Developing Academic Skills of First Year Radiotherapy & Oncology Level 4 Students
The aim of this project is to improve student engagement with academic requirements of a professional course. The objective is to use a range of resources (questionnaire, survey, tutorials, workshops) to facilitate student evaluation and reflection on their own academic skillset and to create a tool to enable students to track their own development. A key feature is linking their on-line self evaluations with the course requirements and linking these clearly with kind of feedback they receive on formative written work early in their course. These tools aim to establish a coherent shared language for talking about student writing and support further autonomous learning.
Outcomes for students
- increased engagement in the course
- more detailed understanding of academic requirements of their course
- more detailed and accurate, evidence-based understanding of their own skills
- experience of reflection
- improvement in academic writing
For staff
- more effective collaboration between HWB & SLS, embedding support within a module
Project Team:
Jo Doughty:
Cathy Malone:
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