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Social Care Careers and Progression Seminar

Thursday 5 February 2009
Skills for Business, The Sheffield College
Hillsborough Barracks, Sheffield
9.30am to 12.30pm, lunch will be provided

Location map (PDF document) >

Aimhigher South Yorkshire and Higher Futures Lifelong Learning Network are pleased to invite you to our joint event.

The seminar aims to provide information to teachers and IAG professionals on education and training routes into the social care sector. It will also promote opportunities for learners in schools and further education colleges to progress into higher education and careers requiring higher level skills in this area.

The programme will feature speakers from backgrounds in employment, training, further and higher education. The seminar will close with a plenary session, during which attendees will be able to ask questions of the speakers. This will be followed by a buffet lunch. Information from universities and colleges across the sub-region will be available for delegates to take away.

Book a place
Book early to avoid disappoinment. To book a place, please send an e-mail containing your name and contact details to Jane Colquhoun, Aimhigher Senior Administrator, at by Monday 15 January 2009 at the latest, or telephone 0114 225 3736.

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