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Case Study 5: Student perspectives on politics


Is voting about self interest and individual freedom or about the common good and social justice? Who is in a position of power? Who is going to make change happen and how would you lead a campaign for change? If you represented the business community in your area would you have a different set of values to those who represented under privileged sections of that same community?

Student perspectives on politics complements the sections 'Social and Moral Responsibility' and 'Community Involvement'. It provides resources for students to be 'active citizens' for political engagement as well as 'participation in life'. It is designed to increase students' knowledge base on matters of identity, the nature of pressure groups, control and influence in society and democratic processes. These ideas are supported by a series of student formed seminar activities.

Literature Review

by Gary Taylor and Liam Mellor

Link to PDF file


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Student perspectives on politics

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Students can study topics on the meaning of democracy, minorities and elite power

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Demonstration placardPressure Groups
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An evaluation of students creating resources for students

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