tongue, if a man should charge
them for counterfeiting the Kings English. Some farre
iourneyed gentlem[e]n at their returne home, like as they loue
to goe in forraine apparell, so thei wil pouder their talke with
ouersea language. He that commeth lately out of Fraunce,
will talke French English and neuer blush at the matter.
An other chops in with English Italienated, and applieth
the Italian phrase to our English speaking, the which is, as if
an Oratour that professeth to vtter his mind in plaine Latine,
would needes speake Poetrie, and farre fetched colours of
straunge antiquitie. The Lawyer will store his stomacke
with the prating of Pedlers. The Auditor in making his
accompt and reckening, cometh in with sise sould, and cater
denere, for vi.s. iiii.d. The fine courtier wil talke nothing
but Chaucer. The misticall wiseman and Poeticall Clerkes,
will speake nothing but quaint Prouerbes, and blinde Allegories,
delighting much in their owne darkenesse, especially,
when none can tell what they doe say. The vnlearned or
foolish phantasticall, that smelles but of learning (such fellowes
as haue seen learned men in their daies) wil so Latin their
tongues, that the simple can not but wonder at their talke,
and thinke surely they speake by some reuelation. I know
them that thinke Rhetorique to stande wholie vpon darke
wordes, and hee that can catche an ynke horne terme by the
taile, him they coumpt to be a fine Englisheman, and a good Rhetorician.
And the rather to set out this foly, I will
such a letter as William Sommer
himsefe, could not make
a better for that purpose. Some will thinke and sweare it
too, that there was neuer any such thing written: well,
I will not force any man to beleeue it, but I will say thus
much, and abide by it too, the like haue been made heretofore,
and praised aboue the Moone.
A letter deuised by a Lincolneshire man, for a voyde
benefice, to a gentleman that then waited vpon the Lorde
Chauncellour, for the time being.
Pondering, expending, and reuoluting with my selfe, your
ingent affabilitie, and ingenious capacity for mundaine
affaires: I cannot but celebrate, & extol your magnifical
dexteritie aboue all other. For how could you haue adepted
such illustrate prerogatiue, and dominicall superioritie, if the
fecunditie of your ingenie had not been so fertile and wonderfull
pregnant. Now therefore being accersited to such
splendente renoume, and dignitie spendidious: I doubt not
but you will adiuuate such poore adnichilate orphanes, as
whilome ware condisciples with you, and of antique familiaritie
in Lincolneshire. Among whom I being a Scholasticall
panion, obestate your sublimitie, to extoll mine infirmitie.
There is a Sacerdotall dignitie in my natiue Countrey
contiguate to me, where I now contemplate: which your
worshipfull benignitie could sone impetrate for mee, if it
would like you to extend your sedules, and collaude me in
them to the right honourable lord Chaunceller, or rather
Archgrammacion of Englande. You know my literature, you
knowe the pastorall promotion, I obtestate your clemencie,
to inuigilate thus much for me, according to my confidence,
and as you knowe my condigne merites for such a compendious
liuing. But now I relinquish to fatigate your
intelligence, with any more friuolous verbositie, and therfore
he that rules the climates, be euermore your beautreur, your
fortresse, and your bulwarke. Amen.
Dated at my Dome, or rather Mansion place in Lincolneshire,
the penulte of the moneth Sextile. Anno Millimo, quillimo,
trillimo. Per me Ioannes Octo.
What wiseman reading this Letter, will not take him for
a very Caulf that made it in good earnest, and thought by
his inke pot termes to get a good Parsonage. Doeth wit rest
in straunge wordes, or els standeth
it in wholsome matter,
and apt declaring of a mans minde? Doe wee not speake
because we would haue other to vnderstande vs, or is not the
tongue giuen for this ende, that one might know what an
other meaneth? And what vnlearned man can tel, what
half this letter signifieth? Therefore, either we must make a
difference of English, and say some is learned English and other
some is rude English, or the one is court talke, the other is
countrey speech, or els we must of necessitie banish all such Rhetorique,
and vse altogether one maner of language.
I was in Cambridge, and student in the kings College, there
came a man out of the toune with a pint of wine in a pottle
pot, to welcome the prouost of that house, that lately came
from the court. And because he would bestow his present
like a clarke, dwelling among the scholers: he made humblie
his three curtesies and sayd in this maner. Cha good euen
my good Lord, and well might your Lordship vare, vnderstanding
that your Lordshippe was come, and knowing that
you are a worshipfull Pilate, and keepes abominable house:
I thought it my duetie to come incantiuante, and bring you
a pottell of wine, the which I besech your Lordship take in
good worth. Here the simple man, being desirous to amend
his mothers tongue, shewing himselfe not to bee the wisest
man that euer spake with tongue.
An other good fellowe of the countrey, being an Officer
and Maior of a toune, and desirous to speake like a fine
learned man, hauing iust occasion to rebuke a runnegate
fellowe, said after this wise in a great heate. Thou
yngrame and vacation knaue, if I take thee any more within
the Circumcision of my dampnation: I will so corrupt thee,
that all other vacation knaues shall take ilsample by thee.
An other standing in much neede of money, and desirous
to haue some helpe, at a gentlemans hande, made his complainte
in this wise. I pray you sir be so good vnto me, as
forbeare this halfe yeres rent. For so help me God and
halidome, we are so taken on with contrary Bishops, with
reuiues, and with Southsides to the King, that all our money
is cleane gone. These words he spake for Contribution,
Releef, and Subsidie. And thus we see that poore simple men
are much troubled, and talke oftentimes they knowe not
what for lacke of wit, and want of
Latine and French,
whereof many of our strange wordes full often are deriued.
Those therefore that will eschue this folly, and acquaint
themselues with the best kind of speech, must seeke from
time to time such wordes as are commonly receiued, and
such as properly may expresse in plaine maner, the whole
conceipt of their minde. And looke what wordes we best
vnderstande, and knowe what they meane: the same should
soonest be spoken, and first applied to the vtterance of our
Now whereas wordes be receiued, aswell Greeke as
Latine, to set forth our meaning in the English tongue,
either for lacke of store, or els because we would enrich the
language: it is well doen to vse them, and no man therein
can be charged for any affectation, when all other are agreed
to followe the same waie. There is no man agreeued when
he heareth (Letters Patents) and yet Patentes is Latine, and
signifieth open to all men. The Communion is a fellowship,
or a comming together, rather Latin then English: the
kings prerogatiue declareth his power roiall aboue al other, and
yet I know no man greeued for these termes, being vsed in
their place, nor yet any one suspected for affectation, when
such generall wordes are spoken. The folie is espied, when
either we will vse such wordes as fewe men doe vse, or vse
them out of place, when an other might serue much better.
Fower things obserued |
for choise of wordes. |
Therefore to auoide such folly, we may learne of that most
excellent Oratour Tullie, who in his third booke, where he
speaketh of a perfect Oratour, declareth vnder the name of Crassus,
that for the choise of words fower things
chefly be obserued. First that such words as we vse, should
be proper vnto the tongue wherein wee speake, againe, that
they bee plaine for all men to perceiue: thirdly, that they be
apt and meete, most properly to sette out the matter.
Fourthly, that words translated from one signification to an
other (called of the Grecians Tropes) be vsed to beautifie the
sentence, as precious stones are set in a ring to commende
the gold.
¶ Aptnesse what it is.
SUch are thought apt wordes, that properly agree vnto
that thing which they signifie, and plainly expresse the
nature of the same. Therefore they
that haue regard of their
estimation do warely speake, and with choise vtter woordes
most apt for their purpose. In waightie causes graue wordes
are thought most needful, that the greatnesse of the matter
may the rather appere in the vehemencie of their talke. So
likewise of other like order must be taken. Albeit some not
onely doe not obserue this kind of aptnesse, but also they doe fal
Vnapt vsing |
of apt words. |
into much fondnes, by vsing words out of place, and
applying them to diuers matters without all discretion. As
thus. An ignorant fellowe comming to a gentlemans place,
and seeing a great flocke of shepe in his pasture, said to the
owner of them, nowe by my trueth sir, here is as goodly an
audience of sheepe as euer I saw in my life. Who will not
take this fellowe meeter to talke with sheepe, then speake
among men?
An other likewise seeing an house faire builded, said to his
fellow thus: good lord what a handsome phrase of building is
this? Thus are good words euill vsed, when they are not
wel applied and spoken to good purpose. Therefore I wish that
such vntowarde speaking, may giue vs a good lesson to vse our
tongue warely, that our wordes and matter may still agree
¶ Of Composition.
WHen wee haue learned vsuall and accustomable words
to set forth our meaning, we ought to ioyne them
together in apt order, that the Eare maie delite in hearing
the harmonie. I knowe some Englishmen that in this
point haue such a gift in the English, as fewe Latine hath
the like, and therefore delite the wise and learned so much
with their pleasaunt composition: that many reioyce when
they may heare such, and thinke much learning is got when
they may talke with them. Composition therfore is an apt
ioyning together of wordes in such order, that neither the eare
shall espie any ierre, nor yet any man shalbe dulled with
ouerlong drawing out of a sentence, nor yet much confounded
with mingling of causes such as are needelesse, being heaped
together without reason, and vsed without number. For by
such meanes the hearers will be forced to forget full ofte,
what was sayd first, before the sentence bee halfe ended: or
els be blinded with confounding of many things together.
Some againe will be so short, and in such wise curtall their
sentences, that they had neede to make a commentary
immediatly of their meaning, or els the most that heare them
shalbe forced to keepe counsaill.
Some will speake Oracles, that a man can not tell which
way to take them, some will bee so fine and so poeticall withall,
that to their seeming there shall not stande one haire
a misse, and yet euery body els shall thinke them meeter for
a Ladies chamber, then for an earnest matter in any open
Some will roue so much and bable so farre without order,
that a man would thinke they had a greate loue to heare them
selues speake.
Some repeate one worde so often, that if such wordes could
be eaten, and chopt in so oft as they are vttered out, they
would choke the widest throte in al England. As thus. If
a man knew what a mans life were, no man for any mans sake
woulde kill any man, but one man would rather helpe an other
man, considering man is borne for man to helpe man, and not
to hate man. What man would not be choked, if he chopt al
these men at once into his mouth, and neuer dronke after it?
Some vse ouermuch repetition of some one letter, as pitifull
pouertie praieth for a penie, but puffed presumption passeth not
a point, pampering his panch with pestilent pleasure, procuring
his passeport to poste it to hell pit, there to be punished with
paines perpetuall. Some will so set their words, that they
must be faine to gape after euery word spoken, ending one
word with a vowell, and beginning the next with an other,
which vndoubtedly maketh the talke to seeme most vnpleasaunt.
As thus. Equitie assuredly euery iniurie auoideth. Some will
set the Cart before the horse, as thus. My mother and my
father are both at home, as though the good man of the house
did weare no breches, or that the graie Mare were the better
Horse. And what though it often so happeneth (God wot the
more pitty) yet in speaking at the least, let vs keepe a naturall
order, and set the man before the woman for maners sake.
An other comming home in haste, after a long iourney,
saieth to his man: Come hether sir knaue, helpe me of with
my bootes and my spurres. I praie you sir, giue him leaue
first to plucke of your spurres, ere he meddle with your bootes,
or els your man is like to haue a
madde plucking. Who is so
foolish as to say, the Counsaile and the King, but rather the
King and his Counsaile, the Father and the Sonne, and not
contrary. And so likewise in all other, as they are in degree
first euermore to set them formost.
The wise therefore talking of diuers worthie men together,
will first name the worthiest, and keepe a decent order in
reporting of their tale. Some end their sentences all alike,
making their talke rather to appeare rimed Meeter, then
to seeme plaine speeche, the which as it much deliteth being
measurably vsed, so it much offendeth when no meane is
regarded. I heard a preacher deliting much in this kind of
composition, who vsed so often to ende his sentences with
wordes like vnto that which went before, that in my iudgement
there was not a dosen sentences in his whole sermon,
but they ended all in Rime for the most parte. Some not
best disposed, wished the Preacher a Lute, that with his rimed
sermon he might vse some pleasant melody, and so the people
might take pleasure diuers waies, and dance if they list. Certes
there is a meane, and no reason to vse any one thing at al
time, seing nothing deliteth (be it neuer so good) that is
alwaies vsed.
Quintilian likeneth the colours of Rhetorique
to a mans eye
sight. And now (quoth he) I would not haue all the bodie to be
full of eyes, or nothing but eyes: for then the other partes
should wante their due place and proportion. Some ouerthwartly
sette their wordes, placing some one a mile from his
fellowes, not contented with a plaine and easie composition,
but seeke to set wordes they can not tell how, and therefore
one not liking to bee called, and by print published Doctour
of Phisicke, would needes bee named a Phisicke Doctour,
wherein appeared a wonderful composition (as he thought)
strange vndoubtedly, but whether wise or no, let the learned
sit in iudgement vpon that matter.
An other. As I rose in a Morning (quoth one) I met
a Carte full of stones emptie. Belike the man was fasting,
when the Cart was full, and yet wee see that through straunge
composition, his sentence appeareth darke.
Some will tell one thing twentie times, nowe in, nowe out,
and when a man would thinke they had almost ended, they
are ready to beginne againe as fresh
as euer they were. Such
vaine repetitions declare both want of witte, and lacke of
learning. Some are so homely in all their doings, and so
grosse for their inuention, that they vse altogether one maner
of trade, and seeke no varietie to eschue tediousnesse.
Some burden their talke with needlesse copie, and will
seeme plentifull when they should be short. An other is so
curious and so fine of his tongue, that he can not tell in all
the world what to speake. Euery sentence seemeth common,
and euery worde generally vsed, is thought to be foolish in
his wise iudgement. Some vse so many interpositions, both
in their talke and in their writing, that they make their
sayings as darke as hell. Thus when faltes be knowne they
may bee auoyded: and vertue the sooner may take place,
when vice is foreseen and eschued as euill.
¶ Of Exornation.
WHen wee haue learned apte wordes, and vsuall phrases
to set foorth our meaning, and can orderly place them
without offence to the Eare, wee may boldely commende and
beautifie our talke with diuers goodly colours, and delitefull
translations, that our speech may seeme as bright and precious,
as a rich stone is faire and orient.
Exornation. |
Three maner of stiles |
or enditings. |
Exornation, is a gorgious beautifying of the tongue with
borowed wordes, and change of sentence or speech with much
varietie. First therefore (as Tullie saith) an oration is made
to seme right excellent by the kind selfe, by the colour and
iuice of speech. There are three maner of stiles or inditings,
the great or mightie kinde, when we vse great wordes, or
vehement figures.
The small kinde, when wee moderate our heate by meaner
wordes, and vse not the most stirring sentences.
The lawe kinde, when we vse no Metaphores nor
words, nor yet vse any amplifications, but goe plainly to
worke, and speake altogether in common wordes. Now in al
these three kindes, the Oration is much commended, and
appereth notable when wee keepe vs still to that stile which
we first professed, and vse such wordes as seeme for that kinde
of writing most conuenient. Yea, if we minde to encrease
or diminish: to be in a heate, or to vse moderation. To
speake pleasauntly or grauely: To be sharpe or soft: to talke
lordly, or to speake finely: to waxe
auncient or familiare
(which are all comprehended vnder one of the other three:
we must euer make our wordes apt and agreeable to that
kinde of stile which we first began to vse. For as Frenche
hoodes doe not become Lords: so Parliament robes are
vnfitting for Ladies. Comelinesse therefore must euer be vsed,
and all things obserued, that are most meete for euery cause,
if we looke by attemptes to haue our desire.
Exornation by colours |
of Rhetorique. |
There is an other kind of Exornation, that is not egally
sparpled throughout the whole Oration, but is so disseuered
and parted as starres stande in the Firmament, or flowers in
a garden, or pretie deuised antiques in a cloth of Arras.
¶ What a figure is.
A Figure is a certaine kinde, either of sentence, Oration,
or worde, vsed after some newe or straunge wise, much
vnlike to that which men commonly vse to speake.
¶ The deuision of figures.
THere are three kindes of figures, the one is, when the
nature of wordes is chaunged from one signification to
an other, called a Trope, of the Grecians: The other serueth
for words when they are not chaunged by nature, but only
altered by speaking, called of the Grecians Scheme. The third
is, when by diuersitie of inuention, a sentence is many wayes
spoken, and also matters are amplified by heaping examples,
by dilating arguments, by comparing of things together, by
similitudes, by contraries, and by diuers other like, called
by Tullie Exornation of sentences, or colours of Rhetorike.
By all which figures euery Oration may be much beautified,
and without the same, not one can attaine to be coumpted an
Oratour, though his learning otherwise be neuer so great.
Of the first vse of Tropes.
WHen learned and wisemen gan first to inlarge their
tongue, and sought with great vtterance of speech to
commende causes: They founde full oft much want of words
to set out their meaning. And therfore remembring thinges
Tropes how they were |
first founded. |
of like nature vnto those whereof they speake: they vsed
such wordes to expresse their mynde, as were most like vnto
other. As for example. If I should speake against some notable
Pharisey. I might vse translation of wordes in this wise:
Yonder man is of a crooked iudgement, his wittes are cloudie,
he liueth in deepe darknesse dusked
altogether with blinde
ignorance, and drowned in the raging sea of bottomlesse
Superstition. Thus is the ignorant set out by calling him
crooked, cloudie, darke, blinde, and drounde in Superstition.
All which wordes are not proper vnto ignorance, but borowed
of other things that are of like nature vnto ignorance. For
the vnskilfull man hath his witte set out of order, as a mans
bodie is set out of ioynt, and thereupon it may be sayd to be
crooked. Likewise hee may bee called Cloudie, for as the Cloudes
keepe the Sonne shining from vs, so doth his ignoraunce
keepe him blindfolde from the true understanding of thinges.
And as when the eyes are out, no man can see any thing:
So when parfite iudgement is wanting, the troth can not be
knowne. And so likewise of all other. Thus as necessitie
hath forced vs to borowe wordes translated: So hath time and
practize made them to seeme most pleasaunt, and therefore
they are much the rather vsed. Yea when a thing full ofte
can not bee exprest by an apt and meete worde, wee doe perceiue
(when it is spoken by a worde translated) that the likenesse
of that thing, which appeareth in an other word much
lighteneth that, which we would most gladly haue perceiued.
And not onely doe men vse translation of words (called Tropes)
for neede sake, when they can not finde other:
also when they may haue most apt words at hand, yet will they
of a purpose vse translated wordes. And the reason is this.
Men coumpt it a point of witte, to passe ouer such words as
are at hand, and to vse such as are farre fetcht and translated:
or els it is because the hearer is ledde by cogitation vppon
rehearsall of a Metaphore, and thinketh more by remembraunce
of a worde translated, then is there expressely spoken:
or els because the whole matter seemeth by a similitude to be
opened: or laste of all, because euery translation is commonly,
and for the most part referred to the senses of the bodie, and
especially to the sense of seeing, which is the sharpest and
quickest aboue all other. For when I shall say that an angrie
man fometh at the mouth, I am brought in remembrance by
this translation to remember a Bore, that in fighting vseth
much foming, the which is a foule and lothly sight. And I cause
other to thinke that he brake pacience wonderfully, when
I set out his rage comparable to a bores foming.
An other being offended with checkes giuen will say, I
maruaile sir what you meane to be euer snarling at mee,
wherein is declared a brutishnesse, considering he speaketh
byting wordes, and much without reason, and as vncomly as
a dog doth, when he snarreth, the which wee see is nothing
seemely. There is nothing in all the worlde, but the same
may haue the name of some other worde, the which by some
similitude is like vnto it. Notwithstanding, there ought much
warenesse to be vsed in chosing of words translated, that the
same be not vnlike that thing whervnto it is applied, nor yet
that the translation bee vncomely, or such as may giue occasion
of any vncleane meaning.
¶ A Trope.
A Trope is an alteration of a worde or sentence, from the
proper signification, to that which is not proper.
¶ The deuision of Tropes.
TRopes are either of a worde, or a long continued
or sentence.
¶ Tropes of a worde are these.
{A Metaphore or translation of wordes. |
{A word making. |
{Intellection. |
{Abusion. |
{Transmutation of a worde. |
{Transumption. |
{Chaunge of name. |
{Circumlocution. |
Tropes of a long continued speeche or sentences, are
{An Allegorie, or inuersion of wordes. |
{Mounting. |
{Resembling of things. |
{Similitude. |
{Example. |
¶ What is a Metaphore?
A Metaphore is an alteration of a worde, from the proper
and naturall meaning, to that which is not proper, and
yet agreeth thereunto by some likenesse, that appereth to be
in it.
An Oration is wounderfully enriched, when apte Metaphors
are got, and applied to the matter. Neither can any one
perswade effectuously, and winne men
by weight of his Oration,
without the helpe of wordes altered and translated.
¶ The diuersitie of translations.
FIrst we alter a word from that which is in the mind, to
that which is in the bodie. As when wee perceiue one
that hath begiled vs, we vse to say. Ah sirrha, I am gladde
I haue smelled you out. Beeing greeued with a matter, wee
say commonly wee cannot digest it. The lawier receiuing
money more then needeth oftentimes, will say to his Client
without any translation: I feele you wel, when the poore man
thinketh that he doeth well vnderstande his cause, and will
helpe hym to some good ende. For so commonly we say
when we knowe a mans minde in any thing. This kinde
of mutation is much vsed, when we talke earnestly of any
¶ From the creature without reason, to
that which hath reason.
THe second kinde of translation is, when we goe from the
creature without reason, to that which hath reason, or
contrary from that which hath reason, to that which hath no
reason. As if I should saie, such an vnreasonable brauler did
nothing els but barke like a dog, or like a Fox. Women are
said to chatter, churles to grunt, boyes to whine, & yongmen
to yel. Contrariwise we call a foxe false, a Lion proude, and
a dog flattryng.
¶ From the liuing, to that which hath no life.
FRom the liuing to the not liuing, wee vse many translations.
As thus. You shall pray for all men, dispersed
throughout the face of the earth. The arme of a Tree. The
side of a bancke. The land crieth for vengeaunce. From the
liuing to the not liuing. Hatred buddeth among malicious
men, his wordes flow out of his mouth. I haue a whole
world of businesse.
In obseruing the worke of Nature in all seuerall substances
wee may finde translations at will, then the which nothing is
more profitable for any one, that mindeth by his vtteraunce
to stirre the hartes of men, either one waie or other.
A woorde making called of the Grecians Onomatapoia, is
when wee make wordes of our owne minde, such as bee
deriued from the nature of things. As to call one Patche or
Coulson, whom we see to doe a thing
foolishly, because these
two in their tyme were notable fooles. Or when one is lustie,
to say Taratauntara, declaring thereby that he is as lustie, as
a Trumpette is delitefull and stirring: or when one would
seme galant, to crie hoigh, whereby also is declared courage.
Boyes being greeued will say some one to another: sir, I will
cap you, if you vse mee thus, and withhold that from me
which is mine owne: meaning that he will take his cap from
him. Again, when we see one gaie and gallaunt, we vse to say,
he courtes it. Quoth one that reasoneth in Diuinitie with his
fellowe, I like well to reason, but I cannot chappe these textes
in Scripture, if I should dye for it: meaning that he could not
tell in what Chapter thinges were conteined, although he
knewe full well, that there were such sayinges.
INtellection, called of the Grecians, Synedoche, is a Trope,
when we gather or iudge the whole by the part, or part by
the whole. As thus: The King is come to London, meaning
therby that other also be come with him. The French man
is good to keepe a Fort, or to skirmish on Horsbacke, whereby
we declare the French men generally. By the whole, the
part thus. All Cambridge sorrowed for the death of Bucer,
meaning the most part. All England reioyceth that Pilgrimage
is banished, and Idolatrie for euer abolished: and yet all
England is not glad but the most part.
The like phrases are in the Scripture, as when the Magians
came to Hierusalem, and asked where hee was that was borne
King of the Jewes. Herode start vp being greatly troubled,
and all the Citie of Hierusalem with him, and yet all the Citie
was not troubled, but the most part. By the signe wee vnderstand
the thing signified: as by an Iuie garland, we iudge there
is wine to sel. By the signe of a Beare, Bull, Lyon, or any
such, we take any house to be an Inne. By eating bread at
the Communion, we remember Christes death, and by faith
receiue him spiritually.
ABusion, called of the Grecians Catechresis, is when for
a certaine proper worde, we vse that which is most nigh
vnto it: as in calling some water, a Fish Pond, though there
be no Fish in it at all. Or els when wee say, there is long
talke, and small matter. Which are
spoken vnproperly, for
wee cannot measure, either talke, or matter by length, or
Transmutation of a worde.
TRansmutation helpeth much for varietie, the which is,
when a word hath a proper signification of the owne, and
being referred to an other thing, hath an other meaning: the
Grecians call it Metonymia, the which is diuers waies vsed.
When we vse the author of a thing, for the thing self. As
thus: Put vpon you the Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say, be
in liuing such a one as he was. The Pope is banished
England, that is to say, all his Superstition and Hipocrisie,
either is or should bee gone to the Deuill, by the Kings
expresse will and commaundement. Againe, when that which
doth conteine, is vsed for that which is conteined. As thus. I
haue dronke an Hoggeshead this weeke: Heauen may reioyce,
and Hell may lament, when olde men are not couetous.
Contrariwise, when the thing conteined, is vsed for the thing
conteyning. As thus. I pray you come to me, that is to say,
come to my house. Fowerthly, when by the efficient cause, the
effect is streight gathered therevpon. As thus. The Sunne
is vp, that is to say, it is day. This fellowe is good with
a long Bowe, that is to say, he shooteth well.
TRansumption is, when by degrees wee goe to that, which
is to be shewed. As thus. Such a one lieth in a dark
Dungeon: now in speaking of darkenesse, we vnderstand
closenesse, by closenesse, we gather blacknesse, & by blacknesse,
we iudge deepenesse.
Chaunge of name.
CHaunge of name, is when for the proper name, some
name of an Office, or other calling is vsed. As thus:
The Prophet of God saith: Blessed are they, whose sinnes bee
not imputed vnto them, meaning Dauid. The Poet saieth:
It is a vertue to eschue vice: wherein I vnderstand Horace.
CIrcumlocution is a large description, either to set forth
a thing more gorgiously, or els to hide it, if the eares can
not beare the open speaking: or when with fewe words, we
cannot open our meaning to speake it more largely. Of the
first thus. The valiaunt courage of
mightie Scipio, subdued
the force of Carthage and Numantia. Henry the fifth,
most puissaunt King of England, with seuen thousand men,
tooke the French King prisoner with al the flower of nobilitie
in Fraunce. Of the second. When Saule was easing himself
vpon the ground, Dauid tooke a peece of his garment, tooke
his weapon that lay by him, and might haue slaine him. Such
a one defiled his bodie with such an euill woman. For the
third part, the large Commentaries written, and the Paraphrasis
of Erasmus Englished: are sufficient to shewe the vse
¶ What is an Allegorie.
AN Allegorie is none other thing, but a Metaphore, vsed
throughout a whole sentence, or Oration. As in speaking
against a wicked offendour, I might say thus. Oh Lord,
his nature was so euill, and his witte so wickedly bent, that he
meant to bouge the ship, where he himselfe failed: meaning
that he purposed the destruction of his owne Countrey. It is
euill putting strong Wine into weake vesselles, that is to say, it
is euill trusting some women with weightie matters. The
English Prouerbes gathered by Iohn Heywood, helpe well in
this behalfe, the which commonly are nothing els but Allegories,
and darke deuised sentences. Now for the other
fower figures, because I minde hereafter to speake more
largely of them, and Quintilian thinketh them more meete to
be placed among the figures of Exornation, I will not trouble
the Reader with double inculcation, and twise telling of one
¶ Of Schemes, called otherwise sentences
of a worde and sentence.
I Might tary long time, in declaring the nature of diuers
Schemes, which are wordes or sentences altered, either by
speaking, or writing, contrarie to the vulgare custome of our
speech, without chaunging their nature at al: but because I
knowe the vse of the figures in worde, is not so great in this
our tongue, I will runne them ouer, with as much hast as
I can.
The deuision of Schemes.
STraunge vsing of any worde or sentence, contrary to our
daiely wont, is either when we adde or take away a sillable,
or a worde, or encrease a sentence
by chaunge of speech,
contrary to the common maner of speaking.
Figures of a worde.
THose be called figures of a word, when we change a word
and speake it contrary to our vulgare, and dayly speech.
Of the which sort, there are sixe in number.
{i. Addition at the first. |
{ii. Abstraction from the first. |
{iii. Interlacing in the middest. |
{iiii. Cutting from the middest. |
{v. Adding at the ende. |
{vi. Cutting from the ende. |
OF Addition. As thus: He did all to berattle him.
Wherin appeareth that a sillable is added to this word
(rattle). Here is good nale to sell, for good ale.
Of Abstraction from the first, thus. As I romed all alone,
I gan to thinke of matters great. In which sentence (gan) is
vsed, for began.
Interlacing in the middest. As Relligion, for Religion.
Cutting from the middest. Idolatrie, for Idololatrie.
Adding at the end. Hasten your businesse, for Hast your
Cutting from the ende. A faire maie, for maide.
Thus these figures are shortly set out, and as for the other
Schemes, which are vttered in whole sentences, and expressed
by varietie of speech: I will set them forth at large among the
colours and ornaments of Elocution, that followe.
¶ Of colours and ornaments, to commende
and set forth an Oration.
