

The study consists of three levels of activity with three different groups of schools, each with incentives in acknowledgement of the commitment from schools to this important study.

Being a case study school involves face-to-face interviews with members of the senior leadership team, induction tutors or mentors; for this each school is given £150 as a contribution to staff cover. Being a 'telephone school' involves a telephone interview with an SLT member and for taking part are given £25 worth of M&S vouchers, perhaps to purchase treats for the staff room. Schools completing our yearly survey are entered into a prize draw to win a £500 voucher for school equipment from Phillip & Tacey. NQTs participating in our annual survey will enter a prize draw to win an 'iPod'.

Details of recent winners are listed below.


Part 1 Prize Draw Winners

NQT Winner - iPod Classic

Rachael Green
James Bradfield Primary School
Kings Lynn

SLT Winners - £500 Phillip & Tacey Gift Voucher for School Equipment

Mandy Cole
Highcroft Junior School
Frampton Cotterell

'The voucher was really helpful and it really came at the right time as we needed new equipment. The school decided to use the voucher for maths equipment in particular calculators because of the new primary maths framework that has been introduced. Calculators are expensive especially for younger children as the school needs to buy bigger ones. The voucher has allowed the school to buy more good quality calculators for younger children. Additional money that was left over was also used for the maths department in particular for mental arithmetic and problem solving. Spending the voucher in the maths department fits in with the school development plan and the new primary maths framework.'

Sue Pelham
Canford Heath Middle School
Canford Heath

'The vouchers were very useful and the school has spent the voucher. All £500 went on curriculum stationary for year 4.'

Jean Willis
Foxhill Primary School

'Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win such a great prize. We decided to use the money to support our Early Years (Foundation Stage) children and have bought items that support these areas:

SCIENCE: Set of Human X- Ray Prints
MATHS: Number Ring Board
READING: Story Cushions
MUSIC: Multicultural Musical Instrument Pack/Set of Maracas
ART/CREATIVITY: Painting Dryer Rack/Indoor-Outdoor Painting Easel'

