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Links to Other Stoic Sites

The Stoic Registry: http://members.aol.com/cyberstoic/index.html

Contains a sizable list of persons who have been or wish to be identified as Stoics, as well as a "Stoic Forum" where issues in ancient Stoicism and modern applications are discussed. 

The Stoic Place: http://www.wku.edu/~garreje/stoa.htm

The proprietor is Jan Edward Garrett, Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky University and Moderator of the Stoic Forum sponsored by the Stoic Registry. This site features essays and speeches by Professor Garrett and some useful links to Stoic materials. 

International Stoic Society: http://www.windowoncyprus.com/stoic.htm

The Society aims "to honor those in public life who put the good of society above their own personal gain." It hosts an annual academic conference in honor of Zeno, the founder of the Stoic philosophy, born in the town of Larnaca on the island of Cyprus, which sponsors the conference and this web site. The site also has its own "Stoic Forum."

The Stoic Foundation: www.btinternet.com/~k.h.s/stoic-foundation.htm

An educational trust, offering a correspondence course in practical Stoic philosophy to those interested in taking up Stoicism as a philosophy to live by. The site's Home Page includes a link to Dr. Seddods distance learning Master of Arts program in Ancient Philosophy ot Wamborough University, UK, on which students can devote a significant proportion of their studies to the Stoics. 

This page last updated February24, 2003.

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