NOW, when we are able to frame a sentence handsomely
together, obseruing number, and keeping composition,
such as shall like best the eare, and doe knowe the vse of
Tropes, and can apply them to our purpose: then the ornaments
are necessarie in an Oration, and sentences would bee
furnished with most beautifull figures. Therefore, to the end
that they may be knowne, such as most commende and
beautifie an Oration: I will set them forth here in such wise,
as I shall best be able, following the order which Tullie hath
vsed in his Booke, made of a perfect Oratour.
¶ Resting vpon a poinct.
WHen wee are earnest in a matter, and feele the weight
of our cause, we rest vpon some reason, which serueth
best for our purpose. Wherein this figure appeareth most,
and helpeth much to set forth our matter. For if we stil kepe
vs to our strongest hold, and make ofter recourse thither,
though we be driuen through bytalke to goe from it now and
then: we shall force them at length, either to auoyd our
strong defence, or els to yeeld into our hands.
¶ An euident, or plaine setting forth of a
as though it were presently done.
THis figure is called a discription, or an euident declaration
of a thing, as though we saw it euen now done. An
example: If our enemies shall inuade, and by treason winne
the victorie, we shal all dye euery mothers sonne of vs, and
our Citie shalbe destroyed sticke and stone. I see our children
made slaues, our daughters rauished, our wiues caried away,
the father forced to kil his owne sonne, the mother her
Description of |
courage, after |
a battaile. |
daughter, the sonne his father, the sucking child slaine in the
mothers bosome, one standing to the knees in an others bloud,
Churches spoyled, houses pluckt downe, and al set in fire
round about vs, euery one cursing the day of their birth,
children crying, women wayling, and olde men passing for
very thought, and euery one thinking himselfe most happie
that is rid out of this world, such will the crueltie bee of our
enemies, and with such horrible hatred will they seeke to
dispatch vs. Thus, where I might haue said we shall all be
destroyed, and say no more, I haue by description set the euill
foorth at large. It much auayleth to vse this figure in diuers
matters, the which whosoeuer can doe, with any excellent gift,
vndoubtedly he shal much delite the hearers. The circumstaunces
well considered in euery cause, giue much matter, for
the plaine opening of the thing. Also similitudes, examples,
comparisons, from one thing to an other, apt translations, and
heaping of Allegories, and all such figures as serue for amplifying,
doe much commend the liuely setting forth of any
matter. The miseries of the Courtiers life, might well bee
described by this kind of figure. The commoditie of learning,
the pleasure of Plowmen, and the care that a King hath.
And not onely are matters set out by description, but men
are painted out in their colours, yea, buildings are set foorth,
Kingdomes and Realmes are portured, places and times are
described. The Englishman for feeding and chaunging for
apparell. The Dutchman for drinking. The Frenchman
for pride and inconstance. The Spanyard for nimblenes of
body, and much disdaine: the Italian for great wit and
policie: the Scots for boldnesse, and the Boeme for stubbornesse.
Many people are described by their degree, as a man of
good yeares, is coumpted sober, wise, and circumspect:
a young man wilde and carelesse: a woman babling, inconstaunt,
and readie to beleeue all that is tolde her.
By vocation of life, a Souldier is coumpted a great bragger,
and a vaunter of himself: A Scholer simple: A Russet coate,
sad, and sometimes craftie: a Courtier, flattering: a Citizen,
In describing of persons, there ought alwaies a comelinesse
to bee vsed, so that nothing be spoken, which may bee thought
is not in them. As if one shall describe Henry the sixth, he
might cal him gentle, milde of Nature, led by perswasion, and
readie to forgiue, carelesse for wealth, suspecting none,
mercifull to all, fearefull in aduersitie, and without forecast
to espie his misfortune. Againe, for Richard the third, I
might bring him in, cruel of heart, ambicious by nature,
enuious of mind, a deepe dissembler, a close man for weightie
matters, hardie to reuenge, and fearfull to lose his high estate,
trustie to none, liberall for a purpose, casting still the worst,
and hoping euer the best. By this figure also wee imagine
a talke, for some one to speake, and according to his person,
we frame the Oration. As if one should bring in noble
Henrie the eight, of most famous memorie to enueigh against
Rebelles, thus he might order his Oration. What if Henry
the eight were a liue, and sawe such Rebellion in this Realme,
would not he say thus, and thus? Yea, me thinkes I heare
him speake euen now. And so set forth such wordes, as we
would haue him to say.
Sometimes it is good to make GOD, the Countrey, or some
one Towne to speake, and looke what we would say in our
owne person, to frame the whole tale to them. Such varietie
doth much good to auoyde tediousnesse, for he that speaketh
all in one sort, though he speake thinges neuer so wittely,
shall sone wearie his hearers. Figures therefore were inuented,
to auoyd sacietie, and cause delight: to refresh with pleasure,
and quicken with grace the dulnesse of mans braine. Who
will looke on a white wall an hower together, where no workmanship
is at all? Or who will eate still one kinde of meate,
and neuer desire chaunge? Certes as the mouth is daintie:
so the witte is tickle, and will sone loth an vnsauery thing.
¶ A stop, or halfe telling of the tale.
A Stop is when we breake off our tale, before we haue told
it. As thus. Thou that art a young man of such towarnesse,
hauing such friendes, to play me such a part, well I
will say no more, GOD amende all that is amisse. Or thus.
Doth it become thee to bee, shall I tell all: Nay, I will not
for very shame.
A close vnderstanding.
Significatio plus ad |
intelligendum quam dixeris. |
A close vnderstanding is, when more may bee gathered,
then is openly expressed. A naughtie fellowe that vsed
much robberie, founde himselfe grieued, that the great
Oratour Demosthenes spent so much Oyle, whereby he watched
from time to time, in compassing matters for the Commonweale:
In deede (quoth Demosthenes) darke nights are best for
thy purpose: Meaning that he was a great Robber in the
One also being set in a heate, because an other had contraried
him for the choise of meates, was much more greued
when he gaue him this taunt. You may boldly (quoth he)
speake for fish eating, for my maister your father, hath many
a time and oft, wipte his nose vpon his sleeue: meaning that
his father was a Fishmonger.
Short sentences.
Distincte concisa breuitas. |
THen short clauses or sentences are vsed, when wee speake
at a word part of our mind, and next after speake as
briefly againe, vsing to make almost euery worde a perfect
sentence. As thus. The man is sore wounded, I feare me
he will dye. The Phisitions mistrust him: the partie is fled,
none pursueth: God sende vs good lucke.
Abating, or lessening of a thing.
WE make our doinges appeare lesse, when with wordes
we extenuate and lessen the same. As when one had
giuen his fellowe a sound blowe,
being rebuked for the same,
said he scant touched him. Likewise, when two haue fought
together, to say, that the one had his legge prickt with
a sworde, when perchance he had a great wounde.
Wittie iesting.
MAny pleasaunt Gentlemen, are well practised in merie
conceipted iests, & haue both such grace and delite
therein, that they are wonderfull to behold, and better were
it to be sharply chid of diuers other, then pleasauntly taunted
by any of them. When a Gentleman of great Lands and
small wit, had talked largely at a supper, and spake words
scant worth the hearing, an other being much grieued with his
folly, said to him: Sir, I haue taken you for a plaine meaning
Gentleman, but I knowe now, there is not a more deceiptfull
body in all England: with that, other being grieued with the
yong Gentlemans folly, boldly began to excuse him for deceipt,
and therefore said he was to blame to charge him with that
fault, considering his nature was simple, and fewe can say that
euer he was craftie. Well (quoth the other) I must needes
say he is deciptful, for I took him heretofore for a sober
wittie yong man, but now I perciue he is a foolish babling
fellow, and therefore I am sure he hath deceiued me, like
a false crafty child as he is: with that they al laughed, and
the Gentleman was much abashed. But as touching sharpe
taunts, I haue largely declared them in place, wher I treated
of laughter.
¶ Digression, or swaruing from the matter.
Digressio ab re |
non longa. |
WE swarue sometimes from the matter, vpon iust considerations,
making the same to serue for our purpose,
as well as if we had kept the matter still. As in making an
inuectiue against Rebelles, and largely setting out the filth of
their offences, I might declare by the way of digression, what
a noble countrey England is, how great commodities it hath,
what traffique here is vsed, and how much more neede other
Realmes haue of vs, then we haue neede of them. Or when
I shall giue euidence, or rather declame against an hainous
murtherer, I may digresse from the offence done, and enter in
praise of the dead man, declaring his vertues in most ample
wise, that the offence done may be thought so much the
greater, the more honest he was, that hath thus bene slaine.
Notwithstanding, this would bee
learned, that (when we make
any such digression) the same may well agree to the purpose, and
bee so set out that it confounde not the cause, or darken the
sence of the matter deuised.
Propositio quid |
sit dicturus. |
PRoposition is a short rehearsall of that, whereof wee
minde to speake. I will tell you (quoth one) there is
none hath a worse name then this fellow, none hath bene so
often in trouble, he may be faultlesse, but I can hardly beleue
it, there are enow that will testifie of his naughtinesse, and
auouch his euill demeanour to be such that the like hath not
bene heard heretofore.
¶ An ouer passage to an other matter.
Seiunctio ab eo |
quod dictum est. |
WHen we goe from one matter to an other, we vse this
kind of phrase. I haue tolde you the cause of all this
euill, now I will tell you a remedie for the same. You haue
heard of iustification by faith only, now you shal heare of the
dignitie of works, and how necessary they are for euery
Christian body.
¶ Of comming againe to the matter.
WHen we haue made a digression, wee may declare our
returne, and shew that whereas we haue roued a litle,
wee will now keepe vs within our boundes. In this kinde of
digression, it is wisedome not to wander ouer farre, for feare
we shall wearie the hearers, before we come to the matter
againe. I knewe a Preacher that was a whole hower out of
his matter, and at length remembring himself, saied well, now
to the purpose, as though all that which he had spoken before,
had beene little to the purpose, whereat many laughed, and
some for starke wearinesse were faine to goe away.
¶ Iterating and repeating things saied before.
WHen a man hath largely spoken his minde, he may repeate
in fewe wordes the somme of his saying. As if
one should bee charged with Felonie, that is a man of wealth
and honestie, he might thus gather his minde together after
a long tale told. First, I will proue there is no cause that
I should steale. Againe, that I could not possible at such
a time steale, and last, that I stole not at all.
¶ The conclusion or lapping vp of matter.
THE conclusion, is an apt knitting together of that, which
we haue saied before. As thus. If reason can perswade,
if examples may mooue, if necessitie may helpe, if pitie may
prouoke, if daungers foreseene may stirre vs to be wise: I
doubt not but you will rather vse sharpe lawes to represse
offendours, then with dissolute negligence suffer all to perish.
Mounting aboue the trueth.
Veritatis superlatio, |
atque traiectio. |
MOunting aboue the trueth, is when wee doe set foorth
things exceedingly and aboue all mens expectation,
meaning onely that they are very great. As thus. God
promised to Abraham, that he would make his posteritie equal
with the sandes of the earth. Now it was not so saied, that
there should be so many in deede, but that the number should
bee infinite. For whether shall wee vnderstande those to bee
the children of Abraham, that came of his stocke in flesh, or
els take them for the children of Abraham, that haue the faith
of Abraham: we shall neuer proue the number of men to be
equal with the sands of the Sea, though we could recken all
that haue beene, from the beginning of the world. Therefore
in this speech, we must vnderstand there is a mounting,
called of the Grecians Hyperbole: wee vse this figure much in
English. As thus. He is as swift as a Swallowe, he hath
a belly as bigge as a Barrell, he is a Gyaunt in making: the
whole Themes is little enough to serue him, for washing his
hands. In all which speeches we mount euermore a great
deale, and not meane so as the wordes are spoken.
Asking other, and aunswering our selfe.
BY asking other, and aunswering to the question our self,
we much commend the matter, and make it appeare very
pleasaunt. If I would rebuke one that hath committed a Robberie,
I might say thus. I wonder what you meant to commit
such Felonie. Haue you not Lands? I knowe you haue. Are
not your friends worshipfull? Yes assuredly. Were you not
beloued of them? No doubt you were. Could you haue
wanted any thing that they had? If you would haue eaten
golde, you might haue had it. Did not they alwaies bid you
seeke to them, and to none other? I knowe they did. What
euill hap had you then to offend in such sort, not going to
your friendes, which would not see you want, but seeking for
that which you should not haue,
endaungering your self by
vntrue dealing, to feele the power and strength of a lawe, when
otherwise you might haue liued in sauegarde?
The like kinde of writing is also vsed, when wee make an
other bodie to speake, and yet not aske them any question at
all. As when Doctor Haddon had comforted the Duches
of Suffolkes Grace for her children, and had saied they were
happely gone, because they might haue falne hereafter, and
lost that worthie name, which at their death they had: at last
hee bringeth in the mother, speaking motherlike in her
childrens behalfe of this sorte, and aunswereth still to her
sayinges. But all these euilles whereof you speake (quoth he)
had not chaunced: yet such things doe chaunce. Yet not
alwaies: Yet full oft. Yet not to all: Yet to a great many.
Yet they had not chaunced to mine: Yet we know not. Yet
I might haue hoped: Yet better it had beene to haue
Snappish asking.
WE doe aske oftentimes, because we would knowe: we
doe aske also because we would chide, and set forth our
griefe with more vehemencie, the one is called Interrogatio,
the other is called Percontatio. Tullie enueighing against Catiline
that Romaine Rebell, beginneth his Oration
questioning with Catiline of this sorte. How long (Catiline)
wilt thou abuse our sufferaunce? How long will this rage
and madnesse of thine goe about to deceiue vs.
Dissembling or close iesting.
Dissimulatio alia |
dicentis ac |
significantis. |
WHen we iest closely, & with dissembling meanes grig
our fellowe, when in words we speake one thing, and
meane in heart an other thing, declaring either by our
countenaunce, or by vtteraunce, or by some other way,
what our whole meaning is. As when wee see one boasting
himselfe, and vaine glorious, to holde him vp with ye and
nay, and euer to add more to that which he saieth. As I
knowe one that saied himselfe to be in his owne iudgement,
one of the best in all England, for trying of mettalles, & that
the Counsaill hath often called for his helpe, and cannot
want him for nothing. In deede (quoth an other) England
had a sore losse, if God should call you. They are al
bungelers in comparison of you, & I think the best of them
may thank you for all that he hath:
but yet sir your cunning
was such that you brought a shilling to nine pence, nay to
sixe pence, and a groat to two pence, and so gaue him
a frumpe euen to his face, because he sawe him so foolish.
A glorious gentleman that had two seruaunts, and belike
would be knowne not onely to haue them, but also to haue
moe, saied in the presence of a worshipful man, I maruaile
much where al my seruaunts are? Mary sir (quoth one) that
thought to hit him home: they were here al two euen now.
Thus he closly mockt him, and worthely. For the number
is not great, that standeth vpon two, and (all) is to much,
when we speake of so fewe.
DOubtfulnesse is then vsed, when we make the hearers
beleeue that the weight of our matter causeth vs to
doubt what were best to speake. As when a King findeth his
people vnfaithful, he may speak in this wise. Before I begin,
I doubt what to name ye. Shall I cal you subiects? You
deserue it not. My friends ye are not. To cal you enemies
were ouer little, because your offence is so great. Rebelles
you are, and yet that name doth not fully vtter your folly. Traytors
I may call you, & yet you are worse then Traytors, for
you seeke his death who hath giuen you life. The offence is
so great, that no man can comprehend it. Therefore I doubt
what to call you, except I should cal you by the name of them
al. An other: whether shall I speake or holde my peace?
If I speake, you will not heare, if I hold my peace, my
conscience condemned my silence.
DIstribution, is when we applie to euery bodie, such things
as are due vnto them, declaring what euery one is in his
vocation. It is the duetie of a King, to haue an especiall
care ouer his whole Realme. It is the office of his Nobles,
to cause the Kings will to be fulfilled, and with all diligence
to further his Lawes, and to see Iustice done euery where. It
is the parte of a Subiect, faithfully to doe his Princes commaundement,
and with a willing heart to serue him at all
needes. It is the office of a Bishop to set forth Gods worde,
and with all diligence to exhort men to all Godlinesse. It is
an Husbands duetie to loue his wife, and with gentle meanes
to rule her. It is the wiues office
humbly to submit her self
to her husbands will. Seruaunts should bee faithfull to their
Maisters, not onely for feare of a lawe, but also for conscience
sake. Maisters should vse their seruants accordingly, paying
them that which is due vnto them. A father should bring vp
his children in the feare of God. Children should reuerence
their fathers with al submission. It is also called a distribution,
when we deuide the whole into seueral parts and say wee
haue fower points, whereof wee purpose to speake, comprehending
our whole talke within compasse of the same.
COrrection, is when we alter a word or sentence, otherwise
then we haue spoken before, purposing thereby to
augment the matter, and to make it appeare more vehement. Tullie
against Verres, giueth a good example. We
haue brought
before you my Lords, into this place of iudgement, not
a theefe, but an extortioner and violent robber, not an
Aduouterer, but a rauisher of Maides: not a stealer of Church
goodes, but an errant traytour, both to God and all Godlinesse:
not a common Ruffine, but a most cruell cutthrote,
such as if a man should rake hell for one, he could not finde
the like. Againe, if one would enueigh against backbiters
after this sort. Thou hast not robbed him of his money, but
thou hast taken away his good name, which passeth all worldly
goodes: neither hast thou slaundered thine enemie, but
thine owne brother and freend that meant thee wel, and hast
done thee pleasures: Nay, thou hast not slaundered him, but
thou hast slaine him. For a man is halfe hanged, that hath
lost his good name. Neither hast thou killed him with the
sword, but poisoned him with thy tongue: so that I may call
it rather an enchaunting, then a murther. Neither hast thou
killed one man a lone, but so many as thou hast brought out
of charitie, with thy most venemous backbyting. Yea, and
last of al, thou hast not slaine a man, but thou hast slaine
Christ in his members, so much as lay in thee to doe. But
of this figure I haue spoken heretofore, where I wrote of
REiection is then vsed, when wee lay such faultes from vs,
as our enemies would charge vs withall: saying it is folly
to thinke any such thing, much more
to speake it: or els to
say, such a mans worde is no slaunder, or it needeth not to
talke of such toyes. Or thus. Who would thinke that
I would doe such a deede? Or is it like that I would doe
such a deede. Antony charged Tullie, that he was the
of ciuill battaile. Nay (quoth Tullie) it is thou, it is thou
man and none other that sets Cæsar on worke, to seeke the
slaughter of his Countrey.
A Buttresse.
A Butteresse is a fence made for that, which we purpose to
holde vp, or goe about to compasse. As thus. I hope
my Lordes, both to perswade this man by reason, and to
haue your iudgement in this matter. For whereas it is a sore
thing to be iustly accused for breaking freendship, then
assuredly if one be wrongfully slaundered, a man had neede
to looke about him.
¶ A familiar talke, or communication
COmmunication is then vsed, when we debate with other,
and aske questions as though we looked for an aunswer,
and so go through with our matter, leauing the iudgement
thereof to their discretion. As thus. What thinke you in
this matter? Is there any other better meanes to dispatch
the thing? What would you haue done, if you were in the
same case? Here I appeale to your owne conscience,
whether you would suffer this vnpunished, if a man should
doe you the like displeasure.
¶ Description of a mans nature or maners.
WE describe the maners of men, when we set them forth
in their kinde what they are. As in speaking against
a couetous man, thus. There is no such pinch peney on liue
as this good fellowe is. He will not lose the paring of his
nailes. His haire is neuer rounded for sparing of money, one
paire of shone serueth him a twelue moneth, he is shod with
nailes like a Horse. He hath bene knowne by his coate this
thirtie Winter. He spent once a groate at good ale, being
forced through companie, and taken short at his worde,
whereupon he hath taken such conceipt since that time, that
it hath almost cost him his life. Tullie describeth Piso
for his
naughtinesse of life, wonderfully to heare, yea, worse then
haue set forth this couetous man.
Reade the Oration against Piso, such as he learned.
ERror is, when we thinke much otherwise then the trueth
is. As when wee haue conceiued a good opinion of some
one man, and are often deceiued, to say, who would haue
thought, that he euer would haue done so. Now of all men
vpon earth, I would haue least suspected him. But such is
the world. Or thus. You thinke such a man a worthie
personage, and of much honestie, but I wil proue that he is
much otherwise: a man would not thinke it, but if I doe not
proue it, I will giue you my head.
Mirth making.
I Haue heretofore largely declared, the waies of mirth
making, and therefore I little neede to renue them here
in this place.
Amplification or Preuention.
ANticipation is, when we preuent those wordes, tha[t] an
other would say, and disproue them as vntrue, or at least
wise aunswere vnto them. A Godly Preacher enueighed
earnestly against those, that would not haue the Byble to
bee in English, and after earnest probation of his cause, saied
thus: but me thinkes I heare one say. Sir, you make much
a doe, about a little matter, what were we the worse if we
had no Scripture at all? To whom he aunswered: the
Scripture is left vnto vs by Gods owne wil, that the rather
we might knowe his commaundements, and liue thereafter
all the daies of our life. Sometimes this figure is vsed when
wee say, wee wil not speake this or that, and yet doe notwithstanding.
As thus. Such a one is an officer, I will not
say a briber. Right is hindered through might, I will not
say ouerwhelmed. Thus in saying we will not speake, we
speake our minde after a sort notwithstanding.
A Similitude.
A Similitude is a likenesse when two thinges, or moe then
two, are so compared and resembled together, that they
both in some one propertie seeme like. Oftentimes brute
Beastes, and thinges that haue no life, minister great matter
in this behalfe. Therefore, those that delite to proue thinges
by Similitudes, must learne to knowe the nature of diuers
beastes, of mettalles, of stones,
and al such as haue any vertue
in them, and be applied to mans life. Sometimes in a worde
appeareth a similitude, which being dilated helpeth well for
amplification. As thus. You striue against the streame,
better bowe then breake. It is euill running against a stone
wall. A man may loue his house well, & yet not ride vpon
the ridge. By al which, any one may gather a similitude,
and enlarge it at pleasure. The Prouerbes of Hewood helpe
wonderfull well for this purpose. In comparing a thing from
the lesse to the greater. Similitudes help well to set out the
matter. That if we purpose to dilate our cause hereby with
poses & sentences, wee may with ease talke at large. This
shall serue for an example. The more precious a thing is,
the more diligently should it bee kept, and better heede taken
to it. Therefore time (considering, nothing is more precious)
would warely be vsed, and good care taken, that no time bee
lost, without some profite gotten. For if they are to bee
punished that spende their money, and waist their Landes,
what follie is it, not to thinke them worthie much more
blame, that spende their time (which is the chiefest treasure
that GOD giueth) either idely, or els vngodly? For what
other thing doth man lose, when he loseth his time, but his
life? And what can bee more deare to man then his life?
If wee lose a little money, or a Ring of golde with a stone in
it, we coumpt that great losse. And I pray you, when wee
lose a whole day, which is a good portion of a mans life,
shall we not compt that a losse, considering though our
money bee gone, wee may recouer the same againe, but time
lost can neuer be called backe againe. Againe, when we lose
our money, some bodie getteth good by it, but the losse of
time turneth to no mans auaile. There is no man that loseth
in any other thing, but some bodie gaineth by it, sauing onely
in the losse of time: yea, it hath saued the life of some to
lose al that they had. For riches bee the occasion sometimes
of much mischiefe in this life, so that it were better sometimes
wastefully to spende, then warely to keepe: by the losse of
time, no man hath profited him selfe any thing at all. Besides
this, the better and more precious a thing is, the more shame
to spend it fondly. Though men keepe their goodes neuer
so close, and locke them vp neuer so fast, yet oftentimes,
either by some mischaunce of fire,
or other thing, they are
lost, or els desperate Dickes borowes now and then against
the owners will al that euer he hath. And now though the
owner be vndone, yet is he not therefore dishonest, considering
honestie standeth not in wealth, nor heapes of money:
but the losse of time, seeing it happeneth through our owne
foly, not only doth it make vs wretches, but also causeth men
to thinke that we are past all grace. A wonderfull kinde
of infamie, when the whole blame shall rest vpon none other
mans necke, but vpon his onely that suffereth all the harme.
With money a man may buy lande, but none can get honestie
of that price: and yet with well vsing of time, a man not
onely might get him much worshippe, but also might purchase
himsefe a name for euer. Yea, in a small tyme a man might
get great fame, and liue in much estimation. By losing
of money we lose little els: but losing of time we lose all
the goodnesse and giftes of God, which by labor might be
had. Thus similitudes might be enlarged by heaping good
sentences, when one thing is compared with an other, and
conclusion made thereupon. Among the learned men of the
Church, no one vseth this figure more then Chrisostome, whose
writings the rather seeme more pleasaunt and sweete. For
similitudes are not onely vsed to amplifie a matter, but also
to beautifie the same, to delite the hearers, to make the
matter plaine, and to shewe a certain maiestie with the
report of such resembled things, but because I haue spoken of
similitudes heretofore in the booke of Logique, I will surcease
to talk any further of this matter.
¶ Example.
HE that mindeth to perswade, must needes be well stored
with examples. And therefore much are they to be
commended, which searche Chronicles of all ages, and compare
the state of our Elders with this present time. The
Historie of Gods booke to the Christian is infallible, and
therefore the rehearsall of such good things as are therein
conteined, moue the faithfull to all vpright doing, and
amendment of their life. The Ethnicke Authours stirre
the hearers, being well applied to the purpose. For when it
shalbe reported that thei which had no knowledge of God,
liued in a brotherly loue one towards an other, detested
aduoutry, banished periuries, hanged
the vnthankful, kept
the idle without meate till they laboured for their liuing:
suffered none extortion, exempted bribes from bearing rule in
the Commonweale, the Christians must needes bee ashamed
of their euill behauiour, and studie much to passe those which
are in calling much vnder them, and not suffer that the
ignorant and Pagans life, shall counteruaile the taught
children of God, and passe them in good learning. Unegall
examples commend much the matter. I call them
vnegall when the weaker is brought in against the stronger,
as if children be faithfull, much more ought men to be faithfull.
If women be chast and vndefiled: men should much
more be cleane and without fault. If an vnlearned man wil
do no wrong, a learned man and a Preacher, must much more
be vpright and liue without blame. If an Housholder will
deale iustly with his seruants: a King must much the rather
deale iustly with his subiects. Examples gathered out of
histories, and vsed in this sorte, helpe much towards perswasion.
Yea, brute beastes minister greate occasion of
right good matter, considering many of them haue shewed
vnto vs, the paterns and Images of diuers vertues.
Doues seing an Hauke gather all together, teaching vs none
other thing, but in aduersitie to stick one to an other. Craines
in the night haue their watch, warning vs neuer to be carelesse,
for if their watch faile them, they al neuer leaue till they
haue killed that one Craine, teaching vs that no traitors are
worthy to liue vpon earth. The watch for his safegard, and
because he would not slepe, holdeth a stone in his foote, the
Vnthankfulnesse, |
how euill it is. |
which falleth from him, when he beginneth to waxe heauie,
and so keepeth himselfe stil waking. Whereby we may learne
that all men in their vocation, should be right ware and
watchfull. The Hen clocketh her Chickens, feedeth them,
and keepeth them from the Kite. Women must clocke their
Children, bring them vp well, and keepe them from euill
happ. Now I might in speaking of some odious vice, largely
set out some example belonging to the same, and compare
it with other by heaping of Chronicles, and matching of
things together. The vnthankfull in this age (whereof there
is no small nomber) can not haue enough saide against them.
And therefore I am minded to say
somewhat against them, to
the vtter abhorring of all such vnkind dealing. For
he that is vnthankfull, for hartie loue sheweth cankard
hatered: wanteth all other vertues that are required to be
in man. The chief perfection and the absolute fulfilling
of the law, standeth in the loue which man oweth first to
GOD, and next to his neighbour. Let a man haue faith, that
he may be able to translate mountaines (as S. Paul saith:)
yea, let him haue neuer so good qualities, or bee he neuer so
politique a man for the safegard of his Countrie, be he neuer
so wise, so ware, and so watchful: yet if he want loue he
is nothing els but as a sounding Brasse, or a tinckling Cimball.
Vnthankfulnesse |
punished by the Persians |
with death. |
Now hee that is churlish and vnthankfull, must needes
want loue, and therefore wanteth he all other goodnesse.
The Persians therefore seeing the greatenesse of this offence,
and that where it rested, all vices for euer were banished:
Prouided by a Lawe that such should suffer death as felons,
which were found faultie with vnthankfulnesse. And yet
I can not see but they deserue rather an exquisite kinde
of death (such as fewe haue seen, or few haue felt) then to
suffer like death with other, that haue not like offended with
them. But now because this offence is an euill most odious
and the principall cause of all other mischiefe: I will set
foorth three notable examples, the one of a Dragon, the
second of a dog, and the third of a Lion (which all three
in thankfulnesse, if that be true which is reported of them,
wonderfully exceeded) and the rather I seeke to set them out,
that the wicked hereby may well knowe, what they themselues are,
when brute beasts shall set them all to schoole.
There was a man (as Plinie writeth) which fostered
a young Dragon, who seeing the same beast to waxe wonderfull
greate, feared to keepe this Dragon any longer within his
house, and therefore he put him out into a wilde Forest. It
happeneth afterwarde, that the same man trauayling on his
iourney through the Forrest, was beset with Theeues. And
nowe beeing in this distresse, and looking for none other ende
but death, made (as lothe to departe) a great shoute and outcrie:
straight vpon whose noyse, and at the knowledge of his
voyce, the Dragon came to him in all the haste possible.
