
Methodology and methods

for Part 1 of the study conducted December 2007 - March 2008

Executive summary: methodology and methods

The methodology is qualitative and quantitative. The Part 1 study began with a small qualitative study to identify the most appropriate way of conducting the main Part 1 quantitative survey, questions to explore and appropriate incentives to maximise responses and encourage participants to engage in this longitudinal study.


Eleven interviews were conducted in ten schools with SLT members. Issues emerging for further exploration included:

  • in relation to recruitment: the standard of applications; skills, experience, knowledge and commitment of newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
  • in relation to retention: need for training, support and continuing professional development (CPD); inaccurate expectations
  • in relation to NQT quality: lack of experience with parents and with classroom management.

The pre-pilot indicated that the survey should be both paper based and online (given schools' differing use of ICT). Two draft questionnaires were developed (one for senior leadership team, SLT, members and one for NQTs), trialled with the pilot schools and amended based on feedback received. A range of incentives were suggested including: encouraging wording of the survey request; recognition for participation; money and vouchers; prize draws; school equipment.

Part 1 survey

Sampling was used to identify 65 representative local authorities and all schools in these local authorities were surveyed: 4,098 schools. The initial response rate was disappointing and there were several mail and email follow ups, including one from the TDA itself. Telephone follow up was used to encourage responses: reasons for non response included 'no NQTs' or 'no time'. Responses were: 705 completed questionnaires from SLT members and 113 giving reasons for non response giving a response rate of 18%; 272 completed questionnaires from NQTs . The datasets were analysed using SPSS. Comments in open boxes were transcribed and manually coded.