Conference MaterialsiEMLS's original function of publicizing conferences has been made less necessary by the growth of sites such as the UPenn Calls for Papers list and associated website. This section, therefore, is now an archive of past conference materials and conference papers.
- Conference Programs and Registration Materials
- 1603: The Historical and Cultural Consequences of the Accession of James I (University of Hull, 27-28 June 2003)
- New Directions in Biographies of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson (Stratford-Upon-Avon, 22-23 September 2001)
- International Conference on Francis Bacon (London, 6-9 September 2001)
- Past Conference Programs
- Poetry from Piety: Early Modern Women's Translation and Paraphrase in Manuscript (Warwick, 18 November 2000)
- Attending to Early Modern Women: Gender, Culture, and Change (University of Maryland, 9-11 November 2000)
- Marketplace and Society (Barnard College, 5 December 1998)
- Literary Circles in Renaissance England (University of Michigan-Dearborn, 16-17 October 1998)
- La Nouveauté ŕ la Renaissance (University of Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, 12-13 June 1998)
- The Renaissance Computer (University of St Andrews 19-20 June 1998).
- Thomas More in his Time: Renaissance Humanism & Renaissance Law (St.Patrick's College, Ireland, August 9-16, 1998).
- 1614: Year of Crisis (Birkbeck College, University of London, 25 July 1998).
- The Tempest in the Old World and the New: A University of Maryland Colloquium (4 April 1998)
- The Faerie Queene in the world, 1596-1996: Edmund Spenser Among the Disciplines. Yale Center for British Art. 26-28 September,1996.
- Literature and the English Civil Wars: The Twelfth Biennial Renaissance Conference. University of Michigan-Dearborn. 11-12 October, 1996
- Sleep, Dream, and Vision in the Renaissance (Massey College Library, University of Toronto, September 25-26, 1997)
- The Rhetorics and Rituals of (Un)veiling in Early Modern Europe (University of Michigan, October 3-5, 1997)
- Somebodies, Nobodies, and Just Bodies": Medieval to Early Modern Estates, Texts and Persons (Simon Fraser University, October 17-19, 1997)
- Comparative Colonialisms: PreIndustrial Colonial Intersections in Global Perspective (Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Thirty-First Annual Conference Binghamton University, State University of New York, October 31 and November 1, 1997).
- Conference Papers
- Hardy M. Cook. "A Shakespearean in the Electronic Study." A paper submitted to the computing approaches seminar of the 1990 SAA conference in Philadelphia. (From SHAKSPER)
- Hardy M. Cook. "Valuing the Material Text: A Plea for a Change in Policy Concerning Selection of Reference Texts for Future New Variorum Shakespeare Editions, with Examples from the 1609 Quarto of Shake-speare's Sonnets." A paper submitted to the "Shakespeare's Sonnets: Mapping Un certainty" seminar of the 1994 SAA conference in Albuquerque. (From SHAKSPER)
- David Evett. "Remembering Death: Deathbed Scenes in Shakespeare's Plays and the Visual Tradition." Seminar Paper for Shakespeare and the Graphic Arts. 1994 Annual Meeting of SAA. (From SHAKSPER)
- Douglas E. Green. "New-Minted Shakespeare: Old Currency in a New Classroom Economy." 1993 SAA seminar paper. (From SHAKSPER)
- Peter Grubbs. "Loyalty as an Elizabethan Practice: Establishing the Queen's Power." Ohio Shakespeare Conference, 1993.
- Harry Hill. "The Mixture of 'High' and 'Low' Culture in Hamlet I, i: A Close Reading." This paper was delivered at Popular Culture Association Meeting in Syracuse, NY, on November 2nd 1995. (From SHAKSPER)
- Ian Lancashire. "The Public Domain Shakespeare." Paper presented at 1992 MLA Session on Electronic Archives. (From SHAKSPER)
- Stephen Matsuba. "`The Cunning Pattern of Excelling Nature': Literary Computing and Shakespeare's Sonnets." A paper presented at the ALLC/ICCH conference, "The Dynamic Text," Toronto Canada, June 1989. (From SHAKSPER)
- Kenneth B. Steele. "Vowing, Swearing, and Superpraising of Parts: Petrarch and Pyramus in the Woods of Athens." Paper delivered at the 14th Annual Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova, Pennsylvania, September 1989. (From SHAKSPER)
- Kenneth B. Steele. "`This Falls Out Better Than I Could Devise': Play-bound Playwrights and the Nature of Shakespearean Comedy." An expanded version of a paper contributed to the ludic elements seminar at the 1990 SAA Conference in Philadelphia. (From SHAKSPER)
- Kenneth B. Steele. "`The Letter was not Nice but Full of Charge': Towards an Electronic Facsimile of Shakespeare." A paper presented at the ALLC/ICCH conference, "The Dynamic Text," Toronto Canada, June 1989. (From SHAKSPER)
- Stephen Urkowitz. "'Do me the kindnes to looke vpon his' and 'Heere, read, read': An Invitation to the Pleasures of Textual/ Sexual Di(Per)versity." Paper presented to the 1991 SAA in Vancouver. (From SHAKSPER)
- Joanne Woolway. "Spenser and the Culture of Place." Guest Lecture: University of Oslo, April 17, 1996.
© 2004-, Matthew Steggle (Editor, EMLS).