Whereupon the Theeues beeing greatly afraied, ranne cleane
away to saue themselues harmelesse.
Thus through the thankfulnesse
of a Dragon, this mans life was saued.
The Dog of the Romaine Fuluius is more wonderfull.
This Fuluius trauailing by the way was slaine with slaues,
that laie
in waite for him. His Dogge seeing his master dead, laie by
him for the space of two daies. Whereupon when the man
was missing, and search made for him: They founde him dead
with his Dog lying by him. Some marueiling to see the Dog
lye there by his dead Master, stroke him and would haue
driuen him from the dead corse, and could not: some seeing
such kindenesse in the dog, and pitying him that he should lye
there without meate two or three daies before: cast him
a peece of flesh: whereupon the Dog straight caried the meate
to his maisters mouth, and would not eate any whit himselfe,
though he had forborne meate so long before. And last of all
when the dead body should be cast into the Riuer (according to
the maner of the Romaines) the dog lept in after, and holding
vp his maister so long as he could, did chuse rather to dye
with him, then to liue without him.
The Lion (whereof Appian the Grammarian doeth
is also strange for his kindnesse, and almost incredible. A
seruant that had run awaie from his master, and hid him selfe
for feare in a Caue within a great wood, tooke a thorne out
of a Lions foote, which then came to him for succour as he
laie there. Now when he had done, the Lion to requite his
good turne, brought such meat to the Caue as he could kill
in the Wood. The which meate the seruant rosting against
the Sunne (being in the most hot Countrey of all Affrica) did
eate from tyme to time. At length yet being wearie of such
a lothsome life, hee left the caue and came abroad, by meanes
whereof he was taken again, and being a slaue to his maister
(who had power of life and death ouer him) he was condemned
to be cast to wilde beasts at Rome, there to be deuoured of
a Lyon. The poore caitife stoode pitifully in the sight of
thousands, euer looking when he should be deuoured. It
happened at the same time when this fellow was thus adiudged to
that the same Lion was taken, whose foote he
healed in the wood. When the Lion was put to him, he
came first very terrible towards the fellowe, and immediatly
knowing what he was, stood still, and at length fauned gently
vpon him. This fellowe at first
being amased, began to take
harte vnto him afterwardes, as half knowing him likewise,
and thus they began both to take acquaintance the one of
the other, and plaied together a good space without all
daunger, whereupon the people being amased, much wondered
at the straungenesse of this thing. And standing thus astonied,
they sent to know of the slaue what this matter should meane.
Unto whom this poore wretch opened the whole thing altogether
euen as it happened. When the people heard this,
they not onely reioyced much at the sight thereof, but also
they made earnest request to his maister for his life. His
maister marueiling asmuch as any of them at such an vnwonted
kindnesse: gaue him not onely his life, but also his freedome.
And now to the ende he might haue somewhat whereupon to
liue, the people gaue him a fee for terme of his life. The
felowe by and by gat him a line and a coler, and caried the
Lion vp and doune the Citie in such sort, as Huntesmen
cary a Greihound or a Spanell, the people still wondering
and saying euer as he came by: beholde a man that hath
cured a Lion: beholde a Lion that hath saued a man. The
which example the more straunge it is, the more ashamed
may they be, that are vnnaturall, and may learne kindnesse
of a brute beast. For such men being ouercome with kindnesse
by beastes, are worse then beastes, and more meete
rather to bee tormented with Deuilles, then to liue with men.
¶ Of enlarging examples by copy.
ANd now because examples enriched by copie, helpe much
for amplification: I will giue a taste howe these and such
like histories may bee encreased. And for the better handling
of them, needfull it is to marke well the circumstances: that
being well obserued and compared together on both partes,
they may the rather bee enlarged. As thus. That which brute
beastes haue done, shalt thou being a man, seeme not to haue
done? They shewed themselues naturall, and wilt thou
appeare vnnaturall? Naie, they ouercame Nature, and
wilt thou be ouercome of them? They became of beastes
in bodie, men in Nature, and wilt thou become of a man in
bodie, a beast in Nature? They beeing without reason,
declared the propertie of reasonable creatures, and wilt thou,
being a man endued with reason, appere in thy doings altogether
vnreasonable? Shall Dogges be
thankfull: and man,
yea, Christen men want such a vertue? shall wormes shewe
such kindnesse: and men appeare gracelesse? It had bene no
matter if they had bene vnthankful: but man can neuer escape
blame, seing God hath commaunded, and Nature hath graffed
this in al men: that they should do to other, as they would
be done vnto. Againe, they for meate onely shewed them
selues so kind: and shall man for so many benefites receiued,
and for such goodnesse shewed, requite for good will euill
deedes: for hartie loue deadly hatred: for vertue vice:
and for life giuen to him, yeeld death to other? Nature hath
parted man and beast: and shall man in Nature bee no man?
Shamed be that wretch that goeth against Nature, that onely
hath the shape of a man, and in Nature is worse then a beast.
Yea, worthy are all such rather to be torne with deuilles,
then to liue with men. Thus an example might most
copiously be augmented, but thus much for this time is
Poetical narrations |
profitable. |
The saying of Poetes and all their fables are not to be forgotten,
for by them we may talke at large, and win men by
perswasion, if we declare before hand that these tales were
not fained of such wisemen without cause, neither yet continued
vntill this time, and kept in memorie without good
consideration, and therupon declare the true meaning of all
such writing. For vndoubtedly there is no one tale among
all the Poetes, but vnder the same is comprehended some
thing that parteineth, either to the amendment of maners,
to the knowledge of the trueth, to the setting forth of
Natures work, or els the vnderstanding of some notable
Poetes vnder colours, |
shew much wisedome. |
thing done. For what other is the painfull trauaile of Vlisses,
described so largely by Homer, but a liuely picture of mans
in this life. And as Plutarch saieth: and likewise Basilius
Magnus: in the Iliades are described strength, and
of the bodie: In Odissea is set forth a liuely paterne of the
minde. The Poetes were wisemen, and wished in hart the
redresse of things, the which when for feare, they durst not
openly rebuke, they did in colours paint them out, and tolde
men by shadowes what they should doe in good sooth, or els
because the wicked were vnworthie to heare the trueth, they
spake so that none might vnderstande but those vnto whom
they please to vtter their meaning,
and knewe them to be men
of honest conuersation.
We read of Danae the faire damosell, whom Iupiter
full oft, and could neuer haue his pleasure, till at length he
made it raigne golde, and so as she sat in her Chimney,
a great deale fell vpon her lappe, the which she tooke gladly
and kept it there, within the which golde, Iupiter himselfe
was comprehended, whereby is none other thing els signified,
but that women haue bene, and will be ouercome with
Likewise Iupiter fansying the faire maide Isis, could
haue his will, till he turned himself into a faire white Bull,
which signified that beautie may ouercome the best.
If a man could speake against couetous caitiues, can he
better shew what they are, then by setting forth the straunge
plague of Tantalus, who is reported to be in Hell, hauing
Water comming still to his chin, and yet neuer able to drinke:
And an Apple hanging before his mouth, and yet neuer able
to eate?
Icarus would needes haue winges, and flie contrarie to
Nature, whereupon when he had set them together with
Waxe, and ioyned to his side, and mounted vp into the Ayre:
But so sone as the Sunne had somewhat heated him, and his
Waxe beganne to melt, he fell downe into a greate Riuer,
and was drowned out of hand, the which water was euer
after called by his name. Nowe what other thing doeth this
tale shewe vs, but that euery man should not meddle with
things aboue his compasse.
Midas desired that whatsoeuer he touched, the same might
be gold: whereupon when Iupiter had graunted him his bound:
his meate, drinke, and all other things turned into golde, and
he choked with his own desire, as all couetous men lightly
shalbe, that can neuer be content when they haue enough.
Hercules labours, what |
they signified. |
S. Christopher, what |
he signified. |
What other thing are the wonderfull labours of Hercules,
but that reason should withstand affection, and the spirit for
euer should fight against the flesh? Wee Christians had like
Fables heretofore of ioyly felowes, the Images whereof were
set vp (in Gods name) euen in our Churches. But is any
man so madde to think that euer there was such a one as
Saint Christopher was painted vnto vs? Mary God forbid.
Assuredly when he liued vpon earth
there were other houses
builded for him, then wee haue at this time, and I thinke
Tailers were much troubled to take measure of him for
making his garments. He might be of kinne to Garganteo
if he were as bigge as he is set forth in Antwerp. But this
was the meaning of our elders (and the name self doth signifie
none other) that euery man should beare Christ vpon his
backe, that is to say, he should loue his brother, as Christ
loued vs, and gaue his bodie for vs: he should trauaile through
hunger, cold, sorowe, sicknesse, death, and all daungers, with
al sufferance that might be. And whether should he trauaile?
to the euerliuing God. But how? In darknesse? No forsooth
by the light of his worde. And therfore S. Christopher
beeing in the Sea, and not wel able to get out (that is to say)
being almost drowned in sinne, (and not knowing which waie
best to escape) an Eromite appeared vnto him with a Lanterne
and a light therein, the which doth signifie none other thing to
the Christian, but the true worde of God, which lighteneth
the hearts of men, and giueth vnderstanding to the younglings
(as the Prophet doth say.) Againe, S. George he is set
on Horsebacke and killeth a Dragon with his speare, which
Dragon would haue deuoured a Virgine, whereby is none
other thing meant, but that a King and euery man, vnto
whom the execution of Iustice is committed, should defende
the innocent against the vngodly attempts of the wicked, and
rather kill such deuilles by Marciall lawe, then suffer the
innocentes to take any wrong. But who gaue our Cleargie
any such authoritie that those Monsters should be in Churches,
as lay mens bookes? God forbad by expresse worde, to make
any grauen Image, and shall wee bee so bold to breake Gods
will for a good intent, and call these Idolles laie mens bookes?
I could talk largely of examples, and heape a number here
together, aswell of Ethnik Authours, as of other here at home;
but for feare I should be tedious, these for this time shall
¶ Of Fables.
THe feined Fables, such as are attributed vnto brute
beastes, would not be forgotten at any hande. For not
onely they delite the rude and ignorant, but also they helpe
much for perswasion. And because such as speake in open
audience, haue euer mo fooles to
heare them, then wisemen to
giue iudgement: I would thinke it not amisse to speake
much, according to the nature and phansie of the ignorant,
that the rather they might be won through Fables, to learne
more weightie and graue matters, for all men can not brooke
sage causes, and auncient collations: but will like earnest matters
the rather, if some thing be spoken there among agreeing
to their natures. The multitude (as Horace doth say) is a
beast, or rather a monster that hath many heddes, and therefore
like vnto the diuersitie of natures, varietie of inuention
Fables how needfull |
they are to teache |
the ignorant. |
must alwaies be vsed. Talke altogether of most graue matters,
or deepely search out the ground of things or vse the quiddities
of Dunce, to set forth Gods misteries: and you shal see the
ignorant (I warrant you) either fall a sleepe, or els bid you
farewell. The multitude must needes be made merie: & the
more foolish your talke is, the more wise will they compt it to
be. And yet it is no foolishnesse, but rather wisedome to win
men, by telling of Fables to heare of Gods goodnesse. Undoubtedly
fables well set forth, haue done much good at diuers
times, and in diuers Commonweales. The Romaine Menenius
Agrippa, alledging vpon a time, a Fable of the conflict made
betwixt the parts of a mans bodie, and his bellie: quieted a
marueilous stirre that was like to ensue, and pacified the vprore
of sedicious Rebelles, which els thought for euer to
destroy their Countrey. Themistocles perswaded the Athenians
not to change their officers, by rehearsing the fable of a scabbed
Foxe. For (quoth he) when many flies stoode feeding vppon
his rawe flesh, and had well fed themselues, he was contented
at an others perswasion, to haue them slapt awaie: whereupon
there ensued such hungrie flies afterwards, that the sorie Foxe
being all alone, was eaten vp almost to the hard bone, and
therefore cursed the time, that euer he greed to any such euil
counsaile. In like maner (quoth Themistocles) if you will
chaunge officers, the hungrie flies will eate you vp one after
another, whereas now you liue being but onely bitten, and like
to haue no farthar harme, but rather much wealth and quietnesse
hereafter, because thei are filled and haue enough, that
heretofore suckt so much of your bloud.
Now likewise, as I gaue a lesson how to enlarge an example,
so may fables also in like sort be set out, and augmented at
large by Amplification. Thus much
for the vse of Fables.
Again, sometimes feined narrations, and wittie inuented
matters (as though they were true in deede) help wel to set
forward a cause, and haue great grace in them, being aptly vsed
and well inuented. Luciane passeth in this point: and Sir
Thomas More for his Eutopia, can soner be remembred of me,
then worthely praised of any, according as the excellencie of
his inuention in that behalfe doth most iustly require.
¶ Digestion.
DIgestion is an orderly placing of things, parting euery
matter seuerally. Tullie hath an example hereof in his
Oration which he made for Sextus Roscius Amarinus. There
are three things (quoth Tullie) which hinder Sextus Roscius
this time, the accusation of his aduersaries, the boldnesse of
them, and the power that they bare. Eruscus his accusar hath
taken vpon him to forge false matter, the Roscians kinsfolke
haue boldly aduentured, and will face out their doings, and Chrisogonus
here that most can doe, will presse vs with
¶ A whisht or warning to speake no more.
A Whisht is when we bid them holde their peace, that haue
least cause to speake, and can doe little good with their
talking. Diogenes being vpon the Sea among a number of
naughtie packes, in a great storme of weather, when diuers of
these wicked fellowes cried out for feare of drowning, some
with feined praier to Iupiter, some to Neptune, and
euery one
as they best fantasied the Gods aboue: whisht (quoth Diogenes)
for by Gods mother, if God himselfe knewe you to be here,
you were like to be drowned euery mothers sonne of you.
Meaning that they were so naught, and so fainedly made their
praier to false Gods, without mind to amend their naughtie
life, that the liuing GOD would not leaue them vnpunished,
though they cried out neuer so fast. We vse this figure likewise
in speaking of any man: we say whisht, the Woulfe
is at hand, when the same man cometh in the meane season,
of whom we spake before.
¶ Contrarietie.
COntrarietie, is when our talke standeth by contrary wordes
or sentences together. As thus. Wee might dispraise
some one man, he is of a straunge nature as euer I saw, for to his
frend he is churlish, to his foe he
is gentle: giue him faire
wordes and you offend him: checke him sharply, and you
winne him. Let him haue his will, and he will flie in thy face:
keepe him short and you shall haue him at commaundement.
¶ Freenesse of speeche.
