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Higher Futures news digest

Week ending 27 February 2009

Higher Futures news
Lifelong Learning Networks news
General news
  • 14-19 education - Top education official apologises for attacking diplomas (Guardian, 13 February 2009)
    Science adviser Adrian Smith said courses were badly planned and 'slightly schizophrenic'.
  • 14-19 education - Diplomas better than GCSEs, says minister (Financial Times, 15 February 2009)
    GCSEs and A-Levels are failing to prepare young people for working life and the new diploma should "be the qualification of choice" for school-leavers, according to an education minister.
  • Adult learning - Adult learning slashed (Times, 13 February 2009)
    Adult learning has fallen dramatically with vital subjects such as IT and engineering "decimated" since the Government cut funding for evening classes, figures show today.
  • Adult learning - Funded adult education places falling, say Tories (Guardian, 13 February 2009)
    The numbers of people studying in publicly-funded adult education has dropped by a quarter in the last four years, according to figures published by the Conservatives.
  • Apprenticeships - Cabinet backs public sector apprenticeships (DIUS, 23 February 2009)
    Ministers have thrown their weight behind apprenticeships today, setting out how more than 21,000 apprenticeship places in frontline public services will be delivered - as the Cabinet meets in Southampton.
  • Apprenticeships - Sugar: Apprenticeships will help business to thrive (DIUS, 26 February 2009)
    Apprenticeships will give businesses the kind of motivated 'doers' they need to succeed in the current economic climate, according to top entrepreneur Sir Alan Sugar.
  • Further education - Why vocational qualifications are set to soar (FE News, 16 February 2009)
    Opinion piece: David Grailey, chief executive of qualification provider NCFE, tells FE News why vocational qualifications are increasing in popularity.
  • Higher education - New universities could revert to polytechnic format (Telegraph, 22 February 2009)
    Britain's former polytechnics, which were elevated to the status of "new universities" in 1992, will revert to their original role and provide vocational degrees under Government reforms.
  • Higher education - Polys were not universities (and shouldn't be) (Times, 24 February 2009)
    Opinion piece: Graduates face a lethal mix of mushy degrees, recession and debt. We urgently need the real expertise of polytechnics, says George Walden, Education Minister from 1985 to 1987.
  • Higher education - Speech: John Denham on the future of higher education (DIUS, 24 February 2009)
    Transcript of the speech by Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills, John Denham, at the Higher Education Debate conference on 24 February 2009.
  • Higher education - New flexible degrees the key to growth in higher education (DIUS, 24 February 2009)
    Growth in higher education will be delivered through an increase in the number of part-time students as demographic changes mean a falling number of 18 year olds, John Denham told senior academics at a conference to debate the future of higher education.
  • Higher education - Denham: More vocational degrees are needed (Guardian, 24 February 2009)
    Universities should offer more vocational degrees because the current system is not supplying students or employers with the skills they need, the universities secretary, John Denham, said today.
  • Higher education - John Denham: Traditional degrees to decline in favour of 'vocational' courses (Telegraph, 24 February 2009)
    More teenagers should study practical courses such as information technology at university, according to John Denham, the Skills Secretary.
  • Higher education - MPs attack top universities for failing to open doors to poorest students (Guardian, 26 February 2009)
    Leading universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, are failing to shed their elitist image, according to a report by MPs which reveals that a £400m drive to encourage people from the poorest backgrounds to go to university has resulted in only a marginal increase in applications.
  • Local news - Graduates at primary school (Guardian, 24 February 2009)
    The Children's University is not a completely new idea, but it is enjoying a real resurgence. Focus on Doncaster College.
  • Sectors: early years - One in ten workers considering teaching (TDA, 24 February 2009)
    Teaching is experiencing its biggest recruitment boom for years with one in ten workers considering a career in teaching, according to statistics from the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA).
  • Sectors: engineering - Mandelson and Denham announce review of Engineering Construction sector (BERR, 16 February 2009)
    Business Secretary Lord Mandelson and Skills Secretary John Denham today announced their Departments will conduct a review of productivity and skills in the engineering construction sector.
  • Skills - The training game (Guardian, 24 February 2009)
    Guardian supplement on skills and training, in association with Lifelong Learning UK.
  • Skills - Research casts doubt on skills policy (Financial Times, 26 February 2009)
    The many thousands of employees who have taken low-level vocational qualifications earn less than workers with no qualifications at all, suggests research that throws doubt on government skills policy.


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