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An Online Repository of Works
Printed in English Between the Years 1477 and 1799

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New for September 2007:
  • Robert Greene. The second and last part of Conny-catching.. [PDF] [HTML]   Transcribed by Risa Bear.
New for August 2007:
  • Anonymous: The Key to the Kings Cabinet-counsell (1644). [PDF] [HTML]   Transcribed by Sandra Jones.

These publications are provided for nonprofit purposes only; unique site content is copyright ©1992-2007 the editors and The University of OregonCorrections and comments to the publisher, Risa Stephanie Bear, M.S., M.A., rbear[at], or as comments.  (Note: if you're here to do scholarly work, see the disclaimer.) 212 titles; updated September 19, 2007. These pages have in the aggregate received 15,070,000+ hits (extrapolated from periodic grep) since September 20, 1994.

Need it paginated? Need metadata? if you have Acrobat Reader, get the PDF files instead. The links on this site marked [PDF] point to metadata for each item as found on the Scholars Bank archive at the University of Oregon Libraries. To get to the PDF version of the item, scroll to the bottom of the metadata record and click view/open. The URL for each metadata page and its associated PDF file is a PURL.

Need more than what you see here? Try Luminarium; Voice of the Shuttle; Online Books Page. Highly recommended.

Anonymous The Actors Remonstrance [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear  (Glossed 2/07)
Anonymous Barley-Breake, or a Warning to Wantons (1607) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous Everyman [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Here begynneth a merry Ieste of a shrewde and curste Wyfe, lapped in Morelles Skin, for her good behauyour [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous The Key to the Kings Cabinet-counsell (1644). [PDF] [HTML]   Transcribed by Sandra Jones.
Anonymous The King and Queenes Entertainement at Richmond (1636) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous A Looking-Glasse of the World (1644) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous Spare your good (1555?) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous The Stage-Players Complaint (1641) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
The Triall of Mr. John Gerhard, Mr. Peter Vowell, and Sommerset Fox (1654) [PDF] [HTML] Sandra Jones
Anonymous ("E.C. Esquier")
Emaricdulfe: Sonnets Written by E.C. Esquier [PDF] [HTML] Greg Foster
Anonymous ("T. H.") A Looking-Glasse for Women [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anonymous (Various Authors) The Phoenix Nest [PDF] [HTML] Greg Foster
Roger Ascham The Scholemaster [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss

Francis Bacon Advancement of Learning [PDF] [HTML]   Hartmut Krech 
Essayes or Counsels Civill and Morall [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
The New Atlantis [PDF] [HTML] Kirk Crady 
Thomas Barker
Barker's Delight, Or, the Art of Angling [PDF] [HTML] (1659)  Risa Bear
Francis Beaumont
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus [PDF] [HTMLRisa Bear
Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
Knight of the Burning Pestle. [PDF] [HTML]  Risa Bear
Sir John Beaumont
The Theatre of Apollo [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Aphra Behn
Oroonoko [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project 
The Rover, Part I [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project 
The Rover, Part II [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
Edward Bennett A treatise divided into three parts, touching the inconveniences, that the Importation of Tobacco out of Spain, hath brought into this land. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
George Berkeley
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
Dame Juliana Berners
A Treatyse of Fysshynge [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Nicholas Breton
Grimello's Fortunes (1604) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
An Olde man's Lesson, and a Young man's Loue [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear.
Sir Thomas Browne Introduction [PDF] [HTML] (J.W. Willis Bund, 1869) 
Religio Medici [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Hydriotaphia [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Letter to a Friend [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss
John Bunyan The Pilgrim's Progress [PDF] [HTML] Cardinalis Press 

Thomas Campion Observations in the Art of English Poesie [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Baldessar Castiglione
(Sir Thomas Hoby tr.)
The Book of the Courtier [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Caxton
(translating Alain Chartier)
The Curial [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Henrie Chettle Kind-hartes dreame (1592) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Thomas Cockaine A Short Treatise of Hunting [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Collins Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects [PDF] [HTML]   Risa Bear
Persian Eclogues. [PDF] [HTML]  Sandra Jones
Committee of Arrangements, New York
Instructions to the Officers Appointed to Recruit in New-York for the United States of America (1776) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Congreve
The Judgment of Paris [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Semele [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Henry Constable Diana [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Continental Congress. Continental Congress, December 6, 1775. [PDF] [HTML]   Sandra Jones
Ebenezer Cooke The Sot-Weed Factor [PDF] [HTML] Arthur Kay 