FReenesse of speech, is when we speake boldly and without
feare, euen to the proudest of them, whatsoeuer we please
or haue list to speake. Diogenes, herein did excell, and feared
no man when he sawe iust cause to say his minde. This
worlde wanteth such as hee was, and hath ouer many such as
neuer honest man was, that is to saie, flatterers, fauners, and
soothers of mens sayings.
¶ Stomacke greefe.
Iracundia. |
Deprecatio. |
Conciliatio. |
Læsio. |
Purgatio. |
Optation. |
Execratio. |
STomacke griefe, is when we will take the matter as hot as
a toste. We need no examples for this matter, hot men
haue too many, of whom they may be bold and spare not that
find themselues a cold. Sometimes we entreate earnestly, and
make meanes by praier to winne fauour. Sometimes we seeke
fauour by speaking well of the companie present. As thus.
Through your help my Lords, this good deede hath bin done.
Sometimes we speake to hurt our aduersaries, by setting forth
their euil behauior. Somtimes we excuse a fault, & accuse the
reporters. Sometimes wee wish vnto God for redresse of euill.
Sometimes wee curse the extreme wickednesse of some past
good Roisters. In all which I thinke neither examples neede,
nor yet any rehearsall had bin greatly necessary, considering al
these come without any great learning, sauing, that for apt
bestowing, iudgement is right needfull.
¶ Of figures in sentences called Schemes.
WHen any sentence vpon the placing or setting of wordes,
is sayd to be a figure: the said is alwaies called a
Scheme, the which words being altered or displaced, the figure
straight doth lose his name, and is called no more a Scheme.
Of this sort there is diuers, such as hereafter followe.
¶ Doublets.
DOublettes is when we rehearse one and the same worde
twise together. Ah wretche, wretche, that I am. Tullie
against Catiline, enueighing sore against his traterous
saieth after a long rehearsed matter, and yet notwithstanding
al this notorious wickednesse: The man liueth still, liueth?
Naie Marie, he cometh into the
counsaile house, which is
more. An other. Darest thou shew thy face, thou wretched
theefe, thou theef, I say to thine owne father, darest thou looke
abroade? Thus the oft repeating of one worde, doth much
stirre the hearer, and makes the worde seeme greater, as though
a sworde were oft digged and thrust twise, or thrise in one
place of the body.
¶ Altering part of a worde.
Paulum in |
mutatum verbum. |
ALtering parte of a worde, is when we take a letter or
sillable from some worde, or els adde a letter, or sillable
to a worde. As thus. William Somer seeing much adoe for
accomptes making, and that the Kinges Maiestie of most
worthie memorie Henrie the eight wanted money, such as was
due vnto him: and please your grace (quoth he) you haue so many
Frauditours, so many Conueighers, and so many Deceiuers
to get vp your money, that they get all to themselues. Whether
he sayd true or no, let God iudge that, it was vnhappely spoken
of a foole, and I thinke he had some Schoolemaster: He should
haue saide Auditours, Surueighours, and Receiuers.
¶ Repetition.
REpetition, is when we beginne diuers sentences, one after
an other: with one and the same worde. As thus:
When thou shalt appeare at the terrible day of iudgement, before
the Maiestie of God, where is then thy riches? Where
is then thy daintie fare? Where is then thy great band of men?
Where are then thy faire houses? Where are then thy Landes,
Pastures, Parkes, and Forests? I might say thus of our soueraigne
Lorde the Kings Maiestie, that now is: King Edward hath
ouerthrowen Idolatrie, King Edward hath banished superstition:
King Edward by Gods help, hath brought vs to the true
knowledge of our creation: King Edward hath quieted our
consciences, and laboured that all his people should seeke health,
by the death and passion of Christ alone.
¶ Conuersion.
Conuersio eiusdem |
in extremum. |
COnuersion, is an oft repeating of the last worde, and is contrary
to that which went before. When iust dealing is not
vsed: wealth goeth awaie, frendship goeth awaie, trueth goeth
awaie, all goodnesse (to speake at a worde) goeth awaie.
Where affections beare rule, there reason is subdued, honestie
is subdued, good will is subdued,
and all things els that withstand
euill, for euer are subdued.
¶ Comprehension.
COmprehension, is when both the aboue rehearsed figures, are
in one kind of speaking vsed, so that both one first word
must oft bee rehearsed, and likewise all one last worde. What
winneth the hartes of men? liberalitie? What causeth men
to aduenture their liues, and die willingly in defence of their
Silence becommeth |
a woman. |
maisters? liberalitie. What continueth the state of a king?
liberalitie. What becometh a woman best, and first of all?
silence. What second? silence. What third? silence. What
fourth? silence. Yea, if a man should aske me till Domes
daie, I would still crie silence, silence: without the which no
woman hath any good gift, but hauing the same, no doubt she
must haue many other notable gifts, as the which of necessitie,
doe euer followe such a vertue.
¶ Progression.
PRogression standeth vpon contrary sentences, which aunswere
one another. If we would rebuke a naughtie boy,
we might with commending a good boye, say thus. What a
boy art thou in comparison of this fellow here. Thou sleepes:
he wakes: thou plaies: he studies: thou art euer abroade: he
is euer at home: thou neuer waites: he still doth his attendance:
thou carest for no bodie: he doeth his duetie to all men: thou
doest what thou canst to hurt all, and please none: he doeth
what he can to hurte none, and please all.
Like ending, and like falling.
Similiter desinens, |
similiter cadens. |
THen the sentences are said to end like, when those wordes
doe ende in like sillables which do lacke cases. Thou
liues wickedly, thou speakest naughtely. The rebels of Northfolke
(quoth a most worthie man that made an inuectiue against
them) through slauerie, shewe nobilitie: in deede miserably, in
fashion cruelly, in cause deuillishly. Sentences also are said to
fall like when diuers wordes in one sentence ende in like cases,
and that in rime. By greate trauaile is gotten much auaile, by
earnest affection men learne discretion.
These two kindes of Exornation are then most delitefull,
when contrary things are repeated together: when that once
againe is vttered which before was spoken: when sentences are
turned and letters are altered. Of the first this may be an example:
where learning is loued, there labour is esteemed: but
when slothe is thought solace, there rudenesse taketh place. A
King is honoured that is a King in deede: will you drinke or
you go, or will you go or you drinke. There is a difference
betwixt an Horsmilne, and a Milne horse. He is a meeter
man to driue the cart, then to serue the court: through
labor cometh honor, through idle liuing foloweth hanging. Diuers
in this our time delite much in this kinde of writing, which
beeing measurably vsed, deliteth much the hearers, otherwise
it offendeth, and wearieth mens eares with sacietie. S. Augustine
had a goodly gift in this behalfe, and yet some thinkes he
forgot measure, and vsed ouermuch this kind of figure. Notwithstanding,
the people were such where he liued, that they
tooke much delite in rimed sentences, and in Orations made
ballade wise. Yea, thei were so nice and so waiward to please,
that except the Preacher from time to time could rime out his
sermon, they would not long abide the hearing. Tacitus also sheweth
that in his time, the Iudges and Seriantes at the lawe, were
driuen to vse this kinde of phrase, both in their writing, and
also in their speaking. Yea, great Lordes would thinke themselues
contemned, if learned men (when they speake before
Rimed sentences, vsed |
without measure. |
them) sought not to speake in this sort. So that for the flowing
stile and full sentence, crept in Minstrels elocution, talking
matters altogether in rime, and for waightinesse and grauitie of
wordes, succeding nothing els but wantonnesse of inuention. Tullie
was forsaken, with Liuie, Cæsar, and other: Apuleius,
Ausonius, with such Minstrell makers were altogether
And I thinke the Popes heretofore (seeing the peoples folie to bee
such) made all our Himnes and Anthemes in rime, that with
the singing of men, playing of Orgaines, ringing of Belles, and
Rimes made to mocke |
the simple. |
riming of Himnes and Sequences, the poore ignorant might
think the harmonie to be heauenly, and verely beleue that the
Angels of God made not a better noyce in heauen. I speake
thus much of these ii. figures, not that I thinke folie to vse
them (for they are pleasant and praise worthy) but my talke is
to this ende, that they should neither onely nor chiefly be vsed,
as I know some in this our time, do ouermuch vse them in
their writings. And ouermuch (as all men knowe) was neuer
good yet. Yea a man may haue ouermuch of his mothers
blessing if she will neuer leaue blessing. Therefore a measure
is best, yea, euen in the best
thinges. And thus farre for these
two figures.
¶ Egall members.
EGall members are such, when the one halfe of the sentence
answereth to the other, with iust proportion of number,
not that the Sillables of necessitie should bee of iust number,
but that the eare might iudge them to be so egall, that there
may appeare small difference. As thus. Law without mercie,
is extreme power, yet men through foly deserue such Iustice.
Learning is daungerous, if an euill man haue it. The more
noble a man is, the more gentle he should bee. Isocrates
passeth in this behalfe, who is thought to write altogether in
nomber, keeping iust proportion in framing of his sentence.
¶ Like among themselues.
SEntences are called like when contraries are set together,
and the first taketh asmuch as the other following: and the
other following taketh asmuch awaie, as that did which went
before. As thus. Lust hath ouercome shamefastnesse, impudence
hath ouercome feare, and madnesse hath ouercome
reason. Or els sentences are said to be like among themselues,
when euery part of one sentence is egall, and of like waight
one with an other. As thus. Is it knowne, tried, proued,
euident, open, and assured that I did such a deede? An other.
Such riot, Dicing, Carding, picking, stealing, fighting,
Ruffians, Queanes and Harlottes must needes bring him to
GRadation, is when we rehearse the word that goeth
next before, and bring an other word thereupon that encreaseth
the matter, as though one should goe vp a paire of
stayres and not leaue till he come at the top. Or thus. Gradation
is when a sentence is disseuered by degrees, so that the
word which endeth the sentence going before doeth begin the
next. Labour getteth learning, learning getteth fame, fame
getteth honour, honour getteth blisse for euer. An other. Of
sloth cometh pleasure, of pleasure cometh spending, of spending
cometh whoring, of whoring cometh lack, of lacke cometh
theft, of theft cometh hanging, and there an end for this
¶ Regression.
THat is called regression, when we repeate a worde eftsone
that hath bin spoken and rehersed before, whether the same
be in the beginning, in the middest, or in the latter ende of a
sentence. In the beginning, thus. Thou art ordeined to
rule other, and not other to rule thee. In the middest, thus.
He that hath money hath not giuen it, and he that hath giuen
money, hath not his money still: and he that hath giuen thankes,
hath thanks still, and he that hath them stil, hath giuen them
notwithstanding. In the latter ende, thus. Man must not
liue to eate, but eate to liue. Man is not made for the sabboth,
but the sabboth is made for man. If man do any filthy thing,
and take pleasure therin: the pleasure goeth away, but the
shame tarieth stil. If man do any good thing with paine, the
paines goe awaie, but the honestie abideth still.
¶ Wordes loose.
WOrdes loose are such, which as are vttered without any
addition of coniunctions, such as knitte words and sentences
together. As thus. Obeye the King, feare his lawes,
keepe thy vocation, doe right, seeke rest, like well a little, vse
all men, as thou wouldest they should vse thee.
¶ Outcrying.
OUt crying, is when with voyce we make an exclamation.
Oh Lord, O God, O worlde, O life, O maners of men?
O Death, where is thy sting? O Hell, where is thy victorie?
¶ Oft vsing of one word in diuers places.
CAn he haue any mans harte in him, or deserueth hee the
name of a man, that cruelly killeth a poore innocent man,
who neuer thought him harme.
¶ A cause giuen to a sentence vttered.
I Feare not mine aduersarie, because I am not guiltie. I mistrust
not the Iudges, because they are iust, the Quest will not
cast me, the matter is so plaine.
¶ A cause giuen to things contrary.
BEtter it were to rule, then to serue. For, he that ruleth,
liueth: because he is free. But he that serueth, cannot be
saide to liue. For where bondage is, there is no life properly.
TAke your pleasure for a time, and doe what you list, a
time will come when accoumpt shall be made. When
thinges cannot be that we would
haue, we should will that,
which we can haue. Pacience is a remedie for euery disease.
A doubting.
SHall I call him foole, or shall I call him varlet, or both?
An other. What made him to commit such a Robberie?
Lacke of money, or lacke of wit, or lacke of honestie? I doubt
whether to call him a foolish knaue, or a knauish foole. When
much matter was here in England, for calling the Pope supreme
head of the Church (quoth a Spanyard, that whilome was of the
Popes Court in Rome) you doubt much here in England,
whether the Pope be head of the Church or no, and great variaunce
there is amongst you, at the which folly of yours I do much
maruaile, for wee doubt much at Rome whether hee bee a member
of the Church at all or no.
REckening is when many thinges are numbred together.
There is no streate, no house, no man, no childe, no
shoppe, no lodging in al this Towne, but he hath bene in it.
There is no Stone, no Diamond, no Saphire, no Rubie, no
Christall: no Turcasse, no Emerode, but he knoweth them
perfectly. By this figure wee may enlarge that, by rehearsing
of the partes, which was spoken generally, and in fewe wordes.
Sentence amplified |
by seuerall rehearsing |
of things. |
This may bee an example. Such a Gentleman being an vnthrift,
hath spent all that euer he had. Thus the sentence may
be amplified, if wee shew particularly what he had, and tell
seuerally how he spent it. Looke what enheritance came to
him (which was no smal thing) by the death of his owne kinne,
and his wiues kinsfolke: What dower soeuer he had by
mariage of his wife, which by report was a very great thing:
Whatsoeuer he got by Executorship: Whatsoeuer the Kinges
Maiestie gaue him. What booties soeuer he got in Warrefare:
looke what money he had, what Plate, what Apparell, what
Houshold stuffe, what Land and Lordships, what Sheepe,
Goods, Parkes, and Medowes, yea, whatsoeuer he had moueable,
or vnmoueable, his house, and all that euer he had: he hath so
spent in fewe daies, so waisted it, and made such hauocke of
all together, among the beastly companie of filthie Queanes,
among abhominable Harlottes, with banquetting from day to
day, with sumptuous rare suppers, with drinking in the night,
with dainties and delicates, and all such sweete delites, with
Dicing, Carding, and all maner of
gameing: that he hath now
left neither crosse nor crucifixe, no not a dodkin in all the
worlde to blesse himselfe with all. Thus these wordes (he hath
spent al his goodes in riot) are dilated and set forth at large,
by rehearsing seuerally euery thing one after an other.
¶ Reasoning a matter with our selues.
THen we reason the matter with our selues, when we aske
questions of our selues, and aunswere therunto. As thus.
How came this, good fellowe by all that he hath? Did his
father leaue him any Lande? Not a foote. Did his friends
giue him any thing? Not a groate. Hath he serued in any vocation,
to heape vp so much wealth? None hath liued more idely.
