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Secondary ITT modules in D&T, Mathematics and Science - with particular emphasis on a year two module called 'Developing as a Teacher'


The aim of the project is to encourage cross-subject work across the three subject areas to model developing good practice in secondary schools.  The objectives are to create opportunities where learners can:

  • Identify and reflect on the relevant professional working practices that underpin teaching and learning in different subject areas.
  • Critically analyse the processes involved in working in cross-subject groupings
  • Reflect on their experiences during the activities and identify the relevance and significance to their future careers.
  • Use a range of ICT applications in helping them to plan and deliver their cross-subject project
  • Further develop the skills required to become an autonomous learner.

The learning experience will involve cross-subject groups of six students working collaboratively to produce activities and materials for an open day at SHU for local school children.  The student groups will teach an area relevant to each subject group (within the general topic of Protecting the Environment) to the school pupils.  Planning for this will take place over subsequent months as the groups are given curriculum time to meet, plan and design their teaching activities.



January Poster

June Poster

Project team

Terry Hudson (D&S):

Rowan Todd (ACES)

John Lee (ACES)

Colin Jackson (D&S)

Tony Cowell (ACES)


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