Top bar containing today's date. ICED Conference 2006, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK. 11th to 14th June 2006.

Dates to remember

Bullet point. 17th November 2008
First call for submissions

9th January 2009
Second call for submissions

6th March 2009
Deadline for submissions

9th March 2009
Conference registration opens

24th April 2009
Notification of acceptance

15th May 2009
Close of Early Bird Registration

19th June 2009
Final date for Registration

8th-9th July 2009
Conference dates

About the Institutional Research Conference

Building on the success of last year's conference at Southampton Solent University - Exploring the Hinterlands: Mapping an Agenda for Institutional Research in the UK - this year we wish to bring together exponents and users of a diverse range of approaches to what might be termed 'institutional research' to build a community to promote it more widely.

We take Institutional Research (or IR) to mean the use of research and enquiry to provide evidence to inform policy, practice and managementat all levels within higher education. This includes management information to inform policy and strategy, evaluation and pedagogic research to inform learning and teaching, and using data gathered for different purposes to better understand and manage activities within institutions, including the student experience.

Whilst the conference is primarily about building an IR community in the UK and Ireland, we welcome submissions and delegates from around the world, presenting or representing a variety of institutional research approaches and traditions from which we can all learn.

Professor Ranald Macdonald
Conference Chair & Convenor