Doth he not leane to some Noble man? Yea, but he neuer
receiued more then fower marke wages. How then commeth
he by al that euer he hath, liuing without labour, hauing no
friendes to help him, hauing so little to take vnto by all outward
apparance, and spending so liberally, and owing no man
a groate in all the worlde? Assuredly, it cannot be otherwise,
but that he commeth naughtly by most of that which he hath.
An other. Seing thou art so basely borne, so poore in state,
so smally learned, so hard fauoured, and hast no witte at al,
what meanest thou to vaunt thy selfe so much, and to make
such bragges as thou doest. What doth make thee to waxe so
proude? Thy stocke whereof thou didest come? Why man
they are very base folke. Thine owne wealth? Tush, thou
art as poore as Iob. Thy learning? Marie thou neuer camst
yet where any learning did growe. Thy beautie? Now in
good soth, a worse fauoured man can there not be vpon earth
againe. Thy witte? Now God he knoweth, it is as blunt
as many bee. What other thing then is all this thy bragging,
but plaine madnesse.
¶ Resembling of things.
REsembling of thinges, is a comparing or liking of looke,
with looke, shape, with shape, and one thing with an
other. As when I see one in a great heate, and fiercely set
vpon his enemie, I might say, he let flee at him like a Dragon.
Or thus. He lookes like a Tiger, a man would think he
would eate one, his countenance is so ougle. He speakes not,
but he barkes like a Dog: he whets his teeth like a Bore, he
beates the ground with his foote like a great Horse: he is as
ramping as a Lyon. By this figure
called in Latine Imago,
that is to say an Image, we might compare one man with an
other, as Salust compareth Cæsar and Cato
together, or wee
might heape many men together, and proue by large rehearsall
any thing that wee would, the which of the Logicians is called
¶ Answering to our selfe.
WE are saied to answere our self, when we seeme to tell
our self what we will doe, Phedria in Terence beeing
much troubled and out of quiet, because hee was not receiued
of his woman, but shut out of doores, when he was most willing
to see her, made as though he would not come to her afterwards,
nor yet see her at all, when she did most gently sende
for him. And therefore beeing in his anger, thus he saied:
Well, what shall I do? Shall I not goe, not euen now when
she sends for me of her owne accorde? Or shall I bee of such
a nature, that I cannot abide the despitefulnesse of Harlottes?
She hath shut me out, she calles me againe. Shall I goe to
her? Nay I wil not though she entreate me neuer so faire.
ORder is of two sorts, the one is when the worthier is preferred
and set before. As a man is set before a woman.
The second is, when in amplification, the weightiest words are
set last, and in diminishing the same are set formost. With
what looke, with what face, with what heart dare thou doe such
a deede?
¶ Briefe describing, or circumscription.
CIrcumscription is a briefe declaring of a thing. As thus,
He is free that is subiect to no euill. It is a vertue to eschewe
There are diuers other colours of Rhetorique, to
and set forth a sentence, by chaunge of wordes and much
varietie of speech, but I had rather offende in speaking to
little, then deserue rebuke in saying to much. For asmuch as
close silence may soner be pardoned, then immoderate babling
can want iust blame, and therefore thus an ende.
¶ Of Memorie.
AS I haue laboured to set out the other parts of Rhetorique,
in such ample wise as I thought most needfull, so it standeth
me in hande, not to slacken mine endeuour, now that I am
come to speake of memorie. For,
though man haue vnderstanding
and iudgement, which is one part of wisedome: yet
wanting a remembraunce to apply things aptly, when time and
place shal best require: he shall doe but small good with all
his vnderstanding. And therefore it is saied not without reason,
that the same is memorie to the mind, that life is to the
bodie. Now then what els must they doe that esteeme reason
and loue knowledge, but cherish the memorie from time to time,
as an especiall and soueraine preseruatiue, against the infection
of cankard obliuion. The Faulkners say, it is the first point
of hauking to holde fast. And yet I cannot thinke otherwise,
but that in all good learning also, it is best & most expedient
euermore to holde fast. For what auaile good thinges if wee
cannot keepe them, if we receiue them in at one eare, and let
them out as fast againe at the other eare? A good thriftie man
will gather his goodes together in time of plentie, and lay them
out againe in time of need: and shal not an Oratour haue in
store good matter, in the chest of his memorie, to vse and bestow
in time of necessitie? I doubt not, but all men desire to
haue a good remembraunce of thinges, the which what it is,
how it is deuided, and how it may be preserued, I will shewe
in as fewe wordes as I can.
¶ What is memorie.
MEmorie is the power retentiue of minde, to keepe those
thinges, which by mans wit are conceiued, or thus.
Memorie is the power of the minde that conteineth things receiued,
that calleth to minde things past, and renueth of fresh,
things forgotten.
¶ The places of Memorie.
THE Phisitions declare, that in the former part of the head
lieth the common sence, the which is therefore so called,
because it giueth iudgement, of al the fiue outward sences,
onely when they are presently occupied about any thing. As
when I heare a thing, or see a thing, my common sence iudgeth,
that then I doe heare, or see the same. But the memorie
called the Threasure of the minde, lieth in the hinder part, the
which is made most perfect by temperatnesse, and moderation
of qualities in the braine. For where humours exceede or
Children and old men |
have but euill memories. |
want, there must needes ensue much weakenesse of remembraunce.
Children therefore being ouer moyst, and old men
ouer drie, haue neuer good memories. Againe, where ouer
much colde is, and extreme moysture, there is euer much forgetfulnesse.
Therefore it auaileth greatly, what bodies we
haue, and of what constitution they bee compact together.
For such as be hot and moist, do sone conceiue matters, but
Hot & moyst bodies sone |
conceiue. Cold and drie |
keepe thinges sure. |
they keepe not long. Again, they that be colde and drie, doe
hardly conceiue, but they keepe it surely when they once haue
it. And the reason is this, heate beeing chiefe qualitie, doth
drawe thinges vnto it (as we may see by the Sunne) the which
notwithstanding are soner after dissipated and resolued. Againe,
who hath seene a print made in water of any earthly thing?
Then -- though heate and moysture together drawe things vnto
them, yet, (wee see plainly) they cannot long hold them. But
when the braine is cold and drie, things are therfore the faster
holden, because it is the propertie of colde and drought, to
thicken all things, and to harden them fast together, as we see
the water through coldnesse is congeled, and soft things are
frosen oftentimes: almost as hard as a stone. So that moysture
through heate being chiefe qualitie, doth drawe: and drought
through coldnesse, which is chiefe contrary to heate, doth
harden and make thinges fast together. But now how doe wee
knowe, that the memorie resteth in the latter part of the head?
Memorie in the |
latter parte of |
the head. |
No doubt experience hath proued, and confirmed this to bee
most true. For there hath beene some, that beeing hurt in
that part, haue vtterly forgot their owne name. I doe remember
one man, that (beeing hurt in that place, at the
insurrection of the Lincolneshire men, fifteene yeres past) could
not deuise the making of some Letters in his Crosse rowe,
when he took penne and inke to write to his friend, whereas
before that time, he wrote both fast and faire, and was well
learned in the Latine. And therefore when he wrote, he would
stand musing a great while, before he could cal to remembraunce,
how he vsed to make a P. a. G. or such an other
Letter: wherevpon diuers much maruailed what he would haue,
or what he ment at the first time. For being grieued and
willing to aske helpe, he could not vtter his meaning, for
lacke of remembrance, and yet his tongue serued him well
otherwise, to vtter whatsoeuer came in his head.
¶ The deuision of Memorie.
MEmorie is partly naturall, and partly artificiall. Naturall
memorie, is when without any precepts or lessons,
by the onely aptnesse of nature, we beare away such thinges
as we heare. Wherein some heretofore did much excell, and
greatly passe al other. As Themistocles, who had so good a
memorie, that when one proffered to teach him the art of
Memorie: nay by Sainct Marie (quoth he) teach me rather the
arte of forgetting. Declaring thereby that his memorie was
passing good, and that it was more plaine for him, to forget
such thinges as he would not kepe, then hard to remember
such things as he would knowe.
Mithridates also had such an excellent memorie, that
he was Lorde and Ruler ouer xxii straunge Countries, that
speake diuers speeches from one an other: he was able to talke
with euery one of them in their owne countrey language.
Likewise Cyrus King of the Persians, hauing a great
armie of
men, knewe the names of all his Souldiers.
Cyneas Ambassadour for King Pyrrhus, called
euery one by
his name, that was in the Parliament house at Rome, the second
day after he came thether, the number of them being foure
times as many as they bee, that belong vnto the Parliament
here in England.
Julius Cæsar is reported that he could reade,
heare, and tell
one what he should write, so fast as his penne could runne, and
endite Letters himselfe altogether at one time.
Thus we see that naturally men haue had wonderfull memories,
as contrariwise there haue bene heard of as straunge forgetful
wittes. Some hath not knowne his right hand from his
left. An other hath forgot his owne name. An other hath
caried his knife in his mouth: and hath runne rounde about
the house seeking for it. An other hath told a tale halfe an
houre together, and immediatly after hath forgot what he
spake all that while.
Cicero telleth of one Curio, that where as he
would make a
deuision of three parts, he would either forget the third, or
make vp a fourth, contrary to his first purpose and entent.
Belike this man had |
the art of forgetting. |
This I remember beeing a boye, that where as a Preacher
had taken vpon him to set forth the twelue Articles of our belief,
he could not in all the worlde finde out past nine: so
that he was faine to say, he was
assured there was twelue,
wheresoeuer the other three were become, and he doubted not
but the hearers knew them better then he did, and therefore
he would for his part say no more, but commit them al to God,
and those nine (thought he) were enough for him at that time,
to set foorth and expounde for their vnderstanding.
Now the best meane both to amende an euill memorie, and
to preserue a good, is first to keepe a diet, and eschewe surfites,
to sleepe moderatly, to accompanie with women rarely, and
last of all to exercise the witte with cunning, of many thinges
without booke, and euer to be occupied with one thing or other.
For euen as by labour the witte is whetted, so by lithernesse
the witte is blounted.
But now concerning the other kinde of memorie called artificiall,
I had need to make a long discourse, considering the
strangenesse of the thing to the Englishe eare, and the hardnesse
of the matter, to the ignorant and vnlearned. But
first I wil shew from whence it hath beginning, and vpon what
occasion it was first inuented, before I aduenture to declare the
precepts that belong vnto the same.
¶ The first founder of the art of Remembraunce.
Simonides first |
Authour of the |
arte of remembrance. |
THE inuention of this Arte, is fathered vpon Simonides, for
when the same man (as the Fable recordeth) had made in
behalfe of a triumphant Champion called Scopas, for a certaine
somme of money a Ballade, such as was then wont to be
made for Conquerours: he was denied a peece of his reward,
because he made a digression in his song (which in those daies
was customably vsed) to the praise and commendation of Castor
& Pollux (who were then thought being
Twinnes, &
got by Iupiter to be Gods) of whom the Champion willed him
to aske a portion, because he had so largely set forth their
worthy doings. Now it chaunced, that where as there was
made a great feast, to the honour of the same Victorie, and Simonides
had beene placed there as a guest, he was
called from the Table, and told that there was two yong men
at the doore, and both on horsback, which desired most earnestly
to speak with him out of hand. But when he came out
of the doores, he saw none at all: notwithstanding, he was not
so sone out, and his foote on the Thresholde, but the Parlour
fell downe immediatly vpon them all that were there, and so
crushed their bodies together, and
in such sort, that the kinsfolke
of those that were dead, comming in, and desirous to
burie them euery one according to their calling, not onely could
they not perceiue them by their faces, but also they could not
discerne them by any other marke of any part in all their bodies.
Then Simonides well remembring in what place euery one of
them did sit, tolde them what euery one was, and gaue them
their kinsfolkes carcases, so many as were there. Thus the
arte was first inuented. And yet (though this be but a Fable)
reason might beate thus much into our heades, that if the like
thing had bene done, the like remembrance might haue
bene vsed. For who is he that seeth a dosen sit at a table,
whom he knoweth very wel, cannot tell after they are all risen,
where euery one of them did sit before? And therefore, be it
that some man inuented this tale: the matter serueth well our
purpose, and what neede wee any more?
¶ What things are requisite to get the art of
THey that will remember many thinges, and rehearse them
together out of hand: must learne to haue places, and
digest Images in them accordingly.
A place what it is.
A place is called any roume, apt to receiue thinges.
An Image what it is.
An Image is any Picture or shape, to declare some certaine
thing therby. And euen as in waxe we make a print with a
seale, so we haue places where liuely pictures must be set.
The places must be great, of small distaunce, not one like an
other, and euermore the first place must bee made notable aboue
the rest, hauing alwaies some seuerall note from the other, as
some Antique, or a hand pointing, or such like, that the rather
hauing a great number of places, wee might the better knowe
where wee are, by the remembraunce of such notable and
straunge places. And thus hauing them well appointed, we
must keepe them fresh in our memorie, and neuer chaunge
them but vse them still, whatsoeuer we haue to say. But the
Images we may chaunge, as the matter shal giue iust cause,
vsing such as shal serue best for the knowledge of thinges.
The which Images must bee set foorth, as though they were
stirring, yea, they must be sometimes made ramping, & last of
al, they must be made of things notable, such as may cause
earnest impression of things in our
minde. As a notable euill
fauoured man, or a monstrous Horse, such as Sainct Georges
Horse was wont to be, or any such like helpe well for remembraunce.
{i The places of Memorie are resembled |
{ vnto Waxe and Paper. |
{ii Images are compted like vnto Letters |
{ or a Seale. |
{iii The placing of these Images, is like |
{ vnto wordes written. |
{iiii The vtterance and vsing of them, is |
{ like vnto reading. |
ANd therefore, as we doe reserue Paper, and yet chaunge
our writing, putting out wordes as occasion shall serue,
and setting other in their roume: so may we doe for the
Images inuented, chaunge our Picture oft, and reserue the
Papers stil. Some gather their places & Images out of the
Crosse rowe, beginning euery Letter with the name of some
Beast, and so goe through the whole, making in euery beast
fiue seueral places, where the impression of things shall bee
made, that is to say, in the Head, the Bellie, in the Taile, in
the former parte of the legges, & also in the hinder part.
So that by this meanes there shall be gathered, an hundred and
fifteene places. Some againe will set their places in his head
or bodie, with whom they speake. As to make the nose, the
eyes, the forhead, the haire, the eares, and other partes to serue
for places. And for making places in any house, Church, or
other roume, this lesson is also giuen, that we enter our first
places alwaies vpon the right hande, neuer returning backe:
but going on still as I might say in a Circuite, till we come to
that place where wee first began. But first before the Images
bee inuented, the places must bee learned perfectly, and therefore
one giueth counsaile that we should goe into some solitarie
place where no companie is, and there make our places, walking
vp and doune fower or fiue times, and calling stil to our
remembrance what, and where the places are. And not only
to doe this once or twise, but to labour in it two or three daies
at seueral times vntil we shalbe able to tel our places vpon
our fingers ends.
