Funding the cost of training
Train to Gain Enhancement Fund
What is it?
The Enhancement Fund is a £50 million resource aimed at engaging employers in Yorkshire and Humber to invest in skills development and therefore increase the skills base in the region. It is funded by the Learning and Skills Council from Yorkshire and Humber's European Social Fund, and by Yorkshire Forward.
Who is it for?
The fund aims to help ensure that regional businesses and their employees are skilled, knowledgeable and in a position to respond effectively to challenges and changes in economic and market needs through supporting skills and workforce development.
How can I apply for funds?
There are three routes to apply for the funds: Single Business Application, Provider Route and Commissioned Activity. The Enhancement Fund has a team of commissioning advisors to guide training providers through the application process and employers should contact their local Train to Gain broker for further advice. The Enhancement Fund website provides updates on news and events as well as offering more details on the application routes.
Visit the Enhancement Fund website at: