The conference is now closed, but the contributions will remain viewable for a while as an archive. Watch out for the a new call for proposals next year.
The conference will have three themes, The Past, The Present and the Future of Women in Surveying.
We would like to hear about women's experiences in all aspects of surveying at any stage in their career from all parts of the world. We hope the conference will highlight our shared experiences and maybe also some unique ones, and that it will provide a platform for further discussion and debate.
Please use the links below to find out more, and register for the conference.
About the conference | Conference programme | How to participate | Registration | How to submit papers | Referees
has received funding from three organisations: The Fédération
Internationale des Géomètres (FIG), the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Sheffield Hallam University based, Land
Use Research Club.
The website was developed by the Centre for Multimedia in Education, Sheffield Hallam University, 8/11/04 17:21