Skills - Young people need to get the right skills for the job (The Guardian, 10 November 2009)
Many people are presenting at university with a mixed bag of subjects that doesn't really set them up for a particular career or path of study.
Higher education - University admissions spark fury (BBC, 7 November 2009)
Social engineering, political correctness, class warfare - these cries of outrage greet any suggestion that university admissions should take account of a student's school or family background.
Higher education - Undergraduates should be given 'consumer rights', says Lord Mandelson (The Times, 4 November 2009)
Universities must improve the experience they offer students and make a more explicit contribution to the economy if they are to charge higher fees, the Government suggested yesterday.
Higher education - Mandelson Outlines the Future of Higher Education (BIS, 3 November 2009)
The Government has unveiled a new framework for the future success of higher education, setting out the important role universities will play in securing the country’s economic recovery and long term prosperity.
Higher education - Labels to aid student 'consumers' (BBC, 1 November 2009)
School leavers applying to English universities will get more data about courses under government plans to treat them more like consumers.
Higher education - Graduate unemployment increases 44% in one year (The Guardian, 2 November 2009)
Higher Education Careers Services Unit warns picture could be even worse for those graduating this year
Higher education - Universities told to favour poor (The Times, 1 November 2009)
Lord Mandelson will this week give strong backing to universities that discriminate in favour of applicants from poor families or under-performing schools, arguing that the policy is essential to improve social mobility.
Higher education - University applications rise 12% (BBC, 2 November 2009)
The first figures on the numbers applying for UK university places next year shows a 12% increase on this year.
Apprenticeships - Young people to get green-fingered apprenticeships (Communities and Local Government, 4 November 2009)
Communities Secretary John Denham today announced plans to recruit 175 green-fingered apprentices to get parks and gardens growing in some of the country's most deprived areas.
Apprenticeships - Training places face spending axe (BBC, 10 November 2009)
Tens of thousands of training places could be axed under plans to claw back £340m from England's further education and skills budget.
Sectors - Public Wellbeing - New drive to boost number of women playing sport (Sport England, 11 November 2009)
Sport England yesterday announced a £10 million National Lottery funding round to encourage ‘Active Women’ – in a drive to get more women from disadvantaged communities, and women caring for children, playing sport.
Sectors: Engineering - National HE STEM programme universities announced (HEFCE, 10 November 2009)
Six universities will work as part of a major initiative to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) throughout England and Wales.
Sectors: Engineering - Funding available to develop and progress your female talent (Unionlearn, 3 November 2009)
Through the Women and Work Sector Pathways Initiative SEMTA is making funding available to help science, engineering and manufacturing companies in England attract, develop and retain women workers.
Sectors: Sustainable Communities - University of Salford launches Foundation Degree in Sustainable Communities (HCA, 5 November 2009)
The part-time, one afternoon a week course covers a range of issues including regeneration, community safety, local economies and worklessness, sustainable design, governance and community engagement.
Sectors - Health and social care - Nursing set to become all graduate entry by 2013 (Department of Health, 13 November 2009)
All new nurses will be educated to degree level from 2013 making them better equipped to improve the quality of patient care, Health Minister Ann Keen announced today.
Lifelong Learning UK conference
Lifelong Learning UK conference - The Power of Lifelong Learning: Innovation During a Recession
8 December 2009, Kings Place, London.