Early years sector
Sara Wylie, Chesterfield College
Studying Early Years Foundation Degree at Chesterfield College
Sara wants to progress her career in the early years sector.
Which course are you on?
The part-time Foundation Degree in Early Years at the Chesterfield College
(second year).
What were you doing before this?
Working at Parkhead Cottage Nursery in Sheffield, where I continue
to work.
What do you think of your course?
I feel that I am developing my skills and knowledge further.
Also, I have implemented changes into my setting to create
a better environment for my children.
When did you first consider higher education?
I was working as the Key Worker in the toddler room and wanted to extend my
knowledge and skills, when the Higher Futures IAG and Transition Officer from
Chesterfield College contacted the nursery to raise awareness of the new Foundation
Degree in Early Years.
What were your concerns about starting a higher education course?
I had many reservations about returning to study after being out of
education for a number of years. I was also unsure about the level of
commitment a higher education course would require and how I
would fit this in with my current work responsibilities.
What will you use your qualification for?
To progress further in my career and enable more routes of further
development in my profession.
What advice would you give to others considering higher education?
I have found it hard to continue full-time work and study, but hopefully it
will be worth it in the end. You gain great respect from other professionals too.