Samuel Daniel A Defence of Rhyme. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Delia. Contayning certayne Sonnets: vvith the complaint of Rosamond. [PDF] [HTML] Thomas Larque
"Musophilus." [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Sir John Davies
Orchestra: or, a Poem of Dancing [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Daniel Defoe
An Essay on the Regulation of the Press [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Robinson Crusoe [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
Thomas Dekker
The Guls Horne-booke. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
The Wonderful yeare. 1603. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
John Donne
The First and Second Anniversaries. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Juvenilia: Or Certain Paradoxes and Problems. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Michael Drayton
Endimion and Phœbe. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
John Dryden
The Æneid (Tr.) [PDF] [HTML] Internet Wiretap/OBI 
Mac Flecknoe [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Lawes and Ordinances Militarie [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear


Richard Edwards Damon and Pithias. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Elizabeth I A Proclamation agaynst the maintenaunce of Pirates. (1569) [PDF] [HTML] Heather Ward (Glossed 3/07)

A Proclamation to be published in Cornewall, Deuonshire, Dorcetshire and Hampshire, for restitution of goods lately taken on the Seas from the Subiects of the King of Spayne by way of Reprisall. (1591) [PDF] [HTML] Heather Ward

Queene Elizabeth's Speech to her last Parliament. [PDF] [HTML Risa Bear 

Sir Thomas Elyot The Boke Named the Governour. [PDF] [HTML] Ben Ross Schneider, Jr.


Henry Fielding
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
Phineas Fletcher
The Purple Island. [PDF] [HTML] Daniel Gustav Anderson
George Fox Selected Epistles [PDF] [HTML] Ellis Hein 

George Gascoigne The Steele Glas & The complaynte of Philomene [PDF] [HTML Risa Bear
John Gay The Beggar's Opera [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Goddard A Neaste of Waspes. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Oliver Goldsmith
The Deserted Village [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
The Traveller [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Stephen Gosson
The Schoole of Abuse [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Gray, Lady Jane
Proclamation of Queen Jane [PDF] [HTML] Heather Ward
Thomas Gray An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons A Bill To prohibit all Trade and Intercourse with the Colonies...   [PDF] [HTML] Sandra Jones
Robert Greene
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. [PDF] [HTML]  Risa Bear
Greene's Groats-worth of Wit. [PDF] [HTMLRisa Bear
A Notable Discouery of Coosnage. [PDF] [HTML]   Risa Bear
The second and last part of Conny-catching. [PDF] [HTML]   Risa Bear
 James Gresham
The Picture of Incest [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Everard Guilpin
Skialetheia. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter Characters of Virtues and Vices. [PDF] [HTML] Ben Ross Schneider, Jr.
Thomas Heywood A Funerall Elegie upon the Death of Henry, Prince of Wales (1613) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
David Hume
Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project


James I
A Counterblaste to Tobacco. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Samuel Johnson
The Vanitie of Human Wishes [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Ben Jonson
The Masque of Blacknesse [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Masque of Beauty [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Oberon [PDF] [HTML]  Anniina Jokinen. See also at Luminarium


William Kemp
Nine Daies Wonder. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Thomas Kyd
The Spanish Tragedy. [PDF] [HTML]  Risa Bear

Æmilia Lanyer
Salve Deus Rex Judæorum. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Anne Locke
A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner. (1560) [PDF] [HTML] Greg Foster
Thomas Lodge
A Reply to Stephen Gosson's Schoole of Abuse in Defence of Poetry, Musick, and Stage Plays. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Rosalynde: Euphues golden legacie. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Christopher Marlowe Hero and Leander [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
John Milton
Areopagitica [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Comus, A Masque [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Milton: Shorter Poems [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Of Education [PDF] [HTML Judy Boss 
Paradise Lost [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Paradise Regained [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Psalm Paraphrases [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
The Readie & Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth [PDF] [HTML] Sandra Jones 
Samson Agonistes [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss 
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Prose and Poetry [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Michel de Montaigne
Essays (John Florio translation,1603) [PDF] [HTML] Ben Ross Schneider, Jr.
Thomas More
The history of king Richard the Thirde. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Thomas Nashe
Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the Diuell.  [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Richard Niccols
The Beggers Ape. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
John Norden
Vicissitudo Rerum. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville
The Tragedy of Gorboduc [PDF] [HTML] Leah Allen, Joanne Holland, Gillian Jewison, Elona McGifford, Sharlee Reimer, and Sharanpal Ruprai

Thomas Paine
Age of Reason [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
Parliament of England
An Ordinance for suppression of all Stage-Plays [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
George Peele
Merrie Conceited Jests. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Isaac Penington
Some Considerations Concerning the State of Things [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Percy Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia. (1594) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Sir Walter Raleigh The Last Fight of the Revenge. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
To Day a Man, To Morrow None. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Roper The mirrour of vertue in worldly greatnes; or the life of Syr T. More. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Thomas Scott Certaine Reasons and Arguments of Policie, Why the King of England Should Enter into Warre with the Spaniard. (1624) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
William Shakespeare

Alls Well That Ends Well [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Antony and Cleopatra [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
As You Like It [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Comedy of Errors [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Coriolanus [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Cymbeline [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Hamlet [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry IV, Part I [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry IV, Part II [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry V [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry VI, Part I [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry VI, Part II [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry VI, Part III [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Henry VIII [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Julius Caesar [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
King John [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
King Lear [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Love's Labour's Lost [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Macbeth [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Measure for Measure [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Merchant of Venice[PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Merry Wives of Windsor [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
A Midsummer Night Dream [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Much Ado About Nothing [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Othello [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Pericles, Prince of Tyre [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Richard II [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Richard III [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Romeo And Juliet [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Taming of the Shrew [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Tempest [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Timon of Athens [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Titus Andronicus [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Troilus and Cressida [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Twelfth Night [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Two Gentlemen Of Verona [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
A Winter's Tale [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
A Lovers Complaint [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Passionate Pilgrim [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Phoenix and the Turtle [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
The Rape of Lucrece [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Sonnets [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Venus and Adonis [PDF] [HTML] Eris Project
Mary Sidney, Countesse of Pembroke (tr.) The Tragedie of Antonie. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Philip Sidney Astrophel and Stella. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia. (1590) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
A Defence of Poesie. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Lady of May. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Psalmes of David. [PDF] [HTML]  Risa Bear
Christopher Smart
A Song to David [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
William Smith Chloris. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Ester Sowernam (pseud.) Ester hath hang'd Haman. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Rachel Speght Mortalities Memorandum. [PDF] [HTML] Shirley Marc and Risa Bear
A Mouzell for Melastomus. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear and Shirley Marc 
Edmund Spenser Amoretti and Epithalamion. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Astrophel. A Pastorall Elegie [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Colin Clouts come home againe. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Complaints. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Daphnaida. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Faerie Queene. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
   Book III with helps: [PDF] Jean Arrington
The Fowre Hymnes. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Letters from Spenser to Gabriel Harvey [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Prothalamion. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
The Shepheardes Calender. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Sonnets by Spenser from Various Sources [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
A View of the Present State of Ireland. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear
Laurence Sterne A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy [PDF] [HTML Risa Bear 
Jonathan Swift 
Gulliver's Travels [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet [PDF] [HTML] Meredith Torre
A Modest Proposal [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project

John Taylor
The Praise of Hemp-Seed. [PDF] [HTML] Joanne Gates 
James Thomson
Winter: A Poem. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Thomas Tusser
A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Colonel Robert Venables
The Experienced Angler. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 

Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton
The Complete Angler [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
John Webster
The Duchess of Malfi. [PDF] [HTML] Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle 
A Monumental Column. [PDF] [HTML] Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle
Phillis Wheatley Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral [PDF] [HTML Judy Boss
Thomas Wilson The Arte of Rhetorique. [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss
Gerrard Winstanley, et al. The True Levellers Standard Advanced. (1649) [PDF] [HTML] Sandra Jones
Mary Wollstonecraft
Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman [PDF] [HTML] ERIS Project
John Woolman Journal of John Woolman [PDF] [HTML] Judy Boss
Wordsworth and Coleridge Lyrical Ballads (corrected edition, 1995) [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear 
Lady Mary Wroth Pamphilia to Amphilanthus. [PDF] [HTML] Risa Bear

Modern Essays

Risa Bear
"Eden rais'd in the Waste Wilderness An Introduction to Milton's Major Poems"   [PDF] [HTML]
"The Lady of May: a Case Study in the Rhetoric of Electronic Text" [PDF] [HTML]
"Text, Reader, Reading"

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