And now to make this hard matter somewhat plaine, I will
vse an example. My friend (whom I
tooke euer to bee an
honest man) is accused of theft, of adulterie, of ryot, of manslaughter,
and of treason: if I would keepe these wordes in my
remembrance, and rehearse them in order as they were spoken,
I must appoint fiue places, the which I had neede to haue so
perfectly in my memorie, as could be possible. As for example,
I will make these in my Chamber. A doore, a window, a
presse, a bedstead, and a chimney. Now in the doore, I wil
set Cacus the theefe, or some such notable verlet. In the windowe
I will place Venus. In the Presse I will put Apitius
famous Glutton. In the Bedstead I will set Richard the third
King of England, or some notable murtherer. In the Chimney
I will place the blacke Smith, or some other notable Traitour.
That if one repete these places, and these Images twise or thrise
together, no doubt though he haue but a meane memorie, he
shall carie away the wordes rehearsed with ease. And like as
he may doe with these fiue words, so may he doe with fiue
score, if he haue places fresh in his remembraunce, and doe but
vse himselfe to this trade one fortnight together.
Therefore though it seeme straunge and foolish to them that
knowe it not, yet the learned haue taken this way, and doubt
not but maruailes may bee done, if one haue places readie made
for the purpose, and haue them fresh in his remembraunce.
For what other thing els do they that appoint Images in certaine
places made for that purpose, but write (as a man would
say) vpon Paper, that which is spoken vnto them? What
maketh the old man (that for lacke of natural heate and moysture,
scant knoweth his right hand from his left) remember in
the morning where he laid his purse all night, but the beds
head which lightly is the appointed place for all mens purses,
especially such as bee wayfairers, and haue but little store.
Shal some Gentleman play blindfold at the Chesse, and cannot
a learned man be able to rehearse vp a score or two of straunge
names together. A Neteheard hauing the charge and keeping
of twentie score head of Beastes in a wilde Fenne, that belong
to diuers men, will not only tell who be the owners of al such
cattel, but also he will shew a man twise a weeke where any
one is feeding, and if he want one among the whole, he will
tell immediatly what it is, and whose it is that is wanting.
Then fonde are they that coumpt the Arte of memorie so hard,
seeing they will neither proue the
hardnesse of it, nor yet blush
at the matter, when they see poore Neteheards goe so farre beyond
them. How many thinges doth memorie containe marueilous
to beholde, and much more would, if we were not
altogether slouthfull, and as carelesse to keepe, as wee are to
get, good things I meane, not goodes of this world. Euery
Artificer hath through exercise and labour, an artificiall memorie,
sauing the learned man onely, who hath most neede of it
aboue all other.
When we come to a place where we haue not bene many a
day before, wee remember not onely the place it selfe, but by
the place, wee call to remembraunce many thinges done there.
Yea somtimes a window maketh some remember, that they
haue stolne in their daies some thing out of it. Somtimes a
chimney telleth them of many late drinkinges and sitting vp by
the fire. Sometimes a Bedstead putteth them in remembraunce
of many good morowes: sometimes a doore, & somtimes a
parler. Thus we see places euen without Images, helpe oft
the memorie, much more then shall we remember, if we haue
both places and Images.
But now, because I haue halfe wearied the Reader with a
tedious matter, I will harten him againe with a mery tale.
At the time of rebellion in Northfolke, there was a Priest
God graunt all |
Rebelles like |
remembrance. |
among all other, adiudged to die vpon a Gibet in a greene
place, a little from the high way side. This Priest seeing the
place at his last ende, stood a while musing with himselfe, and
said to the companie there. Now Lorde God what a thing
is this. It comes to my remembraunce now, that about fowerteene
yeares past, I was merrie here vpon this bancke, with
an other Priest, and wallowing me downe vpon the grasse, I
saied these words: Hæc requies mea in -- sæculum
sæculi, hic habitabo
quoniam elegi eam. The which Sentence being a Psalme of
Dauid, is nothing els in English: But this is my resting place
for euer and euer, here shall be my dwelling, because I haue
chosen it. And now (quoth he) I finde it to bee ouer true, so
that I thinke it bee Gods will I should die, and therfore I take
it in good worth, and thus I desire you al to pray for me.
Thus we see that the place brought him in remembrance of
a sentence, spoken fowerteene yeares before.
Therefore, this knowledge is not to bee neglected, no though
wee doe contemne it, yet we haue the
vse of it. For if we be
fully disposed to remember a thing, wee doe call vp the memorie,
and stirre it to minde thinges there vnto. As if one bee
called Wingfeelde, and I feare to forget this name, I might remember
the wing of a birde, and a greene feelde to walke in.
Remembraunce |
by things like. |
Sometimes we remember the whole, by keeping in minde some
parte of a word. As when one is called Crowcroft, I might
by remembring of a Crowe, the rather minde his name. Notwithstanding
there bee some (among whom is Erasmus) which
like not this Art of Memorie, but say it rather hindereth then
helpeth a mans wit. And yet Tullie the greatest Orator
among the Romaines, did well allowe it, and proued it good
by a natural reason. For where as we knowe some things
(saieth he) onely by vnderstanding, and some by the sence of
seeing, those wee keepe best in our mindes, which we know
by sight, and haue marked with our eyes. As for example.
When I see a Lyon, the Image thereof abideth faster in my
minde, then if I should heare some report made of a Lyon.
Among all the sences, the eye sight is most quicke, and conteineth
the impression of things more assuredly, then any of the
other sences doe. And the rather when a man both heareth
and seeth a thing (as by artificiall memorie, he doth almost see
thinges liuely[)], hee doth remember it much the beter. The sight
printeth thinges in a mans memorie, as a Seale doth print a
mans name in Waxe. And therefore, heretofore Images were
set vp for remembrance of Saincts, to be Lay mens bookes,
that the rather by seing the Pictures of such men, they might
be stirred to follow their good liuing. The which surely had
beene well done, if G O D had not forbidden it. But seeing
thinges must be done, not of a good entent, but euen as G O D
hath commaunded, it is well done that such Idolles are cleane
taken out of the Church. Mary for this purpose whereof wee
now write, they would haue serued gaiely well. Thus the art
is sone tolde, but the practise of it is all. And therefore, if one
desire to excell herein, let him take paines to gather his places
together, and keepe them well in remembraunce, prouing by
halfe a score, how he shalbe able to vse a hundred. And no
doubt, but time and exercise shall make him perfect.
For the best art of memorie that can be, is to heare much,
to speak much, to reade much, and to write much. And
exercise it is that doth al, when we
haue saied all that euer
we can.
¶ Of Pronunciation.
PRonunciation is an apt ordering, both of the voyce, countenaunce,
and al the whole bodie according to the worthinesse
of such wordes and matter, as by speech are declared.
The vse hereof is such, for any that liketh to haue praise, for
telling his tale in open assembly, that hauing a good tongue,
and a comely countenaunce, he shall be thought to passe all
other, that haue the like utteraunce: though they haue much
better learning. The tongue giueth a certaine grace to euery
matter, and beautifieth the cause in like maner, as a sweete
sounding Lute, much setteth forth a meane deuised Ballad.
Or as the sounde of a good instrument stirreth the hearers, and
mooueth much delite, so a cleare sounding voyce, comforteth
much our deintie eares, with much sweete melodie, and causeth
vs to allow the matter, rather for the reporters sake, then the
Demosthenes saying |
of pronunciation. |
reporter for the matters sake: Demosthenes therefore, that
famous Oratour, beeing asked what was the chiefest point in
all Oratorie, gaue the chiefe and onely praise to Pronunciation,
being demaunded, what was the second, and the third, he stil
made aunswere Pronunciation, and would make no other aunswere
till they left asking, declaring hereby, that arte without
vtteraunce can doe nothing, vtteraunce without art can doe
right much. And no doubt, that man is in outwarde apparance,
half a good Clarke that hath a cleane tongue, and a
comely iesture of his bodie. Æschines likewise, beeing
his Countrey through Demosthenes, when he red to the Rodians
owne Oration, and Demosthenes aunswere therevnto, by force
whereof he was banished, and all they marueiled much at the
excellencie of the same: then (quoth Æschines) you would
marueiled much more, if you had heard himselfe speake it.
Thus beeing cast in miserie and banished for euer, he could
not but giue such great report of his most deadly and mortall
¶ The parts of Pronunciation.
PRonunciation standeth partly in fashioning the tongue, and
partly in framing the iesture.
The tongue or voyce is praise worthie, if the vtteraunce be
audible, strong, and easie, and apt to order as wee list. Therefore,
they that minde to get praise in telling their minde in
open audience, must at the first beginning, speake some what
softly, vse meete pausing, and being somewhat heated, rise
with their voyce, as time and cause shall best require. They
that haue no good voyces by nature, or cannot well vtter their
wordes, must seeke for helpe els where. Exercise of the bodie,
fasting, moderation in meate and drinke, gaping wide, or
singing plaine Song, and counterfeyting those that doe speake
distinctly, helpe much to haue a good deliueraunce. Demosthenes
beeing not able to pronounce the first letter of that Arte
which he professed, but would say, for, Rhetorike, Letolike,
to put little stones vnder his tongue, and so pronounced,
whereby he speake at length so plainly, as any man in the world
could doe. Musicians in England haue vsed to put gagges in
childrens mouthes, that they might pronounce distinctly, but
now with the losse and lacke of Musick, the loue also is gone
of bringing vp children to speake plainly. Some there bee
that either naturally, or through folly haue such euill voyces,
Faultes in |
pronunciation. |
and such lacke of vtteraunce, and such euill iesture, that it
much defaceth all their doinges. One pipes out his wordes so
small, through default of his winde pipe, that ye would thinke
he whistled. An other is hource in his throte, that a man
would thinke, he came lately from scouring of Harnesse. An
other speakes, as though he had Plummes in his mouth. An
other speakes in his throte, as though a good Ale crumme stucke
fast. An other rattles his wordes. An other choppes his
wordes. An other speakes, as though his wordes had neede
to bee heaued out with leauers. An other speakes, as though
his words should bee weighed in a Ballaunce. An other gapes
to fetch winde at euery third worde. This man barkes out
his English Northren-like, with I say, and thou lad. And other
speakes so finely, as though he were brought vp in a Ladies
Chamber. As I knewe a Priest that was as nice as a Nunnes
Henne, when hee would say Masse, he would neuer say Dominus
vobiscum, but Dominus vobicum. In like maner, as some now
say the Commaundements of GOD. Blacke Uellet, for Commaundements,
and blacke Uellet. Some blowe at their nostrilles.
Some sighes out their wordes. Some signes their sentences.
Some laughes altogether, when they speake to any bodie. Some
grunts like a Hogge. Some cackles like a Henne, or a Iacke
Dawe. Some speakes as though they
should tell in their sleeue.
Some cries out so loude, that they would make a mans eares
ake to heare them. Some coughes at euery worde. Some hems
it out. Some spittes fire, they talke so hotly. Some makes a
wrie mouth, and so they wrest out their wordes. Some whines
like a Pigge. Some suppes their wordes vp, as a poore man
doth his Porrage. Some noddes their head at euery sentence.
An other winkes with one eye, & some with both. This man
frouneth alwaies when he speakes. And other lookes euer as
though hee were mad. Some cannot speake but they must goe
vp and downe, or at the least be stirring their feete, as though
they stood in a cockering Boate. An other will play with his
cappe in his hand, and so tell his tale. Some when they speake
in a great companie, will looke all one way, as I knewe a
Reader in my daies, who looked in like sorte, when hee read to
Scholers, whom one thought to disapoint of such his constaunt
lookes: and therefore against the next day, he painted the
Deuill with hornes vpon his head, in the self same place, where
the Reader was wont alwaies to looke, the which straunge
Monster, when the Reader sawe, he was half abashed, and
turned his face an other way. Some pores vpon the ground
as though they sought for pinnes. Tullie telles of one Theophrastus
Tauriscus, who is saied to declaime arsee versee. Some
swelles in the face, and filles their cheekes full of winde, as
though they would blowe out their wordes. Some sets forth
their lippes, two inches good beyond their teeth. Some talkes
as though their tongue went of pattines. Some shewes all
their teeth. Some speakes in their teeth altogether. Some
lets their wordes fall in their lippes, scant opening them when
they speake. There are a thousand such faultes among men,
both for their speech, and also for their iesture, the which if in
their young yeares they bee not remedied, they will hardly
bee forgot when they come to mans state. But the rather that
these faultes may be redressed: I haue partly declared heretofore,
the right vse of vtteraunce. And now I minde by Gods
helpe to shewe the right vse of iesture.
What is iesture.
IEsture is a certaine comely moderation of the countenance,
and al other parts of mans bodie, aptly agreeing to those
things which are spoken. That if we
shal speake in a pleasaunt
matter, it is meete that the looke also should bee cherefull,
and all the iesture stirring thereafter. The head to bee holden
vpright, the forehead without frowning, the browes without
bending, the nose without blowing, the eyes quicke and
pleasant, the lippes not laied out, the teeth without grenning,
the armes not much cast abroade, but comely set out, as time
and cause shall best require: the handes sometimes opened,
and sometimes holden together, the fingers pointing, the
breast laied out, and the whole bodie stirring altogether, with
a seemely moderation. By the which behauiour of our bodie
after such a sorte, we shall not onely delite men with the sight,
but perswade them the rather the trueth of our cause.
Q. Hortensius had such delite to vse comely gesture, and
such grace in that behalfe: that I doubt whether men had a
greater desire to see him, then they had to heare him. His
countenaunce so well agreed with his wordes, and his words
were so meete for his countenance: that not onely hee did
please the iudgement of his hearers, and contented their minde:
but also he pleased their eyes, and delited their eares, so much
as could be wished.
Tullie saieth well: The gesture of man[] is the
speech of his
bodie, and therefore reason it is, that like as the speeche must
agree to the mater, so must also the gesture agree to the minde,
for the eyes are not giuen to man onely to see, but also to
shewe and set forth the meaning of his minde, euen as vnto a
Bore, are giuen briselles: To a Lion, the taile: To a Horse,
his eares: whereby their inclinations and sodaine affections
are sone espied. When wee see a man looke redde
in the eyes, his browes bent, his teeth byting his
vpper lippe, we iudge that he is out of pacience.
Therefore as we ought to haue good regard,
for the vtterance of our words, so wee
ought to take heede that our gesture
be comely, the which
both being well obserued,
shall encrease fame,
and get estimation
But here an ende. And now as my will hath bene earnest,
doe my best: so I wish that my paines may be taken
thereafter. And yet what needes wishing, seeing
the good will not speake euill: and the
wicked can not speake euill: and the
wicked can not speake wel. Therefore
being staied vpon the good, and
assured of their gentle bearing
with mee: I feare none,
because I stand
vpon a saufe