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Phase 1 Phase 2


Phase 2

general Themes


The New Deal for Communities Experience: A final assessment (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Experience: A final assessment - Executive summary (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume one - Achieving a neighbourhood focus for regeneration (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume two - Involving local people in regeneration (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume three - Making deprived areas better places to live (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume four - Improving outcomes for people in deprived neighbourhoods (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume five - Exploring and explaining change in regeneration schemes (March 2010)

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume six - Assessing impact and value for money (March 2010)

The Composite Index of Relative Change (CIRC): Identifying Change in NDC areas (April 2011)

Assessing Neighbourhood Level Regeneration and Public Expenditure (Jan 2010)

Tracking Economic Development in New Deal for Communities Areas (Jan 2010)

Four years of change? Understanding the experiences of the 2002–2006 New Deal for Communities Panel - Main Report (Oct 2009)

Four years of change? Understanding the experiences of the 2002–2006 New Deal for Communities Panel - Summary (Oct 2009)

Residential mobility and outcome change in deprived areas (Oct 2009)

The 2008 Partnership Survey (Oct 2009)

The NDC Programme: Outputs and expenditure over the period 1999–2007 (Oct 2009)

Transformational change? A synthesis of new evidence 2008–09 (Oct 2009)

An Overview of Cross-sectional Change Data 2002–2008 (Oct 2009)

Neighbourhood governance: making NDC elections a significant event for partnerships and communities? (Dec 2008)

New Deal for Communities: Delivering Succession Strategies (Dec 2008)

New Deal for Communities: A Synthesis of New Programme Wide Evidence 2006-07 (Jan 2008)

Challenges, Interventions and Change: An Overview of Neighbourhood Renewal in Six New Deal for Communities areas (April 2008)

Communications: Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme (Sept 2008)

Devising and delivering masterplanning at neighbourhood level: Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme (Sept 2008)

Working with Local Strategic Partnerships and Local Area Agreements: Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme (Sept 2008)

'The 2006 Partnership Questionnaire': A Briefing Note (June 2007)

What Works in Neighbourhood-level Regeneration? The views of key stakeholder in the new deal for communities programme (Feb 2010)

Tenure and Change in Deprived Areas: Evidence from the new deal for communities areas (Feb 2010)



Crimes Occurring and Prevented in New Deal for Communites Areas

Delivering Safer Neighbourhoods: Experiences from the New Deal for Communities Programme (April 2008)

Displacement of Crime or Diffusion of Benefit:
Evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme (April 2008)


Raising educational attainment in deprived areas: the challenges of geography and residential mobility for area-based initiatives (Oct 2009)

Narrowing the Gap? Analysing the impact of the new deal for communities programme on educational attainment (Feb 2010)

Improving Attainment? Interventions in education by the new deal for communities programme (Feb 2010)


Improving Health Outcomes in Deprived Communities: Evidence from the new deal for communities programme (Feb 2010)

Housing and the Physical Environment

The Moving Escalator? Patterns of Residential Mobility in NDC Areas (Jan 2007)

Interventions in Housing and the Physical Environment in Deprived Neighbourhoods (Feb 2010)


Understanding and Tackling Worklessness Volume 1: Worklessness, Employment and Enterprise: Patterns and Change (Oct 2009)

Understanding and Tackling Worklessness Volume 2: Neighbourhood Level Problems, Interventions, and Outcomes (Oct 2009)

Understanding and tackling worklessness: Lessons and policy implications (Oct 2009)

Tackling Worklessness in NDC areas - a policy and practice update (Dec 2008)


Improving outcomes? Engaging local communities in the NDC programme (Oct 2009)

Community engagement: Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme (Sept 2008)

Running a Regeneration Programme: The experiences of resident representatives on the boards of new deal for communities partnerships (Feb 2010)


An Overview of Change Data 2006 (Jan 2007)







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